Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@rerunagain Congrats!!! Cornell?

DS17 got an email invitation to apply to Honors@Mines from the Colorado school of Mines.
It involves 4 250-word essays and a 500-word school work sample.
Not gonna happen. =))

DS17 was accepted earlier to the Arts & Science Honors program at CU-Boulder and a 5K/yr scholarship with no extra work.

I missed a very important criterion in the Big spreadsheet of College List. (or was it SOS, BOD, etc)
In addition to the merit offerings, size, location, diversity, average GPA/test scores, Common App or its own app, I should have had columns for the ** ease of Application and number of essays ** required for Admit/Honors/Scholarship ! :-B
/rant by a certified CASPer.

@itsgettingreal17 Wellesley. Look like Cornell and Wellesley were the ED notifications yesterday? A friend of hers got into Cornell. Two happy seniors today.

@payn4ward I hear you! S17 got an invite to apply for the Presidential scholarship at U of Buffalo. He just checked the app, and it is 3 essays, two of which are topics he thinks are stupid. He doesnā€™t really want to go to Buffalo and only applied because it is close and my husband wanted him to apply. Plus last year the Presidential at Buffalo was a full ride, and this year it is $15000, which is still great, but not a full ride. So I donā€™t think he is going to be willing to make the effort to write those essays since he has other affordable options. Essay fatigue is taking over.

@payn4ward Iā€™ll have to have S17 check his e-mails - he has not heard anything beyond acceptance from Mines and weā€™re visiting there in January. Donā€™t know that heā€™ll be up that amount of writing either.

Congrats on all the new acceptances this week!

Early action announcements: D17 got an email from George Mason yesterday saying that EA decisions would be announced next week, on the 15th via the portal, and also asking people to please, please, please not log in to check until they got an email telling them the decision was ready. No word yet on when her other EA schools (Earlham and St Thomas) release announcements. Her EA schools are all safeties for her, but theyā€™re all safeties with very, very intriguing things going for themā€”itā€™s about to get interesting.


Some people (not cc people) refer to free tuition as a free ride. According to this article, Princeton gives free tuition for incomes below $140K.

Although, I realize that we may be talking cc middle class which includes everything below millionaire.

@carachel2 According to the chart I have, Amherst, Williams, UPenn, and Stanford will release their decisions today.

@SincererLove Here it is.

https://blog.ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– /blog-0/class-of-2021-early-decision-notification-dates

@dfbdfb I have 12/15 down as the decision date for St. Thomas.

@CA1543 Ooops!! I didnā€™t notice your post. Your ED/EA decision release chart looks much better!!

@nw2this I believe those numbers assume no assets and an average sized family and no unusual family package circumstances.

The Princeton NPC was not pretty for me. :))

I think this is probably the situation she is in. If she got free tuition the family contribution probably looks like almost nothing in comparison :slight_smile:

It would most likely be inline with what they were planning to pay for in-state, so no financial stress.

I am so happy for her. There is no other way she would get to the Ivy League except through sports, but she is the type to make the most of the opportunity.

Welcome to the best supportive group @MSU88CHEng

Congrats everyone on acceptances, invites, honors, scholarshipsā€¦ <:-P

so all the ED groups are having hyper activity with kids calming each other :slight_smile:

Hey everyone. Havenā€™t been on in awhile. I got behind then got overwhelmed with how behind I got so gave up for awhile lol. But my DD got her first acceptance yesterday and sheā€™s super excited. She got into Tulane EA with the Presidential Scholarship ($32k merit) and an invitation into the honors college. Sheā€™s super excited. This still doesnā€™t make it affordable for us, but she has also applied for need-based aid and the Paul Tulane Scholarship (full tuition) so hopefully either of those would make it doable. I need to catch up on the thread but obviously wonā€™t be able to read it all.

@MSHopeful Congrats!!!

@itsgettingreal17 @nw2this You are correct about the assets affecting the financial packages at those schools. Two families with $125K in income can have very different costs depending on their assets. I think there is usually some threshold that they donā€™t tap into, but after that theyā€™ll assume you use some percentage of your assets. Some of the schools will limit the amount of your home equity that is used in the asset calculation to some multiple of your income. Stanford is pretty good about that and limits home equity to 1.2 (I think) times income. The California Middle Class scholarship will completely disqualify you if your assets are above a certain level, which I think is $150K IIRC. Good savers can get penalized in these scenarios.

Iā€™ve been away for about 700 posts ā€“ how long is that in senior years?

D2 went back to school a week after surgery and Iā€™m starting to think it was a mistake. Regular workload plus makeup work plus holiday concerts, projects, etcā€¦ Sheā€™s not getting much rest and itā€™s really screwed with her recovery. At this point Iā€™m just trying to get her through the next couple of weeks, and promising her all the sleep she wants between the last day of school and Christmas. Sheā€™s leaving on a trip to Florida after that, and I have no illusion there will be anything restful about it. :))

Meanwhile, Iā€™m about to mess with her weekend, because she has a scholarship app due tomorrow and an honors app due the 15th.

The only decision sheā€™s waiting on is UMD. Iā€™d like to have had it early, but Iā€™m beginning to see the advantage of not having to do additional honors/scholarship apps.

QOTD for yesterday: Iā€™d pay to have the UMD decision early, and probably empty my vacation account to get all of the scholarship decisions by the end of the year!