Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Mommertons Sounds like a woman who has made up her mind. As I recall, OU should satisfy the ‘safety’ school rule. :slight_smile: Congrats on the app!

Can I say I am surprised by the number of ED/SCEA/REA applications I saw from this group? You all were hiding something (well, not all of course). Maybe I’m just a little daft, but I did not anticipate this many. It’s also probably a little skewed by folks coming out of the woodwork with acceptances.

@Mommertons —yay!!

OU is a fantastic school and a great deal for NM kids like your daughter. True story–we know Texas kids who pay FULL OOS price to be a Sooner!

@carachel2 Many!

re: Oklahoma

There’s never been a better time to make a wager
It ain’t too early and it aint too late!
Starting as a student with a brand new major-
Soon be livin’ in a brand new state!

@Mommertons When all is said and done, Dd might have been wise to have done the exact same thing! :slight_smile: Right now it is the only place we can afford that she is eager to attend!! (Unaffordable acceptances are really just rejections in different packaging.)

@DMV301 and @STEM2017 Guys… those are hideous… Big Mac should be eaten, not to be worn…

@snoozn My D1 has a Miskatonic U sweatshirt. It’s one of her favs!

RE: Shirt Day. My feelings are irrelevant because D1 ignored it and D2 will undoubtedly forget it.

Poor Dartmouth kids are finding out now. Looks ugly over there.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek Only because it’s early. Your D will have a number of affordable options. :slight_smile:

@rightcoaster S17 has come close. He has received specific big mac offers contingent upon 1) being accepted and 2) being named a NM finalist. I’m actually surprised at how much $ is being offered. A couple of them have also included annual stipends ranging from $2500 - $4000, $2500 - $3000 for study abroad. Other items listed, such as books, a budget for a computer, fees and even $ for the purposes of flying home but we have been trying not to torture ourselves with all of the details. As we read another of these last night, my husband asked if I had kept all of the letters with full tuition and full ride offers. He wants to have someone with artistic talent put a collage together. He thinks it would be funny to hand it to S17 in a decade or so. It’s all about the fit and none of the schools were ever on the radar so there just fun to read. Best offers I’d say came from UCF, USC (s. Car) and UT-Dallas. WUSL I believe was just full tuition but I’m not sure.

If anyone with younger kids and looking for Big Mac, have your kids tour and fall in love with one of the Big Mac schools. :smiley:

I’m SO glad Bama extended their CBH application to the 19th! D2 is stressed but still wants to apply, so at least she’ll have the weekend to work on it.

Yesterday she blanked on an entire section of her math test, even though she knew it that morning and went in to re-take it after school, where she did fine (although the re-take doesn’t count.) We think it’s just exhaustion. :frowning:

LOL! :))

Congrats to all on the latest batch of acceptances. What an accomplished group of kids represented here! It’s awesome.

Around here, D is trying to wrangle interviews for the LACs on her list. Common data sets indicate interviews range from ‘considered’ to ‘important’ at these schools, so we are in make-it-happen mode. She’s got a couple scheduled and a couple more still to get set up. She actually would rather interview than write essays at this point. Okay, she’d rather do just about anything than write essays at this point, so maybe that’s not saying much. :wink: I told her she’d better get cracking though - Vassar is high on her list and they don’t even let you sign up for an interview until after your application has been submitted. I guess this will be a good test of how much she wants it!

Not applying, but OU really makes nmsf feel special. Dinner, T-shirts, fee waiver, offer of free flights/hotel, multiple phone calls and e-mails from AOs, the Dean, and students. I even saw a guy in a Sooner shirt staring at me at the gym and seriously wondered if it was a coincidence @-)

@paveyourpath Are you saying Washington University offered merit to your son already? How was it delivered?

For EA - for many schools you essentially have to apply EA, because otherwise you have no chance at merit money. I believe 3 of the 4 DD applied to have that policy - IU, Purdue, and Rose Hulman. Maybe Illinois Tech as well.

Also, I can easily imagine that people applying to lottery schools early would be less willing to share that, just because no one wants to set themselves up for disappointment.

@paveyourpath Your ds knows his offer from USCar already? That is one we are waiting for.

@itsgettingreal17 Maybe. She doesn’t as of this moment (at least not to schools that are high on her list.) I am thrilled she has OK and it has so much to offer.

@MACncheez Our strategy was always to have S17 apply EA to the schools that S17 would really love to attend, plus our state flagship as our “safety.” I did not allow ED. Any schools that only had ED and did not offer EA were applied to with the school’s ED deadline even though we know there will be no decision until April. Lottery schools, if S17 still has any interest, will be applied to this week if S17 can get over his temporary senioritis. He keeps telling me he has senioritis but his tests for the last two weeks indicate otherwise. I think it is essay fatigue.

The college counselor said my strategy was unique in that most apply to a lottery school ED and then get all the apps in RD. S17 is more interested in his EA schools than the lottery schools; although there is still one that tugs at his heart.

You @macncheez were instrumental in getting us to go visit Pitt. Thank you! :smiley: S17 loved it so much more than he could ever like our state flagship.

S17 was accepted to UVM today. :slight_smile:

He may or may not choose to ask or to look at the portal. He informed me he prefers things in the mail. We shall see! He is aware (but may forget) that today was the 2nd EA announcement day. Whether he remembers before a packet arrives or not is the question.


1Service hours. Ours requires 40 hours. S has over 400 and 2 presidential silver awards lol. It definitely hasn't been forced.

2HW over break. Not typically much but sometimes projects. The kids have school until tuesday so too early to say.

QOTD today - decision day.

S is not a college shirt kind of kid…but would wear a hat for sure. I’m a bit ambivalent. Kids wear that stuff year round, there is typically a college spirit day during homecoming week etc. On the flip side if college isn’t in your future, that could be insensitive.

If I missed anyone below I am sorry, wow, the thread has been NUTS and I’m a bit crazed at work! Hugs to those who need it (or a glass of wine) and confetti for others!

@STEM2017 Congrats on R-H! @thshadow as well (I can’t recall if I already said congrats to you on this one lol!)

@sri2017 I am so sorry, I know he will have wonderful options and has lots of apps in but it’s still a bummer and prolongs the pain.

@phoenixmomof2 and @caroldanvers Congrats on Santa Clara. @NoVADad99, congrats on Mines, one of my favorite schools to hire from!
@Atyraulove, congrats to your D on Smith and being done!
@Calimom3, congrats on Santa Clara!
@dfbdfb I love the package! Of course, I like purple. All we’ve seen so far is a 2021 college mini pennant but it’s cute.
@DMV301 and @Daykidmom congrats on Harvard!

Totally random…One of life’s surreal experiences–my almost 7 yr old Dd just talked my 5 yr old granddaughter through losing her 1st tooth. Granddaughter was freaking out and crying and my dil called our house so my Dd could talk to her. She let her mom pull it while Dd was telling her it would be ok and singing all I want for Christmas is my bottom tooth! :wink:

I really wonder what their relationship is going to be when they are older.

And btw, being a grandparent is awesome. :slight_smile: