Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@STEM2017 fingers and toes crossed!

Wish your son the best @STEM2017 !!

Good luck! @STEM2017! :)>-

::::::::::::::::::::fingers crossed::::::::::::::::::::


Good luck @STEM2017 !!!

Good Luck @STEM2017!

Hope DS gets good news @STEM2017!

Best of luck @STEM2017 !!!

QOTD – If your student has received a award or had a significant accomplishment after submitting their application are they informing the schools they applied to and if so how?

Also, other than opening emails that colleges send DS he is not reaching out to AOs or making contact after submitting his application. Are your students trying to be more proactive for the schools you believe care about interest?

@CA1543 My Dd has updated information twice, once when she made the US team and again when she received a 3rd. How she has updated has depended on the school. USCar requires updates to be physically mailed. Some she has simply emailed an updated resume. Others she has just contacted her AO (if she has had interaction with them.) Some she hasn’t contacted at all bc she figured it wouldn’t make any difference.

QOTD - Yes, my D just did this yesterday after we checked with her CC. As mentioned above, the method depends on the school. One had a form for updates and another we were able to find a regional AO email addy. The other 2 are safeties and her award won’t matter one bit with them so she hasn’t bothered to update them.

QOTD Part 2 - My D has had no interaction with AOs other than the update on the award. I think the update itself shows a lot of interest and concern about getting accepted. I don’t know how else she could show interest at this point other than opening emails and subscribing to blogs, newsletters, etc. without seeming like a pest. She really has no reason to contact the AOs, unfortunately.


D received her Pitt virtual reality viewer. She’s at work, so I get to play with it first. :slight_smile:

@itsgettingreal17 DD got hers yesterday and left it in the counter unopened/untouched. DH had to break it out! Disappointed when we figured out it needed an app that neither of us could download on our phones (gov’t secure) while she was out for the evening
grrr. I was a bit intrigued by the “investment” in admitted/uncommitted students–probably cost more than a t-shirt!

In general updating schools with positive news is a great idea. Not only does the accomplishment count, continued contact demonstrates interest.

There are some schools that communicate that more information isn’t better. For example, Purdue and Penn State do not require or want to see SAT2 scores. More recommendations, other than required, are unwanted.

For most schools, interest in any form helps. In addition to the ideas already mentioned, DC can send report cards when available, additional letter of recommendation, an email stating that the school is their #1. I’ve read many blogs where students with extremely good qualifications get denied because schools did not understand that there was true interest. If DC doesn’t have a specific contact person, sending an email to the admissions department in general is fine. DS has always received a response to emails sent this way.

For schools that like interest, do not take no response to DC’s emails as a negative sign. Schools track these attempts, and they are nothing but positives in terms of interest.

@BlueAFMom it’s very cool! You get to your many places on campus not included on the tour.

Thanks for the wishes everyone. Still no answer. We weren’t expecting to hear until January but then some high stats kids got the call. Another teaser, I guess.

@itsgettingreal17 Pitt really has their act together. Sounds like a very cool app.

@CAtransplant Trouble getting into classes is a big problem at almost any many big public schools. it’s one of the downsides to many of them. A the UC’s this is a big problem, I would expect it a large school like UW.

My D12 went to a small LAC and she found even at her school she had to be ON TOP of registration to get into some of her classes the semester she wanted to take them. It would seems you wouldn’t have a problem, it’s a small private school. But sometimes they would only offer one class, with a limit of (16 or 20 kids) because of space/equipment, availability of teachers. Or needed classes would be only offered at the same time slot and couldn’t both be taken. You could still get shut out of classes you needed if you weren’t careful.

I was wondering if DS received the Pitt virtual viewer because he did not attend an in-person event, but that doesn’t sound like the case. The whole family enjoyed it a lot. All the experiences with Pitt have been positive, and if we could have worked out a time to visit, it’s possible it would be high on the list. Just not sure it’s going to happen. [-(