Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

We have not had nearly enough UA talk on the thread lately. Not nearly enough.

Is anyone planning on attending the UA Capstone Scholars Day in January?

@appleMAC — and thank you for providing my chuckle for the evening!

Nothing to add to the UA conversation.

I do want to say that I am not feeling stalked (on behalf of son). Or perhaps I am just deleting emails and tossing mailers in the recycle bin without even considering them.

@appleMAC --no, didn’t look like too much more than we got to do and see with an Honors tour there earlier this fall

D has a friend who is definitely going to UA and is very excited.

She has another classmate who got a 30 and then a 31 on his ACT and is trying one more time. We are rooting him on!

@appleMAC - We are considering it. D has been accepted and received her scholarship offers (very generous). Still need to finish the Honors app. MSU (Bozeman) is still her first choice but the $ from UA is enticing. My D hates to miss school and would have to miss about 4 days (unexcused) to go to the Capstone Scholars Day.

We finally got our FAFSA submitted yesterday. Yay! Mostly a formality, but hopefully D can get a loan if needed (not likely if she goes to UA).

That is discouraging that there is not much in the way of independent merit out there that is non need based and doesn’t require much in the way of EC’s. That’s pretty much what we have been finding. D hates writing essays as much as the next student and doesn’t want to put forth a lot of effort toward hopeless causes. Especially since she still needs to churn out some good essays for the Presidential/Provost scholarships at MSU.

@CT1417 - We toss and delete a lot here also. D is pretty clear that she is not interested in any more schools, so unless I see something that might change her mind it gets tossed.

Most of the smaller/regional outside scholarships I can see on the school counselor site have a “need” based component. D won’t complete those–says she would feel bad if it takes away an opportunity from someone who really needs it. I get it and respect it but will still keep looking for a few.

@Building - We did visit the campus over the summer and loved it. U of M was not on his radar until after the visit. The school is very large with two campuses that are a bus ride apart. Since my son would have all of his classes at the Minneapolis it actually makes the school seem smaller. The programs they offer were very compelling. He was so excited he moved the school up to his top tier.

Weird grades in AP US Gov here. DS got a C+ on the previous essay test and hadn’t gotten a straight answer about why. Teacher said today that all the essay portions of the test had been wiped out because he was “trying to fix something” in the grading portal and somehow all those grades got wiped. So, the next test (which DS has to make up because it happened while he was in New York) will count double for the essay portion.

DS was hoping to get an actual answer about why the C grade, because there is some suspicion among the students that one has to agree with the teacher’s Tea Party views. (Not Trumpism, just Tea Party DS says. I’m not sure I could spot the difference.) The teacher claimed at Back-to-School Night that the students didn’t know his political views and he was good at hiding them from everyone. That’s not what the kids say. Googled the teacher and found he was moved to our high school from another local high school after parent complaints about partisanship teaching AP World History there.

The other possibility is that’s it’s something to do with the teacher being out for 3-4 weeks for knee surgery and some grading issues with the series of substitutes they had.


More good news and a progress report.

D17 has been selected to interview for the Otis A. Singletary at Kentucky. She hasn’t actually been notified of acceptance, but I assume that is in the mail.

She completed two more apps, so 8 of 9 complete. 1 more app due by 12/1, but it has two tougher essays. 4 to 6 scholarship essays remain, one due 12/1, the rest 1/1 or later.

Onward and upward

@ynotgo that sucks. We have been dealing with D20’s anger over her English teacher shooting down every single thing the kids said on Wednesday that they were concerned about. Everything they said (very diverse school, only about 20% white) she said “oh that won’t happen” to the point where the kids felt they were being told they were silly for expressing concerns. Teachers should stay neutral or listen and facilitate discussion, not engage in arguments with students and they should definitely stay neutral when grading.

learned a lesson today. Filled out Fafsa and CSS weeks ago. Sent them to all the schools that S has applied to, including ED school. Today, I learned that many of his schools require additional submissions. His ed school had a 6 page supplement, and many want our tax returns. Some need to be mailed, sone online, some fax. Tomorrow I need to spend time checking all the schools, and getting out any extra stuff. Then I think I need to check with schools to see that they have it all. Not liking this process. Live and learn


I’m guessing you already know about the two big CO scholarships - Boettcher (merit-based) & Daniel’s (need-based), but mentioning them just in case. They do require all the standard stuff - leadership, CS, etc. . .

Naviance has a few small merit-only scholarships.


Thanks for the heads up on the FA supplements. These were not on my radar at all.

DS finished the local merit-only scholarship application with 46 minutes to spare

@Dave_N Congrats!

@appleMAC We are not planning on going down in for Capstone Scholars. If we go down before Bama Bound, it will be for the sorority teas in March. You all can see where my daughters priorities are:)

Way to go @Dave_N <:-P

@Dave_N Awesomeness! Congratulations to your D, and your W (wallet)!

@Dave_N Congratulations! Great news!

@jpc763 Thank you for the info!

Congrats @Dave_N !

When are the interviews?

@Dave_N, Congrats.
I also just want to say that I have come to enjoy you say "Onward and upward
 " Somehow, I hear the uplifting voice :slight_smile: