Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

DD applied to three summer programs. Since they are all highly selective, I told her not to count on them and to secure a back-up plan. I am really hoping she gets one of the three but I am not allowing myself to hope for any of them. We shall see in a couple of weeks what her summer might look like!

We also like Google Docs. DD used it to get feedback from her science mentor.

@itsgettingreal17 glad your trip with your D went so well. It’s nice you’re both on the same page and that she has a focus on what schools she wants.

I haven’t used google docs a lot and I really should. Great way to edit share etc.

My D still hasn’t decided on her summer besides volunteering in a hospital but that seems like a common thing ppl do so it won’t really help her stand out with her ec’s. It’s been hard to plan things because we have a couple of trips planned and she has cheer all summer and then cheer camp for a week as well, so she can’t really go away for a more than a week in between these things. It’s so important to have good ECs and even though she won’t cheer in college, hopefully they will see her passion and dedication for it because it’s basically an all year sport because her school competes as well. She just has off March April and May and then it starts all over again.

My S has applied for two summer programs so far and two more are due this week. All are highly selective, so fingers crossed. He is also applying for a scholarship. All these require multiple essays. Hopefully gives him good writing experience. Good luck to all kids who are applying for summer programs.

I’m glad to hear your trip went so well and that your D found some great fits. How many colleges did she eliminate?

My D and I leave for a spring break trip in one week. So far we are very much on the same page from reading about her picks. Like you, I’m also looking forward to just hanging out with her and some great conversation. Plus we get to spend two days in Boston (BU and Northeastern)!

S got happy news that he has been accepted to the summer program to which he applied. He’s already visited quite a few local schools with older sibs. During spring break, we will only visit one
we will be resting and relaxing the rest of the time. Junior year is so stressful
it will be nice to just chill out!!

Safe travels to everyone embarking on a spring break college visit trip!

@snoozn She eliminated 3 that we visited. Then based on what she liked, we eliminated all liberal arts schools and a good number of others. Down to around 35 for her to consider with the goal of getting down to around 20 (large merit chasing).

Have a wonderful trip with your daughter!

@Felicita congrats on the acceptance for your S to a summer program.

We are visiting 2 schools next week over 2 days and the rest of the break will be R&R, beach, friends.

And repeating the same sentiment that everyone have a great spring break!

@Felicita - congratulations on summer program acceptance. What kind of program is this (if you can disclose).

With Science Bowl and Science Olympiad competitions coming up, no college visits for us during spring break.

@Felicita What wonderful news for your son!

Spring break this year is in two weeks. I hope dd learns the decisiom about her summer program by then. We have a visit to American planned for that Monday. If she’ll be abroad for the summer we could swing a flying visit to one of the far away schools during the week.

Well, I just booked our rooms for our trip. One thing I am concerned about are the KY budget cuts. I hope they won’t impact UKy’s NMF scholarships or this trip will be for naught. Dd is super excited about the interaction she has had with this dept. It is the first one that comes close to fitting her needs.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek I’ll be interested in your trip to UKY. We will hopefully be in Lexington for D20’s gymnastics regional, and will hopefully fit in a tour. Have to keep an eye on those budget cuts too. Seems ever more common.

So my daughter gets to school this morning - first day back after our college tour - and sends me the following text message: “
very disappointed to realize I’m still in high school.” lol

@itsgettingreal17 thanks for sharing. That made me smile. :slight_smile:

@itsgettingreal17 that’s pretty cool - she is thinking positively about her future in college!!

DD takes pi day very seriously. She just baked an apple pie after school. Oh, I just have to put the stuff back and close all cabinet doors.

Happy Pi Day!! :wink: , everyone!!

My goodness! I though my daughter is the only one who leaves all the cabinet doors open!
She baked pie today, too, in honor of Pi Day.

My D’s love Pi day too! However since my DH bday is tomorrow, they are making him a cake so no pie today :frowning:

And MIT always release their decisions on Pi day too. Fun fact

DD is a baker but coaches and plays volleyball. So no homemade pie for me.

Lent here. No treats. :wink:

Kids all brought pies in to Physics class today.