Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@appleMAC We are planning on a Capstone visit to UA. I’m not sure of the value of the planned day itself, but we haven’t visited campus yet and it coincides with S’s semester break so he doesn’t have to miss school. We are planning a more personalized visit through the admissions office for the day before. Will we see you and your D there?

Also, I keep seeing tips on the UA forum to work with the honors program (S has applied but hasn’t received word of acceptance yet) to set up visits, and the engineering page encourages prospective students to work with them to set up the visit and then they’ll pull in honors, admissions, etc. Does anyone here have any advice whether either of these routes is better than going through the admissions office? AO is willing to work with us but hasn’t officially set anything up yet.

Congrats to @Dave_N and D. That’s great!

Congrats @thermom …… getting it done!!

Son17 just got invited last night to an overnight this weekend by the lax coach at one of the schools on his list. He was happy. The school offers a lot of things he likes, but is not his #1 choice so we will see how it goes.I think it’s good just to check out another viable option. I’m happy to see he has a few legitimately decent schooling choices already, but son17 is really looking forward a few weeks when EA decisions come out.

@IABooks Keeping all options on the table right now. Wondering whether to sign up or not. We have a deal on the table that is in the ballpark of the Presidential at UA, and we’ve visited and liked a lot. There IS the pants thing, though! I think I’ll sign up in case…

@RightCoaster Awesome news on interest shown by the coach.

Kind of QOTD: Anyone else concerned that an overnight visit may hurt more than help with decisions? I’m gonna have a hard time convincing D to stay with someone she’s never met I think. On the fence.

@appleMAC I think overnights, like tours, are hit or miss. It really depends on who you are connected with. I’ve read great stories and horror stories. But at the very least, it will give DC a better overall picture of the that school’s experience.

@Ynotgo I am going to hope it’s the sub issue, that’s wreaked havoc with grades for us in the past. Bringing politics into it is not ok.

Though I continue to stress about my S17’s essay for that very reason.

I would be curious to see the difference between Tea Party and Trumpism not sure I see a difference either. On second thought I really don’t want to know (though ostrich won’t get me anywhere).

@Dave_N Congrats!!!

@BigPapiofthree how did you find out about the FA supplements? I had assumed with PROFILE if they wanted additional info, it would tell you there. No?

@VickiSoCal that is not cool. I agree, teachers need to listen to and support all sides, all points of view as long as they aren’t dismissive and are respectful. Students should not know where the teachers stand in an ideal world (though they always do). My kids seem to be very lucky so far with their school supporting all and really trying to help the kids come together when they are on different sides. Easier said than done with teens with hormones to be sure!

@RightCoaster yay for the LAX invite! Even if not a top choice, feeling wanted is a lovely thing.

@appleMAC yeah I have seen it go both ways in postings. Debating one locally but ultimately I do think they are likely a good thing but the student does need to factor in that it is, as is anything, an isolated data point that really could go either way.

QOTD: My D isn’t interested in staying over anywhere…she is pretty shy and finds the thought of it unpleasant. And I do worry that if she has a bad time she’d rule someplace out, even if it was just that she didn’t get along well with the one kid she got assigned to. I’m not inclined to push it.

@appleMAC about overnights. Usually my son would not be into staying over with some random peeps but in this case he wanted to check the school out and give it a fair shake. In this case I think it will help him to decide if he really wants city life or rural/outdoors life. He has struggled with that a bit. Hopefully, he’ll feel comfortable enough for a night and it will all work out.

@kt1969 My concern as well. My D is a combo shy/loud. She also suffers frequently from RBF if she doesn’t know you well. =)) I don’t want her to rule it out if it doesn’t go well. These kids are smart though. I’ll suggest but not push.

@appleMAC Lol at the RBF…my D totally has that. :slight_smile:

@appleMAC - I’m not sure about capstone day. DS17 already visited this summer and then went back for an Theater audition day a few weeks ago. However if your kid is applying to Blount there may be an interview day that they could attend. DS13 didn’t end up at UA but he did go to the Blount interview day with DH. Both of them got a lot out of it. DH got to talk to other potential UA parents and found it very helpful. DS17 is applying to Blount so he may end up going to that if they like his application.

Re: Overnights

Did anyone read the book “Admissions” or something similar? A recruit to Wellsley (sp?) did an overnight and her roommate took her to some sort of meeting about being proud of your lady parts-- and they were quite proud of their parts. I’ve not been too hip on the overnights since then.

D15 had to stay overnight when she went for some BigMAC scholarship competitions. The schools did good jobs in those cases of selecting hosts. I heard horror stories from 2015 parents about overnight stays (kids were left on their own, brought to inappropriate parties, etc.), but I think the schools try. If your student is very shy or really doesn’t want to go to parties, tell the administration when you set up the stay. Hopefully they will take that into consideration. You have got to assume they want your kids and don’t want to scare them away!!

I first learned about the supplement from a friend. In our case, Penn requires it and tax returns. I am in the middle of investigating further. I have found schools that ask that you send in personal and corporate returns, a couple ask for signed forms, and others are content with just the regular submissions. I am off to the post office today to send out two packages that don’t accept electronic submissions. I also plan on calling the other schools and making sure I have it all down. As we need it, don’t want to mess this up. I think the private colleges are more demanding than the publics. Tho, UVA asks for returns. I think Michigan might as well.

@BigPapiofthree They’re asking for alot of info. I hope you get a nice award in return.

@STEM2017 We have been similarly mail bombed by U. of Chicago since he took the Math Subject test end of sophomore year. S17 has no interested, he couldn’t possibly get in. Except for the amount of paper it wastes it sort of amuses me.

@payn4ward We get asked the “no Ivy’s or Stanford” on S17’s list ALL THE TIME. Mostly I say it’s not a good fit. My son doesn’t have the stats, these schools are way out of reach, just having legacy doesn’t help.

** SOTD ** I would have my son call unless it was urgent & there was no way for him to make the call. He’s actually kept me fairly locked out of the whole processes. I don’t have access to the email he is sent, the logins to the portals, and he even changed the password to the SAT site and I can no longer get in there. I’ve set things us for him with his email, but I have no access. Very frustrating…

@appleMac The problem with overnight visits is how well the school does matching your kid with the students. My daughter did an overnight at the school she attended and it went well. A friend’s kid did one at a top school, disliked the students she was paired with for the overnight & turned down one of her best options. I do think a visit of the top contenders in the spring is in general a good idea, just not 100% sure if an overnight with students is the way to go.


D - But only once and to get an answer for question on CC, didn’t want to bother my D with that task.

QOTD- S17 has done one overnight and it actually worked out well. He’s a bit shy and I was concerned how he’d handle hanging out with people he doesn’t know, but his hosts went out of their way to make him feel welcome and included. And they were freshman, so easier for him to relate to. He did get exposed to some things that I didn’t think he would on an overnight (casual drug use), but he handled it well and it didn’t put him off of the school. Even though he chooses not to drink or do drugs (at least up til now), he knows there is a lot of it at all the schools he’s applying to, and it’s something he will need to handle. So far, his impression is that there’s not a lot of pressure to partake if you don’t want to.

Regarding additional FA docs, we got a notice that some of our schools required all tax returns through IDOC. Once I uploaded them, they are automatically sent to whatever schools request them. Pretty painless. I haven’t heard yet that we need to fill out other forms. I’ll have to investigate further.

In one month’s time, S should have answers from 7 more schools. Only Yes or No answers welcomed. Waitlists and deferrals will just be aggravating. Then nothing until February.

Summer programs/fly-ins/overnights - ime, beware >:)