Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats to all those with recent good news; Good Luck to all getting some answers today and next week… :-/

What schools are announcing ED results today?

Congratualtions on all the recent acceptances!!

Can someone post the ED/EA college notification schedule from today to next week?

The downside of having an acceptance through EA or rolling admissions is that the senioritis has kicked in–uggh! The classes he’s interested in are fine, but my normally self motivated S17 has started thinking of AP Calc & IB Bio homework as almost optional, and then scrambling to get stuff done before progress reports or quarter grades. I pretty much told him last night that it’s awesome that he he’s in at his 1st choice (just waiting on FA and possible scholarships to determine if he’ll go there or to his 2nd choice which is a great instate option), but he still needs to do his calculus…

Two of our “gunners” who have ED applications to Rice and Princeton that I know of…went on private today on Twitter so I know something’s about to go down with those schools lol!

@MSU88CHEng --welcome! Introduce yourself a bit!

My D has GPA exempted her Calc class and is about to GPA exempt her IB Bio class—which is great in the sense that it will protect her class rank but it will be interesting to see if she allows her grades to slip a bit in those classes.

She’s exhausted. I’m fine with it. Lots and lots of other kids have early release or two free periods.

Amherst, UPENN, Stanford, and Williams are all scheduled to release EDs today. Good luck to all those who’ve applied!

Regarding dates of EA / ED decision releases - I saw this (not sure how accurate):

D’s friend got notice of Princeton acceptance yesterday. She is a recruited athlete so I know the process is different. Perhaps it was a likely letter or call from the coach.

It was a little bitter-sweet for my D who was waiting on word from FSU while hearing friend, who has lower stats then her, is going to an Ivy. But she is an outstanding athlete, no slouch academically and overall just a great person. If you were going to pick someone to win the lottery other than yourself it would be her. That is how my D is looking at it anyway.

Good luck to all expecting answers today!!! Please keep us posted. We have lots of cheers and/or hugs ready for you!

Thanks @carachel2 !

I have S15, whose a Kinesiology/Coaching major at a local state school. He’s so laid back that I almost have to check him for a pulse sometimes. Academically, college was eye opening for him because he didn’t need to work at all in high school to get A-/B+ grades, and now he needs to put on some effort. He’s getting there…

S17 is more motivated, taking a full IB high school schedule with AP classes where there was no IB option. This is all his choice–very self motivated, and he’s been top 10% in his class since middle school. I’ve never had to even mention school work to him before, it just got done. So his normal teen behavior has taken me by surprise. He’s “in” at my alma mater, MSU, as a James Madison major (he wants law school eventually), and is waiting to hear from his instate choices.

As for me, I’m an engineer. I occupy myself with work, chasing the guys around to their sporting events, reading, hanging out, just being a mom. I’m a little daunted by the thought of an empty nest next year, so I’ve been lurking a bit, trying to see what I may be in for.

To follow up with a little good news after my downer post yesterday.

My D got a revised acceptance letter from Truman State today offering an additional $4500 per year in scholarships bringing our total COA after merit down to $8500 per year! ($16500 in state less $8000 merit) If only I could get her to visit :slight_smile:

We also went to visit Pittsburg State in KS on Tuesday. And while my D really wasn’t into it (mostly because she didn’t sleep at all the night before) she left feeling like it might be a good option. She applied and was accepted but we hadn’t visited and the honors app is due Jan 10th. I didn’t want her to have to go through the trouble for the extra app if she wasn’t interested at all.

Definitely the least prestigious of the schools on the list. It has been on our super safety list knowing that she would easily be accepted and would be affordable (nearly free if accepted to honors college) and not too far from home.

They have a flat rate tuition plan that tops out at 10 credit hours per semester (anything over 10 is free) So it’s great for kids to graduate early, or dual major. You can take 21 credit hours for the price of 10 every semester!

So after us both up until after midnight (her in tears about BF) we set the alarm for 5am to head out on a 5hr drive. She slept and woke up grumpy and sad and not at all excited about the corn and cows we saw on the last hour of the drive! Very, Very Very Rural…the “town” is one street about 6 miles long. She isn’t too sure about that. But she does like the fact that the school as almost 8K undergrads…not tiny like a couple of the LACs on her list.

However the campus is really nice, the kids were friendly, the tour was organized, and the meeting with the honors college advisor was great (D was begging me to let us skip it and head home early but after admitted that this honors college is meant for someone like her)

Honors college: 30 kids admitted each year. Avg ACT 30, focus on collaboration, team and social skills, and offering additional opportunities to motivated and smart kids. Min req 28 act and the avg act in the HC is only 30. They accept 30 kids/yr out of about 65 that apply. (I am thinking not too may 35 ACT kids apply to this school) And the HC scholarship would make the school nearly free to attend (like under $5K/year!)

She left thinking this could be somewhere she could be happy and excel, being truly the big fish in a relatively small pond. The honors app is on her to-do list now.

QOTD: We are expecting EA decisions next week from Colorado College and Boston College.

Well D made the scholarship deadline last night. I was not, however, happy with the quality of the essay. At least it wasn’t a top choice. She does have an essay for a top choice to complete over the next 2 weeks. Hopefully she puts more effort into that one.

@MSU88CHEng Welcone!!!

Welcome @MSU88CHEng !

@itsgettingreal17 — awesome! It’s always hard to know what they are looking for but I am hopeful they are looking for the voice of an exhausted teenager for the Pitt scholarship essays! :(( … Cause she can totally do that!!!

@CaucAsianDad the reason the athletes get their decisions faster is that most of the kids have submitted the majority of their apps in the summer, stuff like transcripts/test scores/awards/gpa etc. The coach takes everything to the admissions department and says " here is a kid I’m interested in recruiting, let me know what you think". The admissions group makes sure the kid meets minimum standard and would be a good fit and tells the coach a most likely yes or no. If it’s a yes, the coach tells the kid to submit ED to hold a place on the roster for freshman year.If it’s a no, the coach basicially blows you off or tells you to get your grades/scores up. My son has 2 apps in right now in the RD decision round ( we didn’t go ED), and he has met with the admissions/coach and basically know he’s a lock to get in. It’s a very interesting process. The coaches are trying to get kids to commit ED so they can finalize their roster spots. Some kids submit ED apps because it holds their place on the team and “commits” them, sometimes to schools that are academic reaches ( but with sports they get in) .But some kids gamble a bit by saying no to ED and going RD so they can compare offers from other schools and make a decision later. Most coaches hate this and try to avoid this. If your kid chooses the RD route the coach does not guarantee your kid a spot on the team, especially if he can fill that spot with another kid who chooses the ED option.

So to answer your question, the admissions people already have a stack of Yes kids in the athletic pile ready to go, and the kids are so anxious to know. If they don’t get in they have to scramble to get recruited somewhere else, which is hard this late in the game. The coaches don’t want to lose any players either and want to ease their worry a bit, so their decisions sometimes get released early.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek We briefly looked at Evansville. They seem to offer a good amount of Merit money which was nice, and my D got somewhat excited about it, but in the end decided against it since she was a school that has a somewhat jewish population. they do offer some type of airfare program if you go to visit.

@stlarenas wrote:

Now THAT"S what we’re talking about!!!