Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I believe DDs school does the t-shirt day as a separate function for the whole district so not sure if she’ll attend. Not sure if her school does it too. She’s been wearing college shirts since middle school and some that she still wears she didn’t even apply to LoL.

Boy this waiting for acceptance results is certainly the suckiest aspect of the college application process. I just checked the mailbox, nothing there. No emails. No portal updates on anything. Blah.

I liked searching for schools, helping son with sat/act strategies, working on college apps, etc. But waiting for decisions is B R U T A L !!

Maybe @MACncheez had something going with applying to 50 colleges, just so you have some action happening on a daily basis. Maybe son19 will just apply to every free common app school out there that does not require supplements/essays and we’ll just see what happens. Excitement galore!!

I’m having a hard time this week. Both bored and stressed out at the same time, and I did not know that was possible.

I’'m second guessing son17’s non ED strategy right now. We could have been done!! Arrrrgggggh :((

I love decision day - May 1st here.

Many kids keep their final decisions private - good and not so good results - are often not shared for various reasons (not wanting to brag, financial reasons, deferments, rejections, etc…). On May 1 all the kids have a moment to share out the news without seeming to brag or without fear of ridicule- to teachers and staff at classmates. It is an exciting time around here. My nephew who was going into a building trade wore his new union shirt with the name of his trade - it was exciting for the teachers to know his direction. Our neighbor who had done our technical hs and was going into a food service culinary program wore her program apron and shirt - not a college. Kids headed into the military wear their branch t-shirt. Everyone is genuinely excited - and all of the underclassmen get excited as well. They hold first bell and extend homeroom that morning and the kids all roam around the school visiting former teachers – in the process they give advice to underclassmen homerooms and share stories. It is a fun day focused on the seniors.

I have heard of some kids who skip that day and others “forget” to wear their intended shirt - as far as I know, no one says anything.

Tonight is DS’s last winter concert - my favorite concert of the year (he plays violin). Trying to not think about tomorrow night’s EA decision - figure a deferral (which is likely a delayed rejection so treat as such) at best so not feeling so anxious just yet. DS focused last night on creating his CMU maker portfolio video - but stayed up WAY too late! App will be submitted this weekend and the 2 big ones left - seems unlikely to be done before our break starts at this point though

Thankfully at school there are not a huge number of kids talking about their ED/EA decisions yet - just a trickle.

Congrats to those getting good news lately! And for all of us waiting and facing more apps to complete-- we’ve come this far and everyone has put in so much effort - more good news should be forthcoming this week or soon.

Anyone gotta a good joke to share???

I need to start searching the vintage stores to find a Big Mac T-shirt for my kid for College T-shirt day.

@dfbdfb When D and I visited Macalester, we took a walk down Summit Avenue to check out the Mississippi and strolled past St. Thomas. Beautiful campus! (prettier than Mac, IMO) And yes, lots of purple accents.

Congrats to @NoVADad99 @Atyraulove and @Calimom3 !

I don’t like the waiting @RightCoaster but in our household the suckiest part is definetly the supplements - the long essay, short essay, Questions that want answers in less than 100 words, questions that want answers in the less than 35 words… It is ridiculous!! I like the idea of 50 applications, as long as they don’t require supplemental essays or questions. Why did DD use only one fee waiver. Next time around this rodeo, I will have DS take advantage of any of these fee waivers that don’t require supplemental essays. I again bow down to all you wonderful parents whose kids have finished their applications.

Could someone please explain the maker portfolio requirement, which keeps popping up with regards to the STEM/engineering schools?

@mamaedefamilia --here you go!

[url="<a href=“”>"]Big Mac T-shirt

@Testingearly I hear you on the essay stuff, fortunately son17 only had a few apps like that. On the short word style questions I just told him to write exactly how he felt and if that wasn’t good enough so be it. I’ll give son17 credit, he was able to come up with a fairly entertaining common app essay without much effort. He didn’t like the short answer stuff so much, but he just cranked them out. I do feel bad for the kids that have so many essays to complete, with different prompts, where the stakes are high. That would be stressful. I don’t think son17’s essay will swing his decisions one way or the other. They were fine.

@mamaedefamilia one of you all should trademark BigMac college shirts and turn it into a business. Co-brand it with College Confidential to get some feet on the street marketing for this site. " Are you a BigMac? on front" , on the back a list of the colleges that offer big merit awards/free tuition for smart kids.

Forgive me if I’ve missed it, has someone’s kid been awarded one of those Big Mac scholarships yet, or are we still waiting on interviews/apps etc. If you have a child that has earned the BigMac, congrats!!

@mamaedefamilia I have contacts in the used clothing business, I could ask if he either has BigMac shirts or knows where to find them.

I prefer this…!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/mcdonalds27n-6-web.jpg

All warm and cozy.

D’s ED school says decisions will be released “mid December.” I filed that away in my brain as Dec. 15, but obviously it really isn’t. Apparently last year it was Dec. 18, and the year before Dec. 12. The waiting is terrible!!!

^It just doesn’t seem right when schools have ED deadlines of precisely 11:59:59pmET on November 1, 2016, then tell you they’ll get back to you sometime in mid-December. ~X(

@DMV301 I’m loving it! (or is that the Burger King slogan?) @RightCoaster - that would be one way to defray the tuition bills that will soon be coming our way! @curiositycat333 Thanks, but I am planning to use this as an excuse to frequent thrift shops and ebay! :slight_smile: @STEM2017 That is frightening! Almost as bad as the mermaid tail snugglies.

Thanks to all for the laughs!

WRT to decision t-shirt day - I’m not sure how I’d feel about it. I guess I’m feeling particularly sensitive right now to people that haven’t gotten good news yet.

But it would never happen at DD’s small school. Our GC is really awesome - according to naviance we seem to have a fantastic record of getting into schools with way lower stats than you’d expect. And everyone loves working with her. But she has this rather-weird-to-me edict that no one should talk about where they’re applying / where they get in. I think DD wore her Rose Hulman glasses to school, and GC said “can I talk to you in private?”

My son finally checked his email and saw that Santa Clara released EA decisions yesterday. He was accepted for engineering, but no scholarship info yet, so more waiting. I think that is the last of the schools that he has applied to that release info before January.

Congratulations @caroldanvers !!! There’s something to be said for studying under palm trees.

My DD ED school usually release their decisions the friday before the 15th…which they didn’t this year. The uncertainty thinking it can be any day is making me bonkers. Of course this year they are releasing in the 15th. Just one more day now [-O<

Congrats @caroldanvers on Santa Clara :stuck_out_tongue:

D finally submitted an app (U of Oklahoma) last night! <:-P

I feel so behind, with so many of you already having multiple acceptances. D says this is the only app she intends to submit. I need to nag her to submit an app for the local flagship, just in case of unforeseen circumstances.

@caroldanvers Congrats!!!