Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@NerdMom88 700 posts? On this thread, under a week!

My criteria for good FA is a coa somewhere close to instate full pay coa. Of schools like Princeton, our Harvard npc was the best - significantly less than instate. So, they must penalize the least. But, it is not on our list.

Penn ED results are out. Hope whoever applied from this group got in.

@srk2017 - I was following that thread and I have not seen an acceptance yet. Deferred and Denied was all I saw.

OK, just looked - 3 accepts.

Hey congrats everyone! I had to go out of town this week, back now and catching up - so happy to see everyone’s acceptances, scholarships, merit $$, way to go!!

One other fun fact I forgot to mention. Part of the reason D2 is busting her butt is that she currently has three B+ grades in AP classes. All three are less than 1/2% from an A! :((

I pointed out that those grades wouldn’t affect her acceptance into any school, but she says it’s a matter of pride.

@NerdMom88 D has been obsessing over grades even though only 1 or 2 schools will see them early. She’s also obsessed now with her rank not falling. To her it’s also a matter of pride. I get a big so what, I’m not everyone else when I try to reassure her it’s ok. sigh

Wow, so many congrats on all the acceptances and awards and everything. I’m happy for you guys and your kids!

D doesn’t have any new decisions, which is not surprising. But there should be three decisions by next Thursday which happens to be my birthday. All I want for my birthday is three acceptances for D (with big MAC to follow)!

?" story of the day
This doesn’t have anything to do with college, but an odd story from D. The set-up: There are, I think, five main public high schools (a couple are charters) in our district, each with their own reputations which may or may not be based on fact. Apparently D’s school is known for having the most violence(!) I hadn’t ever heard this. The year before D started, there was a bomb planted at the school by a kid who had written he wanted to kill people, but thank goodness it didn’t go off. Maybe that’s where the rep comes from.

Anyway, D was talking to the teacher who wrote an honors LoR for her and the teacher recounted the following exchange with a teacher from another local school:

Other teacher: Oh, you teach at school X – do you have to wear a bullet-proof vest?
D’s teacher: No I don’t. Do your students still snort cocaine in the bathroom?

Okay, that’s pretty weird! I have heard rumors that this other school is the “cocaine school” (while S18’s is the “pot school”) And also that the kids at that school are know for being rude and nasty when they compete with other local schools. I doubt any of the schools are really as bad as the rumors that float around. To end – D’s teacher told D that she had talked to the cop who patrols the school and that D’s school actually has one of the lowest crime rates. Good to hear!

@jpc763, thanks for the CSU info – I just checked my D’s portal after reading your comment. There’s no word yet on honors, but she only submitted 11/29 and the website says decisions are usually two to three weeks. I won’t panic yet! And boy were you right about digging around for $$ info. I’m happy to say D got a $2,500 Green & Gold which does make an already affordable school even more affordable.

@stlarenas I see you wrote you’re awaiting Colorado College and Boston College ED results “next week.” On Colorado College’s section here, someone wrote December 15, specifically. Have you heard about the specific date? Thanks.

@JenJenJenJen I have Dec 15th noted in my spreadsheet too. But I just searched to see where that came from but I can’t find it. So don’t take my word for it either. :slight_smile:

DD accepted into Purdue! Intended major CS. And this is with her 3.42 uw / 3.68 w GPA - so not-so-terrific stats don’t mean everything
 (From reading parts of CC, you’d think < 3.5 GPA doesn’t even exist, much less goes to college
 :slight_smile: )

I found out from checking her portal. I guess I won’t tell her, so that (a) she can be pleasantly surprised herself, and (b) I’m actually curious if she’ll check the portal at all
 :slight_smile: We did talk about today being the date that the decision was likely to come out

@thshadow Congrats!!!

@thshadow – that’s great news for your DD! Purdue is such a good school - if it were closer to us, DS would have applied most likely (he wants EE & CS). Hopefully they will send her a welcome email or nice package in the mail. I would find it hard to hold back on such good news. Hope she finds out soon.

@thshadow Congratulations! Was it OK for you to check the result? Will you have to act surprised when your DS finds out?

Congrats on Tulane @MSHopeful

Congrats @thshadow (glad I don’t have to hit the helpful button for you)

@NerdMom88 @itsgettingreal17

My D is in similar situation. Her response is “I am now learning to take pride in other things than just grades.”


Congrats @thshadow

I ended up showing my D the portal when she said she was too busy to check.

@mshopeful & @thshadow AWESOME news!!! Congrats on the ACCEPTANCES :smiley: =D> :D/

My DD is a special snowflake
 :slight_smile: As I implied in my earlier post - I don’t even know if she’s going to check the portal today, despite the fact that I think last night we talked about it that her decision would probably come out today
 In general, she just seems totally relaxed about everything. I think our conversation was:
(Following many conversations along the lines of “Check your email! Are you sure they haven’t sent you any portal info yet??”)
Me: Do you want to send me the Purdue portal login info so I can check status for you?
DD: No, I’ll do it.
Me: Are you sure?
DD: OK, fine, I’ll email it to you.

So I guess I strong-armed her??

Regardless, I will try to act surprised. And hope she doesn’t read this specific post

Coming from a high school that still had the “school of drugs” rep from when you could get a contact high in the washrooms (and, to be fair, a major stop on the drug pipeline into DC fell within the school boundaries), I totally get the exchange @snoozn reports.

Of course, then about five years after I graduated a new high school opened, with boundaries carefully drawn to pull off the best parts of the school’s population into it
followed nearly immediately by a localized housing crash that left the upper middle end of the local housing stock devastated, and now my old high school has a really solid academic rep and the then-new one is, people living around there say, to be avoided. Go figure.