Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Dolemite --the snail mail notifications with absolutely nothing to give alert (no email, no portal appearance–nothing) has me literally shaking out those annoying thin magazine like flyers we get!!! Sometimes other mail gets stuck in them and it has made me so paranoid. I agree–those schools need to at least give a heads up “we sent something important to your regular mail, let us know if you did not receive it.”

The clock starts ticking on those Chancellors invites–it’s crazy! I pity the family that has gotten into the habit of setting aside college marketing material.

QOTD: I agree with other posters, if there’s any contact to the school at all, it should be professional to professional, and very to-the-point.

“We have been made aware that a student has sent out communications to universities regarding another student’s behavior. We believe the claims made to be false and should be disregarded. We are taking appropriate internal action to address this inappropriate communication. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.”

@sdl0625 I am sorry your Dd struggles so much, and I am not sure you want any feedback at all. But your post really stresses how much effort she has to put in. I would encourage my Dd with that profile to not attend the top school she was accepted into. I would encourage her to accept a schools where she fits in near the top of their profile class, not near the bottom 50%. It will make her college experience less stressful and more successful in the long-term. It will also open up more opportunities in terms of internships and UG research bc the opportunities are more likely to go to top students who receive professors’ recommendations.

Gently bc I know you are stressed, but does she have a solid financial safety? I am concerned that you mentioned merit $$. But, with a 28 and Bs on her transcript, affordability depending on merit $$ might be a reach. Nor would I want a student who really struggles to have to deal with the additional stress of maintaining merit scholarship GPAs as the means of affording that school. That is a lot of pressure.

One easy thing you can do that is completely under your control is complete CSS as soon as possible. It might help lower your stress to have it checked off.

Sorry you are stressed. It is a rough process for most of our kids and us. Know you are in plenty of company.

Wow. So many acceptances and scholarships… Congratulations!!! I was away from this forum for few days and I want share some good news as well!! My DS got full tuition + 2K stipend scholarship award from UT Dallas.

@ACT2017 Congrats!!!

@ACT2017 Big MAC indeed! Congrats! <:-P

@sdl0625 --she sounds like a fantastic hard working kid. She will go far.

With that said…so many of us had to tell our kids “NO” when it comes to affordability. Our kids have at least the basic stats (GPA, rank and test scores) that would get a foot in the door at those highly ranked schools, but with an EFC we simply cannot and won’t pay, we had to put the foot down early in the game.

Your foot will be coming down much later in the game and so it will be more painful. You are just going to have wade through the DABDA process (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) with her, plug your fingers into your ears and not ride the drama train with her. Spend this weekend laying out some acceptable financial safeties where she would reasonably fit in well and can “make her life happen” (a key buzzphrase at our house when discussing schools and fit).

It is hard to tell them no. But your potential consequences of a $60,000 per year school are HUGE. I know at our house it would mean horrible things would have to happen, 401Ks would be raided and for sure would have no contributions for the next four years. You simply can’t do that and your kid is old enough to understand why.

Good luck and go make that list and make sure the apps are in ASAP.


UGH. I would think any college worth their salt would 1) toss it out as it’s kids being mean and they get that. 2) investigate on their own if it was a claim of enough concern. I would also want the HS to be aware as frankly there should be consequences, that falls under harassment and bullying or other school social/ethical honor codes and it should be dealt with on that level. The HS would have the burden of contacting the school (s) in question.

@carachel2 yikes, now I will be shaking out the mail too, I hadn’t thought of that!

@STEM2017 lol, we got a letter like that yesterday. Although it did show the tiny unexpected scholarship and that tuition actually went down $300 (which is a wash after enrollment fee lol). But it was nice to see final /real `7-18 numbers for a school. It will be nicer when it’s not the financial safety!

@ACT2017 WOW! Major congrats.

@ACT2017 WOOOHOOOO! Congrats!!!

From what I’ve seen you post, that is high on his last, right??

Nice one @ACT2017 <:-P

@STEM2017 “awarded” :))

@carachel2 - thanks. No UT CS is his first choice!! It’s lottery and fingers crossed!!!

@ACT2017 Congrats - that makes your S the MAC Daddy!

@ACT2017 How long is the wait for UT CS?

@ACT2017 --glad to know others are still waiting on UT decisions!

We will make D go make a departmental tour at UT if she is accepted into engineering there. Pitt is still her favorite but it is coming in at about 5K more per year than UT is and I want her to see the department.

@sdl0625 I totally agree with @carachel2. It is what it is. My D has known from the start what the budget is. Do I feel bad because we can’t afford $60K a year, hell no! We have 4(3 plus a step) kids and I am a SAHM. My kids have a great life but at some point kids have too realize that this is the real world and not everyone has the same ability to fully fund college.

@sdl0625 —I should also add, your offer to be able to afford a $40,000 a year education is VERY VERY generous.

I would never apologize for that. Ever. Has she verbalized that she understands how generous that is?

I feel I need to post a correction. Previously I had said my son gets two week off for the Xmas Holidays, has finals the 3rd week of January but doesn’t officially have homework of Xmas break. Guess i was wrong about the later. My son was complaining that the district policy is Thanksgiving break & Spring break and no homework breaks. But NOT xmas break.

It seems he is going to be buried in AP Physics homework all break. SIGH… and he has two more apps to get in and online heath to finish. No rest for the teenager. We travel for a week+ of break and there will be lot of family and holiday parties.

@ACT2017 where were you yesterday when I asked if any of the kids had gotten fulll rides? Sweet!!

ShowMeTheMoney! #BigMAC #FreeIsFoMe

@Dolemite I guess yes on MAC daddy:-)
@WhereIsMyKindle - I guess we’ve to wait until February
@carachel2 - yes we are waiting…all the best for UT. Let’s cheer for our DCs!!

@RightCoaster - thank you:)