Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@dfbdfb I posted last week with a similar experience, a huge white packet, addressed to my son. He was so excited until he opened it and it was just financial aid crap which we don’t qualify for. Brutal. Vibes to you today.

It’s like the colleges just want to mess with you at this point and subject you to mental duress if they decide to send big envelopes with non-vital info!!

Good luck with the 11% chance @thermom !! At least you are realistic and have some back up plans ready, but I’m rooting for your D.

@stencils no stress on son17 from 2 EA admits. He’s actually just peeved the other ones are taking so long. Son17 is so good at handling stress, one of his strong suits. He’s totally clutch under pressure.

@jpc763 Sorry about UW-M. They did not make our merit-aid list. We are in IL, but there is not even tuition reciprocity between IL and WI, which wouldn’t help a ton since UIUC is almost as expensive as most OOS tuitions. I heard a rumor last year that UW-Mk may start to offer merit to OOSers, but I have not been keeping up with it anymore. Good luck to you!

Leadership for scholarships: My Dd is also not a leader in the traditional sense of the word. Her approach was to flip the question on its head. She talked about how successful organizations must have people willing to step up and do what needs to be done regardless of any recognition for the effort. She talked about what she does I. Our family and in group situations that makes them better bc of her quiet leadership in the background. We’ll see how her answer is received. When I read it, I was impressed bc she described exactly what good leadership qualities entail. Not roles, but qualities that she exhibits on a daily basis.

My D is an introverted grinder. Fortuity for her a couple of her teachers pushed her into leadership positions at the end of last year… It seems the charismatic kids win the club president elections but then move on to other interest and do not “grind it out” to make the club successful. She has two good, but not high profile, leadership positions where she grinds out the work, involves others (she would others get the recondition because she does not like too much attention) and leads by example. She wrote a nice essay on what makes a true leader (getting others to follow you, not just having the title).

I am so thankful teachers saw value in a grinder and encouraged her and developed her.

@jpc763 are you instate? Our research showed the same as @MACncheez: no merit aid for OOS students.


I am sure Warren Bennis would be proud of your D!

I like the admissions envelopes that have a big CONGRATULATIONS on the front. That way there is no mistake as to what it is.

EA Stress
Me: TOTALLY NERVOUS and wanting to know when the decisions will be released
S17: Cool as a cucumber. Seriously, this kid is just too relaxed. “Whatever, I’ll get into one of my EA schools. I’m not worried. I’m not even stressed.”
Me: Checking his portals and emails when he’s at school. SHHHH! This is our little secret!

Today’s happiness… D15 is home for Winter Break!!! She’ll be under my roof for a whole month!

DS is counting days for his lottery EA. He is not thinking about other schools yet. I am trying no to think about the lottery school :slight_smile:

@phoenixmomof2 my D is like your S. I check the portals and she is not concerned. She will be when it’s time to hear from top choice but that won’t be til March or so.

I’m SO excited for all of you awaiting decisions over the next week!! Exciting… And terrifying since I want all of our kids IN at the school of their choice!

Congrats to all on the acceptances. Haven’t checked in for a while, as it has been a bit hectic the past few weeks. D17 got her first acceptance to UKY and the Honors College. She just got her USC application submitted with about 90 minutes to spare, is waiting to hear from Emory, and is still working on the apps for Penn and Chapman. D19,the gymnast, just got back from Oklahoma where she tried out for and made Team USA for the Maccabi Games (Jewish version of the Olympics). She will be traveling to Israel for 3 weeks next summer along with over 1200 American athletes, to compete in the Games with 70+ countries and over 9,000 total athletes. Will be a tremendous opportunity for her, though I think she is most looking forward to getting the apparel package.

@Timthenchanter2 Congrats to both your Ds!!!

Wow, nice news @TimEnchanter !

Congrats @TimEnchanter 's Ds!

Congrats @TimEnchanter on your great news

@TimEnchanter congrats on the acceptance for D17 and what fabulous news for D19!

@TimTheEnchanter --WOW very big day for the Enchanted kids!!! Congrats!

@TimEnchanter, glad you D17 has an acceptance and good luck getting the rest of those apps in. And a big congrats to your D19 – sounds like an amazing opportunity. But I really love that she is focused on the apparel package! :))

Fantastic news @TimEnchanter !! Still just the one acceptance to Purdue for DS.

In contrast to the stalker schools, does anyone else feel “ghosted” by schools your DC has expressed interest in? We have two schools like this. One where we visited twice, S interviewed, did a department tour, and had lunch with current students. At the other school he toured and has already submitted an EA. And we NEVER get emails from them. No reminders to apply or check your portal, no “personalized” viewbooks. Just crickets. It’s a bit unnerving.