Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@nw2this I sort of feel the same way. In fact D and I talked about it tonight. She questioned if they would really care, or even notice? I told her I wasn’t sure but she needs to make sure she isn’t dishonest on her apps. Then she said “I can understand them not wanting to admit someone trying to be deceitful or dishonest, but if any of my schools don’t want me because I decided to switch to honors independent study from Calc for one semester without even asking me why, then that is probably a school I don’t want to attend”

I think she has a point and her decision is made :slight_smile:

I think we are really warming up to the idea if I’m rejected from a school then it probably isn’t the right school for me anyway.


No travel. I find it uber stressful to even contemplate unless it starts a few days after xmas. My work is insane in December and by the time the holiday rolls around I can barely speak, definitely not pack! I just want to do nothing. But at the same time I hate to waste vacation days on stay cations, so will only take a few days off.

Plus SD and SS will be here and since we have to share them, it makes zero sense to go away and give up possible time.

@CT1417 - Oh yes, he narrowed down the 4 remaining schools she should apply to - Penn, Columbia, Georgetown, and Yale. Penn because both him and my husband went to Wharton, Columbia because he attended (he had to put a lot of thought into this one though because the location wasn’t the best over 50 years ago,) Georgetown because I attended, and Yale because DD attended the Global Scholars program there last summer. Did I mention that two of the applications she already submitted were a waste of time in his opinion? I keep reminding him that my nephew, on my husbands side, struck out three years ago and we do not want the same result for DD. My DD is expecting lots of rejection letters in the Spring; my dad is going to be schocked by them.

Parents “advice:” My mom announced at T-giving dinner that she just had a “feeling” DD will be admitted to her ED reach school. My eyes wanted to pop out of my head. Respectfully, please keep your feelings to yourself and don’t give DD any false hope!

Holiday travel: Going about 90 miles from home to spend the holiday in our usual beach condo rental. I’m trying to conserve vacation days for my upcoming retirement but would still like to ‘get away.’ We put up a small tree, make a holiday meal, work on a huge puzzle and watch movies all weekend. Can’t wait!

Applications: No real shift in #1–thankfully it is still her ED school! But, her safety school (and acceptance) has moved ahead of some RD apps that may never come to fruition, even if her ED school doesn’t come through. I think when the thought of attending college moved from a concept to reality, the criteria shifted a little. I was wishing it would shift to being closer to home but, so far, no dice. I have found it hard to keep pushing the schools we didn’t visit yet–there is just nothing to hold on to.

Well, we’ve reached the end of the week before some ED results are in–tension is building here!

@BlueAFMom, better the “feeling” from your mom than mine – we had a big fight right before T-giving because she was angry about the school my DS chose to apply to ED. She wanted him to apply to the family alma mater, and she considers the school he chose to be “second rate,” “a school nobody ever heard of,” etc. I asked her to please keep her feelings to herself and not share them with DS, but I discovered later that she had, at least to some extent, shared her views with him. Apparently (according to my dad), DS explained calmly and convincingly (again, at least to my dad, not my mom) why he chose the school he did. Man, was I ever ticked off at my mom!! And considering that the school DS applied to is a Top 25 school in anybody’s rankings, her complaints really were pretty darn ridiculous.

My parents are the same way, it can be frustrating! Although I certainly try to set realistic expections, what’s wrong with a little hope!! You had to hope to apply in the first place! Better to think positively than negatively I think!

@soxmom and @BlueAFMom --wow!

Hinting at “feelings of acceptance” is good support in a way but the false hope would be a bit agonizing for sure!

I think once you get to be a grandparent, you don’t get to have an opinion UNLESS the grandparents are footing the bill, lol!

oh, the fights with the “grandparents” I could go on and on as could my siblings :((

My mom doesn’t care about the prestige schools, but she did loudly and frequently talk about how bad the state of Alabama is over Thanksgiving. She also expressed relief he hadn’t applied to U of South Carolina, because apparently that is even worse. :-?? I don’t think it bothered my son, but it annoyed me.

My parents have been gone since D was in middle school, but they would have been supportive of every option.

My inlaws are very opinionated. However, they are also anti-intellectual and never ever ask/ed about the kids’ education. Never.

oh well, my parents have to no clue about colleges here so no issues :slight_smile: However my sister thinks since we can afford lottery schools we should focus more on those than chase MAC :slight_smile:

Our list has stayed the same but there has been some movement in what school is the favorite. The top 3 have been pretty solid for the last 3 months but there’s never been a #1 and sometimes I think he leans one way or another based upon how much he thinks they want him. Working on apps for competitive scholarships have made him feel more attached to those results but he also likes the idea of knowing what he’s doing and where he’s going. It’s going to be a long wait until spring to really know what the costs for each will be.

Holidays plans-not much here, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with both families and then a week off to just chill out. It’ll be nice.

Weird or no? Skype interview set up with an AO. AO sets a weekend date and time. Student confirms. Then AO asks for a text reminder 30 mins before the interview. No biggie. Student replies, sure. Just wonder if it means, hey, I really am not interested in interviewing you. :frowning: ??? Or just an honest request.

Odd and signs of a disorganized person. I wouldn’t read more into it than that.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek – that falls in the strange category for me! And, gave me a laugh!

No idea what it means. You will have to come back and report how the interview flowed.

I have to admit DH and I are the ones who sometimes get “that feeling” and we know better. Thank goodness DD is reasonable and ignores us.

Trying to catch up!

Travel – we are spending the Christmas holiday break mostly in south Florida - ready for some warm sunshine!

DS finally got his app done last night for USC - I think it turned out strong but was a real bear. Now 4-5 more to go and all have significant supps - trying to get him to prioritize. He’ll start hearing fro EA school in about 2 weeks. Depending on how it goes, he might drop 2 or more of the apps he plans to submit if not already sent in by then. Are some of you in a similar situation?

@CA1543 D dropped all RD schools from consideration after slogging through all the EA/priority applications!

There’s an interesting thread in the Texas A&M forum (I recognize 1 or 2 names from this group) about students having trouble getting required engineering classes. Washington was also mentioned where someone had the same problem. I mention this not to bash the schools, but to remind all of us to look into that kind of thing when our kids are making their decisions on where to go in the coming months. It makes us very thankful that UCSB engineering guarantees kids their required classes and actually tells them to sign up for GEs first so that they have the best shot at those.

@youcee—is the Washington you mention UW in Seattle? That was the feeling we had after touring UW and Berkeley, so both fell off the list.