Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats to your D @Mom2aphysicsgeek! I was ready to have D check with her rep, but will hold off another day or two.

Merit and need-based aid: @kt1969, from looking around schoolsā€™ financial aid sites the past couple years, most explicitly say that need-based aid offsets merit aid (so your $20k merit plus, say, $5k need-based would still total $20k), but a few stack them (so youā€™d get $25k) or partially stack (so they might split the difference, giving you $22.5k). Stacking is rare, and from my utterly nonrepresentative sampling seems to be most common amongst what I conceptualize as low-second- and high-third-tier schools looking to move up by attracting a particular subset of students (namely, the highish-stats ones who are sensitive to finances over status/reputation). Donā€™t know about Knox specifically, though.

Hosting Thanksgiving: Weā€™re bringing half the food to the family weā€™ve had Thanksgiving with every year since we arrived in Alaska. Iā€™d really, really, really like to host, actually, but my wife likes not having the cleaning up to do (it was the deal we made when we got marriedā€”I do all the cooking, she does all the washing up, and we both think we got the better end of that), and I canā€™t begrudge her it, I suppose.

@eandesmom, I make an Herbes De Provence Turkey as wellā€¦still use a Williams Sonoma recipe from 10-15 years backā€¦still love it :x

Congratulations @Collegecue @Mom2aphysicsgeek ! <:-P <:-P

@Collegecue Congrats on USCar acceptance!

One reason not to submit a RD app early is that if wait long enough you might get a fee waiver. Do a google search ā€œcollegename fee waiver college confidentialā€ and see if people got fee waiver emails from that college at some point in the last couple of years.

We are driving down to my Brotherā€™s in NC. Iā€™ve never liked turkey so I always cook something I like to compliment the main dish. Iā€™ve done things like a rib roast when at home but Iā€™m going to try to do bistecca alla fiorentina if I can get some nice dry-aged porterhouse tomorrow from the butcher.

Yay @Mom2aphysicsgeek <:-P Long wait to February, though.

Iā€™d quite this site in favor of the fb group. I really hate how this thread contains all the discussions. Love you all but I donā€™t really want to read through the 80 bazillion Naviance posts :))

@Mom2aphysicsgeek - Congrats!

QOTD - Not hosting Thanksgiving. Iā€™ve only done that twice over the years and letā€™s just say I donā€™t have the level of multitasking skills required. I admire those who do.

It sounds like some of your kids have school this week. All the schools take Thanksgiving week off here now. It is supposed to be Dā€™s essay writing boot camp time, but itā€™s going a little slow so far. She has a scholarship app with five essays due in a week. Hopefully, she will hit a zone.

@STEAM2017 Itā€™s because it was due tomorrow. My S17 has had hard time getting anything done BEFORE deadline. Sometimes can can harness the anxiety/stress and put it to good work. Also writing a personal statement, is much harder for S17 than writing a school essay.

Itā€™s why S17 is working on those UC Insight Essays this weekend. I knew it wouldnā€™t happen until now, so I just planned & kept our Thanksgiving open.

** QQTD Day -Hosting ** YES but your idea of smallā€¦ would be large for me. I am making Thanksgiving Dinner, my IN-laws are coming. There will be 6 of us. A bit sadā€¦ I do like it when we go to my parents and have 10-12 at the table. I donā€™t have any local relatives, most of my friends are doing other things. And we needed to stay home both for S17 to finish his apps & because Iā€™m working crazy. (Just wasting time while for an email backā€¦ & phone call from college whoā€™s on a plane.)

@STEM2017 it is just the 5 of us this year, which we really love. All the usual food followed by some Black Friday planning:)

@showmetheMAC D hasnā€™t heard anything either. Congrats to everyone else who got into UofSC. It is just like Clemson some have heard and some havenā€™t. Drives us crazy! If D didnā€™t have the stats, it would be different.

Why canā€™t my son just get a 500 word essay done??? My daughter can get a 12 page paper finished in the time my son can get a 500 word essay started. :((

We go to my visit family for Thanksgiving. This year (and most now) a cousin hosts. We have about 15 people. Everyone brings a dish or two so all of the cooking doesnā€™t fall on one family. Plus we all have our favorites, like the chocolate pecan pie! :wink:

@jeepgirl I am under the belief that people make mistakes. I have already seen them related to our application process (e.g., we continued to receive emails from USCar that our app was not complete, which, in fact, it was) as well as othersā€™ on this thread (hello UMD). There are other things besides stats or essays that can keep kids from being accepted, and there is no visibility into some of the ā€˜decisionsā€™ that are made. It could just be someone ā€˜screwing upā€™ā€¦who knows. So, Iā€™m going to be pessimistic from here on out. :smiley:

@vandyeyes that sounds good! Mine is a tried and true Giada recipe, interior stuffed with citrus, onions and herbs and then the breast rubbed with the oil/herb mix. We switched to it many many moons ago after years of a variety of stuffed birds and have never looked back.

Plus this way I can assign stuffing and itā€™s a different thing each year which works out well!

Thereā€™s a Facebook group? How does one get into that?

UofSCā€™s acceptance came in todays mail. Waiting for D to come home and open it!

Wait, we just got an envelope from USCar with a big ā€œNOā€ on it. What do you think that means???

Congrats!!! @jeepgirl

Means someone isnā€™t going to prom.

I donā€™t know about yaā€™ll, but I need a JOTD: