Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@dfbdfb I was assuming your D would get that package a day or two after we did. Congratulations! S doesn’t seem thrilled with the shirt. :-/ But, he might think it’s blue. :wink: I think St. Thomas has dropped off his mental list as we haven’t yet had a chance to visit (we’ve only been north during holidays recently) and he likes the idea of a large merit package from some of the others.

I’m not sure if D’s school does a college t-shirt day. I wouldn’t be a fan because there’s a whiff of separating the “haves” from the “have-nots.” (To be clear, I have no problem with the kids wearing their t-shirts on this or other days – I just don’t think a “special college shirt day”) should be sponsored or encouraged by the school.) If her school does this, I would encourage D to go with Starfleet Academy or Mars U or something.

Anyone’s kid looking at Miskatonic U in Arkham? Very prestigious but I’ve heard the crime rates are… disturbing. >:)
(@thermom’s D would probably do well.)

^^^ too obscure?

@NoVADad99, congrats on Mines – certainly known around here as “where the super smart kids go!”

@Atyraulove, congrats to your D on Smith and being done! A friend of my oldest D graduated last spring and loved her time there.

@dfbdfb, congrats to your D on Purple U! (That was the name, right??)

@Calimom3, congrats on Santa Clara!

Decision Day I also think it would seem out of place in S’s HS where a good number of kids go to community college (and it’s a great deal!) or don’t go to college at all. S has been alternating college T-shirts and lanyards for his keys for the last year. Most are from colleges he either didn’t apply to or has no plans to attend. It starts some interesting conversations with teachers.

QOTD: I’m getting tired of being so freaking PC all the time. I love Decision Day t-shirt wearing. Isn’t it a ‘decision’ to not go to college (most cases)? Or, can’t you ‘decide’ to wear a red shirt that day? Bring it on!

I am with you @MACncheez. Especially, as someone mentioned up thread, when there is such an emphasis on the sports kids.

50 percent of our high school is low income, many are English language learners. Not sure they actively decide not to go to high school.

Hogwarts starts at age 11/12 and runs 6 years then they take their Owls which clearly equate to A levels. It is implied that some students go on to further advanced study, but that is not elaborated on.

^Let’s not let the athletes wear their college shirts. No double-dipping!

Congratulations to all new acceptences. <:-P And hugs to all else… We are still waiting…

@Biotechgirl Is GaTech EA results 1/14 or this week?

I like Decision Day too. I know there is a day right after or on May 1 where everyone wears their chosen college’s t-shirt. I’m not sure what they call it. D has been wearing different college shirts all year long. Everyone is confused. :))

I like the idea of kids wearing whatever they want, whenever they want. I just don’t like the school mandating a day for it. Because I’m ornery.

Don’t get me started about all the slavish devotion to sports at their school, B-) Grr. Ok, deep breath. I’m trying to make it through the next week staying as zen as possible.

@biotechgirl - I have a son at GT. They have made changes to Hope/Zell that will help kids keep their scholarships. My son isn’t a Physics major so I don’t know about that program. One of the Physics teachers at our high school graduated from GT not long ago and he is a good teacher. I think the grind is going to depend on your kid. IMO all the kids that are accepted are smart but GT is really best for kids who are focused and goal oriented. Just like other colleges he has had friends who have left because they spent too much time on video games, realized the major they thought they wanted wasn’t for them and some just couldn’t handle the work. The majority of the kids do fine at GT. My only caution would be if your son isn’t absolutely sure he is going into STEM. Because that’s really all there is a GT other than a Business major…

** QOTD: ** S will wear an * indecision *day quilt-shirt. Think Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. Can someone lend me a sewing machine?

College decision day: it’s informal at D’s school. But 97% attend college, (86% 4 year and 11% 2 year). Most people know the decisions of their friends already. Every year there are some ironic choices and some non athletes who you-tube their “signing of letters of intent” for comic relief.

I don’t think anybody pays that much attention and every year a few people forget it is May 1.

Decision Day - Our school uses the Senior Barbecue at the end of the year for this. The Seniors get their caps/gowns and yearbooks and they usually wear a T-shirt of the College they will be attending that day.

I’m leaning towards Shirt Day. By the time kids are seniors and getting ready to graduate they should be able to deal with reality and just accept where kids are going to school for the next few years. Hopefully they can be happy for each other and offer congratulations. It gives some kids a feeling of pride too, and maybe some of those of kids haven’t had a chance to experience that much in high school. The kids have all kinds of choices, college, trade, military, work etc. and they just have to be respectable of everyone’s decisions.

That being said, I’m 100% my son17 would totally forget it’s shirt day and just come in to school wearing a regular shirt and everyone would think he’s a loser. Ha. Totally going to happen.

@CT1417 Thank you for the link. It was a great piece, echoing what thousands of parents go through every year.

There are so many conflicting feelings in this process. I had written out a long post wondering if other people were also have second-thought regrets over perfectly good college lists but didn’t post it. Truth be told, it’s a great list and I wouldn’t change it at all!

However, after reading the article, I realize the writer’s wish to send her son off to the “right” place as she lets go is what is behind my regrets. I feel better after reading her post. :">

Some of you should have your kids wear " Show me the money!" t shirts on college day.

** T-shirt day ** I believe my S’s school does have an unofficial wear your t-shirt on decision day. School doesn’t mandate it, it’s probably organized by ASB. But not all kids participate. I know my S won’t. For one he doesn’t care one iota about swag. Second because he just won’t… in general if he’s told to wear his colors for spirt day or whatever he won’t do it and just ignores it. He’ll often be the only kid in class not dressing up and he honestly doesn’t care. (The only exception to this if it’s a band requirement.)

@RightCoaster and @STEM2017 Love the T-shirt ideas! S needs one of each, please. ;))

@RightCoaster wrote:

This applies to my son and many of our sons on so many topics and on so many levels. I made S a checklist so he wouldn’t forget things, and he forgot the checklist. LOL