Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

D made a chocolate pie for Pre-Calc yesterday. And her Latin mid-term is on the Ides of March (today).

Junior College Night is this evening. I am interested to see if I learn anything that I did not already get from CC. It will be good for my D, she is excited to start college, but not interested in the process of getting accepted.

Pre Calc was scheduled to have pie for S17, but both he and S19 are in Ireland on a school band trip so I have no idea if they had pie or not. Likely not. I decided that it didnā€™t matter that they were out of the country, I wanted pie, so purchased one anyway.

I have a question-D17 and D15ā€™s technology teacher just announced that heā€™s leaving for a different school beginning next year. Does it make sense for both girls to ask him now (or the next few months) for a letter of recommendation?

It is not that weird for D17, but D15 would have to hold onto the letter for a year before sheā€™d need it. They both have a very longstanding and good relationship with this teacher (since they were freshmen), and Iā€™m so sad he wonā€™t be there next year.

@MotherOfDragons I think it makes sense for D17 to ask for an LOR before the end of the year. A 2-year old reference may be a little unusual, Iā€™m not sure. If there is a good relationship, then maybe keep in touch with the teacher, keep his contact info, and you can decide later?

Wait? D15? Or D18? (18 being 2018 when she graduates HS) If she only graduates a year after D17, then itā€™s not that strange, and I would get an LOR.

@MotherOfDragons Iā€™m guessing D15 is really 15 years old, but is a class of 18 or 19? I would think that would be a bit odd as schools might prefer something more current but hanging on to one certainly couldnā€™t hurt as long as you arenā€™t restricted to the teachers loading them directly into Naviance. If you are, the system may not be set up to take them for the younger one, I know ours isnā€™t.

@MotherOfDragons, I was also thinking the logistics of the LORā€™s. You can sure ask now but would they need to be uploaded to the Common Application?

Yep, sorry guys, D17 is my seventeen year old daughter, D15 is my 15 year old daughter. They graduate in 2017 and 2018, respectively.

I will ask about how the LORā€™s are handled by the school. Iā€™ve never seen anything about Naviance, and I donā€™t think our school uses it.

My encounters with the GCā€™s have been beyond unproductive and frustrating, and given my steamroller personality Iā€™m choosing to limit contact with the GCā€™s so I donā€™t burn any opportunities for the girls-theyā€™re going in and asking questions rather than me.

A LoR could still be useful for your D18 (graduating in 2018) for summer program applications if there might be any of those. Summer programs often take paper LoR in a sealed envelope. I think most colleges prefer them to be submitted online through the Common App, email, etc.


Is there any info on the school website about the college process from the schools perspective? I can relate to your frustration but I did find, for me, after a lot of digging around, the info I wanted was thereā€¦just kind of hidden and completely targeted for seniors. Even though the school itself and the GC havenā€™t sent squat home, it was helpful to me to know what I can expect going forward. Case in point, they have a college planning night next month. There has been NO communication on it at all and both my H and I will be out of town. Had I not gone digging, I wouldnā€™t know. Now that I do, at a minimum I can make S17 go, with my parents and have my parents bring the info back. I had mentioned a couple of teachers as possible LORā€™s to my S17 and he looked at me like I was crazy. It just isnā€™t something they do yet in his school and it is all electronic and goes through their own system.

Our schools timeline is dramatically later than what many are posting here (as in it really all starts senior year) but at least there was one. At our school the GCā€™s, and teachers do not want to talk to the parents. They want it all driven by the student so the fact that your girls are owning it is fabulous and likely to get them much better results so kudos to you for empowering them. As far as Naviance goes, our school barely informs the parents it exists. They roll it out at the start of the year, send home log in info and well, thatā€™s it. I seriously donā€™t think they have the kids really use it until senior year starts, which apparently is not the norm for some folks here but is consistent with my stepkids HS when they went through the process. I will say, even though it seems late in comparison to what I am seeing on here, it didnā€™t hurt the steps from getting the schools they wanted at all.

@eandesmom I never thought to look at the senior level section, thanks for that.

Looking at it, I can see Iā€™ve missed some college planning webinars. Why itā€™s on the senior page for this spring makes no sense to me.

It looks like you fill out this huge form for the GCā€™s and they regurgitate it into a LOR for the schools you apply to. The checklist on the senior page says ā€œget recommendationsā€ with a check box next to it. For someone like me whoā€™s very detail-driven, this makes me kind of bonkers. :slight_smile:

D17ā€™s peer group is pretty supportive and non-competitive, and theyā€™re all college bound, so hopefully sheā€™ll find out about stuff and pursue it in a timely manner.

@motherofdragons I think the LOR needs to be more current for college apps, like from her junior year. However @ynotgo had a great suggestion for using it for summer programs. I feel your frustration @eandsmom , my kids GC stinks too. No help whatsoever. I think its times like this that I realize private school may have benefitted my kids, but too late now. I donā€™t think the GC really knows how to communicate/have a relationship with colleges OOS and thatā€™s where we need it the most.

@MotherOfDragons I hadnā€™t thought to look there either and thatā€™s where I found our stuff as well. Kind of cracked me up as it did mention some things the ā€œseniorsā€ should do in Augustā€¦except it was stuff they would do at school like asking for LORā€™s and our school doesnā€™t start until September. I suppose the office does open in August but really, like the kids are going to contact teachers then? A heads up this May or June makes far more sense to me on multiple levels.

Our checklist is a bit more specific than yoursā€¦but not much. A few deadlines and suggestions. They tie it all to the Senior Capstone project though, which I didnā€™t realize, so the kids will be forced to get at least one LOR on time, though their end due date is far past any priority applications or ED/EA dates so it just reinforced the notion that we need to be on top of it all and not assume the school will be. It will be quite interesting to see what comes out of this April meeting. There was one last year but as a sophomore who was entirely clueless and struggling at that point, the idea of attending was super stressful to S17 so we passed. I naively assumed there would be more this year but I think all Iā€™ve missed was a college finance planning session and a tech school thing.

S17 has a similar peer group but they are far more focused on ACT/SAT and upcoming AP tests right now then LORā€™s. They are all doing some touring but thatā€™s about as focused as they are. Then againā€¦they are boys. And in all fairness, they all fall into the solid student/college bound but not super competitive seeking selective admission school category. It may look a lot different for my S19 who is targeting far more competitive schools and programs.

My DSD 15 was on top of what she wanted and had her ED in well in advance of the date needed. However, thanks to how her schoolā€™s system handled LORā€™sā€¦there was some scrambling there to meet her ED date. And, in looking at our ā€œseniorā€ info, my S17 could be in the same boat for ED/EA schools so I am glad to know now what we are up against.

Are there multiple GCs at your schools with some being better than others? We happened to get the best one because DSā€™s last name matches DHā€™s. If he had my last name, heā€™d have a fairly bad GC. Families have successfully switched GCs at our school based on getting bad advice. Talk to other parents at your HS and find out the situation in that regard.

I found this (buried very deeply on a PDF): " Ask Core Teacher(s) to write a recommendation or fill out evaluation form (Only if required)
(Include: copy of Senior Profile Information and an addressed stamped envelope (College admission address)"

So I guess they just ask the teachers directly, which could work because the teacher should remember them next fall and the fall after that-weā€™ll just have to go find him at the new school heā€™s moving to.

@Ynotgo yep, there are 6 GCā€™s at the school, but the consensus seems to be that theyā€™re about the same.

I feel the pain from all of you trying to dig this information out on your own. We are fortunate to have a very competent GC, and itā€™s a large public school. Iā€™ve really held back from asking her too much for fear of burning her out. I will say she did tend to hold back initially from providing some information, as if it should be saved for senior year. Heck, I say: bring it on, so weā€™re not blind-sided come August.

Iā€™m hoping the whole LOR thing will not be as big an issue as it seems like it will be.

We just last night were notified of a ā€œNavigating Navianceā€ class for parents this weekend at the HS. Luckily, we did not happen to have plans, so I have that to look forward to.

One tip that I might pass along: I bought a 2-year calendar ā€œPlanAheadā€ Monthly Calendar. Itā€™s a large (8.5x11?) calendar (it opens like a magazine) where I scribble notes and deadlines months and months in advance. For me, itā€™s nice to be able to thumb through it. I also stuff notes and things, and I bring it to all the school functions. I got it at CVS. I knowā€¦ itā€™s low-tech.

This is what I found under documents on our GC website page this weekend. I would NEVER have seen this had I not gone looking and am almost 100% sure S17 has never seen any of this and is the only way I realized there even was a spring college night. Maybe they will hand it out at the spring meeting and they assume if you donā€™t go, you arenā€™t interested? Thatā€™s increedibly frustrating, we do miss some these things due to scheduling and really, this should be pushed out on a regular basis. Some of this is downright sad though (2.0?). About all Iā€™ve seen come my way is reminders for the free tests (PSAT and ACT/SAT practices) and hounding for you to pay for the AP tests and register through the school. I did see a ā€œtaskā€ that the kids were assigned regarding a resume but that due date has passed and Iā€™m not aware they actually told the kids it was assigned!

I wonder if they will actually update this to reflect the change in FAFSA dates or if this is just an ancient recycled document they put up for parents who bother to dig. And for those who do, apparently we were supposed to tour LAST summer (which is ridiculous since schools aren't in session) and that's all they call out. So take this list with a ginormous grain of salt. But in case it might help someone is what ours lays out as a schedule. If nothing else it may call out some details that are helpful in some way.

11th GRADE

June, July, August

ā€¢ Visit college campuses. Call ahead for tour and open house schedules.
ā€¢ Apply for Social Security Number for work or for college. See counselor if you do not have an SSN.
ā€¢ Continue community service work for both graduation and college application enhancement.


ā€¢ Double check course schedule for college entrance requirements.
ā€¢ Sign up for SAT Question of the Day at
ā€¢ Register for PSAT at ASB cashier (about $20). Test date is usually a Wednesday in the third week of October, at school.
ā€¢ Start a folder/organization system for college materials.
ā€¢ All Year Begin or add to your ā€œcolleges Iā€™m thinking aboutā€ list in Naviance.
ā€¢ Attend visits with college reps in the CC. You will be sent an invitation through Naviance for college rep visits for any colleges you have added to your ā€œcolleges Iā€™m thinking aboutā€ list.

ā€¢ Begin a monthly review of scholarship opportunities listed in Naviance. Identify scholarships for which you can apply either now or in your senior year. Other scholarship websites and


ā€¢ Consider attending Local National College Fair.
ā€¢ Attend Financial Aid Night, usually the week right after Thanksgiving.
ā€¢ For future planning, calculate your EFC (Estimated Family Contribution) for the FAFSA, using the fafsa4caster at
ā€¢ If you are a College Bound student, be sure to talk with your counselor about this. You and your parents may find it helpful to check the College Bound website periodically: Keep that GPA above 2.0!


ā€¢ Use your PSAT score report for feedback on your skills and to get ready for the SAT or ACT. Consider enrolling in a practice ACT or SAT offered through SC AVID.

ā€¢ Meet with your school counselor to discuss college ideas/senior year schedule. Enroll in the most rigorous, appropriate courses.
ā€¢ Take the practice ACT at our school, if offered, on one of the non-student days.


ā€¢ Prepare for SAT and/or ACT. Consider independent preparation using a text or online materials, or taking a class. Register for SAT or ACT online. Take one or both spring of junior year. (Possibly retake fall senior year.) See counselor in winter for fee waivers if family is qualified for free/reduced lunch. Consider enrolling in a practice ACT or SAT offered through AVID

ā€¢ Consider college characteristics - private or public, two- or four-year, close or far away, options for majors, special programs, travel considerations, etc. Try using the Naviance college search tools to add to your list.


ā€¢ Start looking for great summer opportunities - employment, experiences, courses, volunteer work, internships. The school College and Career Readiness Center website includes listings as do community media.

ā€¢ Athletes who wish to play NCAA sports in college need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center and complete eligibility

ā€¢ Compile list of possible colleges in Naviance and begin calendar with application deadlines.
ā€¢ Upload your resume in Naviance.
ā€¢ Take SAT I or ACT test.
ā€¢ Brainstorm ideas for personal statements for college applications; prompts can be found on college websites.
ā€¢ Take SAT II subject area tests as required by certain private colleges.

ā€¢ Take SAT II tests in association with completion of related AP courses.
ā€¢ Attend spring College Planning Night.

Iā€™ll post 12th grade separately, itā€™s too long :slight_smile:

I can tell you that no one has ever brought up a subject SAT test at our school, that would definitely be parent/student driven based on research for target school requirements.

Gotta love LOR's called out in Oct with notes for 3 weeks in advance of due date. That might be exactly 3 weeks for an ED school!

12th GRADE

August - January

ā€¢ Attend visits with college reps in the Career Center. Keep Naviance list of ā€œcolleges Iā€™m interested inā€ current.

August - September

ā€¢ Register to take or re-take SAT or ACT.
ā€¢ Review transcript for accuracy and confirm that you meet course requirements for admissions to intended colleges.
ā€¢ Attend college personal statement events to learn from admissions faculty what they look for in the personal statement.
ā€¢ Meet with your counselor to discuss college application plans.

ā€¢ **Schedule an appt. with your counselor to interview for college letter of recommendation (if applying to private colleges), minimum three weeks in advance of due date.

ā€¢ Request letters of recommendation from teachers for private colleges at a minimum of three weeks in advance of due date.
ā€¢ In Naviance, convert/update list of ā€œcolleges Iā€™m interested in to colleges I am applying toā€.

ā€¢ Separately or within Naviance, create calendar of college application and financial aid deadlines.
ā€¢ Begin college applications. Write college personal statements.
ā€¢ Begin regularly checking scholarship listings on school website.

ā€¢ Create profiles through engines such as and Attend lunchtime scholarship workshop groups.

ā€¢ Revise/complete personal statements. Register for and attend college essay events for feedback on drafts of statement.


ā€¢ Attend Financial Aid Night, usually the week following Thanksgiving.
ā€¢ Parents- check each collegeā€™s financial aid website for information, including possible required forms beyond the FAFSA. Some selective schools require the CSS Profile.
ā€¢ Register for FAFSA PIN at Parents and student each need a PIN.
ā€¢ Complete fafsa4caster on FAFSA website for estimated EFC
ā€¢ Consider attending Seattle National College Fair.


ā€¢ Complete applications. Note priority deadlines for financial aid and scholarships.
ā€¢ January Work on FAFSA and attend College Goal Washington or FAFSA help event for assistance in initial FAFSA submission. You will need previous tax year information.
ā€¢ Write thank you notes to your teachers/staff who provided you letters of recommendation or help with your application.

February 1

ā€¢ Submit FAFSA ( For some private colleges, the CSS Profile may also be required. See specific college deadlines for financial aid priority. February 1 required filing date for College Bound.


ā€¢ Supply mid-year reports or other information as needed to colleges. Counselor will send automatically if you applied w/Common App.
ā€¢ Update FAFSA with actual tax information filed; the recommendation from FAFSA is to use the IRS Data Transfer option. Confirm the list of colleges receiving your FAFSA information.


ā€¢ Compare financial aid offers from schools.

May 1

ā€¢ Choose school and file letter of intent/make deposit by required date.


ā€¢ Request official transcript be sent to future school by Counseling Office by completing Naviance senior survey.

For our DC17, we can submit FAFSA starting in October '16 using our 2015 return, right? We should remember that!!

I know its frustrating to ya @eandesmom. Itā€™s a good list, just need to adjust dates :slight_smile:

Yes, my understanding is that we can start FAFSA in Oct and it should import all your 2015 tax data. We will see if it actually works.

@2muchquan I think the frustration, or more accurately sadness, is that the list exists, yet parents and kids are not informed and we have to go dig. I mean why bother if you arenā€™t going to get the word out aggressively? And some of those dates make no sense. For folks where it isnā€™t their first rodeo, not a big deal but for those new to the entire process, you really could find yourself behind the 8 ball if you assume the schools will walk you and your child through it.

Itā€™s also odd. I recall vividly S17 being super stressed out as a Freshman because he didnā€™t know what he wanted to do after HS or for college and feeling all kinds of pressure to now that being fairly the opposite when itā€™s a much more appropriate time in his education cycle.