Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I’m doing gift cards.

Thanks for the support @cleoforshort Good luck on Caltech!!

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@Testingearly - I find it hard to believe that any counselor would tell any student that Georgetown (and Mudd?) are sure things. Did you hear that directly from her counselor?

@stencils DD fences Epee, she started as a Sophomore and was #5 in our state last year, her squad came in #1. She does not fence outside of school but her friends fence all over the world. She joined because her BF at the time fenced and she thought it looked fun. I think she’s interesting to college coaches because she is a lefty, but she’s more interested in rowing in college. What are the NACs?

@Testingearly Our CC told DD that Midd was a reach in with the Ivies, MIT and Swarthmore, that DD can’t rely on Midd even as a match. She applied RD anyway.

On the “vaguely aware of college decisions” front, DD just asked me “so when is Rose Hulman going to notify us”? I told her about the facebook post yesterday. She seemed mildly interested…

Still no mention of Purdue…

Quick question: D applied on a whim to Northeastern. She now pretty much has her first choice and doesn’t even really care about NE. I never did the CSS profile–will they offer a decision without it?


I agree. Georgetown and Middlebury are no one’s safeties.
Unless well, you are an atheletic recruit or there are several buidlings bearing the family name on campus, etc.

D and I were also talking about getting gift cards for her high school teachers who wrote LORs. We are thinking Target, AMC, type of gift cards… There were some schools D applied to that was not on Comm App. So they had to write separate letters answer specific questions. A lot of work, in my opinion, and we deeply appreciate.

How about the university professor who was D’s research mentor and wrote LORs? Is it appropriate for D to write thank you card and include a gift card? Not sure how it works at university level.

I like the gift card idea for LOR’s, maybe just a cash card, hard to know what specific store they might like. what are y’all thinking in terms of $ amount in either case?

I’m thinking $50 per person. Only 4 here.

I would limit it to $10 and do something like Starbucks.

I did $15 to each. Starbucks.

@cleoforshort NAC is short for “North American Cup” tournament. They are USA Fencing’s monthly national competition circuit, aka “The grand tour of second tier cities of America.” D’s high school doesn’t have a team so she fences for a local club. We’re not crazy with the travel, though. She goes to the national tournaments when they are in our quarter of the country.

My DD will bake something for her LOR writers that are at her school. She is known for her baking ability, otherwise I might have found a local food gift. For all will include a special card and maybe add a Starbucks card.

@picklesarenice Wow. Congrats…Fantastic…

MY S got deferred from his ED yesterday. Penn…He is disappointed. Would have preferred a deny, and really have it behind us. I know he will be fine, and get into other good programs, and have choices. OH well…

As I catch up, I see so many great acceptances. Can’t list them all, but mucho congrats to all of you. Not gonna lie, a little jealous…

@thshadow and payn4ward - yes, I personally heard the counselor say Georgetown is a sure thing. Most schools have great relationships with certain Universities. Her school has that relationship with GU. Looking at naviance verifies that there are no concerns. DD has perfect ACT and GPA, which GU very much cares about, and let’s be honest; GU is not a HYPS. Can this year be the year that GU catches Tuft syndrome? Yes, but at some point you need to draw the line on what to worry about. Her school has zero relationship with Midd. DD got the feedback directly from Midd. I also expect her to get into UVA because of the Jefferson Scholar nomination. Unfortunately, UVA doen’t announce EA decisions until late Jan. I would have loved for DD to have acceptances in hand right now from schools like Alabama, Tulane, USCar… but DD has a mind of her own and DH fully supported her so I lost that battle.
Whatever happens, I am super proud that DD was even in a situation to have a viable application to a HYPS.

@thshadow You are super lucky that your DD gives you access to the portals. DD wants me looking over her shoulder when she finds out but is not handing over any logins.