Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Biotechgirl --welcome and good luck! Sounds like a good list. Maybe add Purdue to the list?

@carachel2 yes I’m torn as well

@Biotechgirl Do you get the EA result this week and is that his first choice? If so, I would just wait and see!!

@BlueAFMom D is in at Croft as well. She spent a lot of time w profs and current students this past summer. Your D’s friend would have a great experience there (and the merit money sure doesn’t hurt!)

@biotechgirl2 it sounds like you’re in-state for Georgia. Tech is going to be hard to beat money-wise and quality-wise.

Like others, I’d recommend Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Expensive, but on the same level as GT.

Physics/astrophysics is intended major. He says he wants to be immersed wth other really smart hard working students.

Can anyone speak of Rose-Hulman for @Biotechgirl?

Yes GATech should be an acceptance. I have concerns about GaTech reputation for being such a grind with grade deflation. My kid loves learning and I want to make sure he doesnt get that ground out of him just for the sake of the school reputation. I think Tech has made an effort to change wth attracting more women and ensuring resources are available to up its grad rate.

@Biotechgirl He sounds very motivated. It might be a bit late in the game, but for astrophysics he should shoot for the stars (pun intended) with MIT, Cal Tech, and Johns Hopkins. He certainly wouldn’t get filtered out by his stats.

@WhereIsMyKindle Yay! I was hoping she was!! She is going to have great options.

Thanks @STEM2017. He has looked at MIT and CalTech. Likes both for sure! Depending on what happens this week, he may work on their apps over Christmas break!

Rose-Hulman has a physics major and an astronomy minor, but no astrophysics. Otherwise it has everything @Biotechgirl’s S is looking for. Lots of really smart, motivated kids. Everything I’ve read about it says the work is extremely hard, but the place is very collaborative and supportive - they want everyone to succeed. This would definitely work well for my S.

Thanks @Mom2aphysicsgeek :slight_smile: Croft is currently second choice. We’ll know better after this weekend :wink:

@Biotechgirl Just a different slant: Would he consider a LAC? Many are good feeders to grad programs if that’s a goal. Here’s a list:

Bad time to get too busy to be on CC as I have not been able to comment on all the amazing news, but have finally plowed through all the updates and added my ‘likes’ or hugs, where needed.

This article came across my FB feed this morning, so I thought I would share. Hopefully it won’t be blocked.

First attempt blocked. Trying something different.

@ilikesporks we havent really considered LACs. Hubs n I are both engineers undergrad so son has idea that might be fall back for him if he decides physics isnt for him in college.

@carachel2 I worked with engineers early in my career from places like Rose Hulman and RPI. All good guys and great engineers. Probably nerdier (positive attribute in my mind!) and more gamer types than my kid is though.

@Biotechgirl , check out the EA results on Cal Tech. Don’t know if your S has AMC good results or is AIME qualifier. It was almost a requirement to get in EA. Of course, don’t know about RD.

I also recommend Harvey Mudd, and U Michigan. I would also wait for ED first.

@CT1417 Thanks for posting. My takeaways


@Biotechgirl Also recommend looking at Harvey Mudd - sounds like his crowd.

@Biotechgirl I also think that your ds is in at GT. I would completely ignore the astrophysics piece for UG. Focus on physics. There is no need to specialize in UG and it will only limit options not open them up.

UW-Madison, UIUC, UC-Boulder, UT-A, UMich, UAz are some other options. I also would only consider LACs very carefully. My ds wouldn’t have been able to attend one b/c he wouldn’t have had enough course selection.

If your ds wants any info about physics at Bama, let me know. My ds started off with a triple in physics/EE/math but decided that EE was not for him (though he did take his first eletromag series through the EE dept.) Ds has loved the dept, but his experience was to start with 300 and 400 level classes his freshman yr and is taking grad level classes as a jr.

@Biotechgirl wrote

We have the same concerns, and as of now D17 did not apply there (for computer science). I believe that @MichiganGeorgia said that there have been some positive changes with regards to GPA to keep the Zell Scholarship and HOPE. D17’s boyfriend is urging her to apply to tech (he’s got similar stats to your S and should be in there).

@Mom2aphysicsgeek has a son at UA (where your kid is accepted) who is doing physics.

Astrophysics might be Embry Riddle? Maybe way too overqualified for it, though.