Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats @HappyGoLucky2017 !!!

Amazing news!

@stlarenas Sorry to hear about all the stress issues. Hope she can get some rest and recover this weekend.
So sorry about the loss of the friend.
Earlier in the fall, DS lost a classmate who collapsed at a cross country run.
They made a green (the boy’s favorite color) rubber bracelet with a phrase he used to say. DS wears it everyday. Yesterday was school winter orchestra. I saw many kids wore the green bracelets (with black top/bottom concert attire.) They are still mourning. =(( =((

So sorry to hear your sad news, @stlarenas. Hugs to your D and to you, too.

Thank you for all the support & congrats. This group seems so small and personal, and I wanted to share the news with everyone. My DS reminded me
 please don’t tell the whole world
 but it really doesn’t feel that way, it’s just us, right?

@stlarenas I am so sorry for the stressful time your daughter is going through. So heartbreaking concerning her friend. Sending healing prayers to all.

@CA1543 DS Electrical & Computer is the plan.

@Dolemite Wow cool! A fellow Big Red fan! =D>

And I know I’ve written this before
 DS would be happy & successful at any of the schools he applied to. Absolutely.

I will definitely stay to support and root everyone on. :slight_smile:

Congrats, @HappyGoLucky2017! How exciting! And what a relief to be done!

I can’t even imagine the concept of being done. I suppose it will happen one way or another, though. We’re tapping our fingers nervously over here for Stanford’s SCEA decision tomorrow. It’s such a long shot, but I would love to see her get that confidence boost even though we would still complete other applications to compare price tags.

@HappyGoLucky2017 Congratulations!! That is truly something to celebrate. I think everyone on this board probably has a big smile for you and your son tonight. And @stlarenas, what a heartbreaking tragedy. As other posters have said, I can’t even imagine. You just want to go back in time to do something, anything, to intervene.

Good luck to all in the next days and weeks. It is really nice to know that we’re all traveling this road together.

Out of lurkdom. It’s hard to keep up with this bunch! ED acceptance today. We are all on Cloud 9 at our house.

congratulations @rerunagain. Which college, Cornell?

How wonderful @rerunagain <:-P

Congratulations to all of you celebrating today! Awesome news!! <:-P

@stlarenas Sorry your Dd is struggling so much. Hopefully between next week and Christmas vacation she will find her balance.

Congratulations @STEM2017 @CaucAsianDad @VickiSoCal @HappyGoLucky2017 And @rerunagain
Great news for all of you.

@srk2017 Wellesley. Though one of her friends got into Cornell ED today.

Congratulations @STEM2017 @CaucAsianDad @VickiSoCal @HappyGoLucky2017 And @rerunagain
You can plan a great holiday.

For those of you promoting an overhaul of the current system, have you seen this link? Guess they don’t think they have it right either.

I loved the UK process but we were not using predicted scores. Her guidance counselor left them blank.

Congratulations @STEM2017 @CaucAsianDad @VickiSoCal @rerunagain and @HappyGoLucky2017

@stlarenas So sorry to hear about your daughter’s friend as well as the other stresses in her life.

How did you pay for the application fee on CommonApp? I noticed that the payment was through and it charges me foreign transition fee every time. I used the Visa card from Bank of America. Why? If D applies more than ten schools, the foreign transition fee will be annoying. Does anyone face the same situation?

Anyone familiar with the University of Evansville? It was the school we added after we purchased the $8 PDF. D received a fly in invite for their Davidson Scholars Day. It conflicts with a weekend event at Trinity University which we had planned on her going to and taking the younger kids with us to do some historical sightseeing. Now she is torn as to which one to go to. Hopefully she will be invited to Trinity’s Tower Scholars Day which means we could change our plans to that weekend.

If anyone has thoughts on Evansville, I would love to hear them. (We are so far from all of these schools it makes visiting difficult. We are on a different college visit as I type.)

@happygolucky – Congrats!

I sent you a PM about booking rooms for Orientation. You will want to call as soon as the phone lines open this morning.

Must re-read all of the posts as I missed a lot while out yesterday, but it appears more congrats are in order.

Good luck to all of those getting decisions today!!! So exciting and nervewracking!!