Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)


As one of the resident Northeastern students on here, I do have to chime in about the weather.

I have no idea what you guys are talking about - I only have 4 blankets over me and I barely feel the cold!

@PengsPhils – thanks for chiming in – my son was admitted to engineering - I thought when we were there we heard about some buildings having underground tunnels? Not sure. The campus felt fairly compact though. The dorm over the CS building looked pretty nice! He was accepted into honors with a nice scholarship but I am not sure how it relates to engineering & CS courses - any thoughts?. We are still curious about what all will go on in the new ISEC building & if undergrads will get access - supposed to open next month or so t seems.

@CA1543 Yeah, there are tunnels through the academic side of campus. I just haven’t left my apartment/bed yet lol.

Academically, honors doesn’t make much of a difference at Northeastern. There are a few smaller freshman classes here and there, but in the case of CS, the Honors class has been dropped for Regular/Accelerated versions, since so many non-honors kids come in with tons of experience while many honors kids come in without it. Not sure on engineering. The big honors benefits are in housing and other perks, and the honors community, which has regular events. The program is being revamped next year (they got rid of the university scholars program to focus on the Honors program), so I would expect even more there.

ISEC is still an unknown but it will have its biggest effects on research and teaching labs, much more so for engineering. CS already has a nice setup in WVH as you saw. I am highly confident that there will be plenty of undergraduate use. A staggering number of engineering students at NEU are involved in research, and there are multiple rooms in there explicitly for teaching, as well as general classrooms. I won’t be on campus next semester or I would update you soon :confused:

Thanks @PengsPhils – appreciate all the info re honors etc. Yeah CS - very nice space indeed
 We should visit again too and learn more - son loves hands-on opportunities in labs etc. Perhaps you are doing co-op next semester? Hope all is well & stay warm!

@CA1543 Yep, co-op on Venice Beach (Los Angeles, CA) with a certain social media company :slight_smile: I never minded the weather but I’m certainly not going to miss the winter!

Good luck with the rest of the college process! If you do visit again, I would recommend going through the engineering department specifically in addition to any admitted students events. No need to do the tour/info session again, it probably won’t change to include anything in ISEC just due to geography.

Sorry it’s so hard to list all the congrats and commiserations. I’m trying to keep up with “likes” and “hugs” at least! After hearing the NEU decisions, both positive and negative, I’m glad I talked D into taking it off her list.There are tough decisions coming, not just in terms of acceptance but merit as well. I know I’m alone in this problem, but hopefully some of you can understand. :wink: :))

D will only wear her sweatshirt until it goes below 20 and I insist on a parka. She called me yesterday needing directions to a building on CU-Boulder to turn in a paper (had to be a physical turn-in - no email :-?? ). So I was directing from home via googlemaps. On her way back (about 20 minutes in) she mentioned “I guess I shouldn’t have worn my sandals today.” Breaking another one of Mom’s rules: “If there’s snow on the ground, you may not wear your sandals.”

We were doing some more research on Michigan Tech where she just got in and judging by the NPC, the merit package could be very nice. It is in Houghton, MI, which looks to be on the far north of Michigan’s upper peninsula. We got to the part where “winter can go from October to April” and as I’m considering this in horror, D says, “That’s great! I love winter.”

Apparently the tiny town and the college get along great and really embrace winter activities and celebrations, including a winter carnival put on by the school for which students get days off. I think she was nearly ready to put down the deposit when she read this:

WARNING: Michigan Tech is not intended for kids who don’t like to wear pants.

Virtual friends
I think anyone who doesn’t believe you can make “real” friends on-line is missing out on one of the big positive effects of the internet. Communities like this are great for bringing together people who otherwise wouldn’t know each other to offer support, laugh, and cry. I don’t know any other HS senior parents (and only one other HS senior kid). I could go through this whole process with D on my own, but it would be much lonelier. If that’s not real, I’m unsure what is. >:D<

@snoozn --your post and your daughter crack me up.

Northeastern is off our list. It sounds great and they offered some good token merit but the total COA would still be >$40K and I don’t even want to think about off campus housing in Boston in the years to come! But
D loved and still loves Boston and their co-ops and research opportunities sound fantastic. If I could be convinced we would see some $$ for completing the CSS I could be convinced to go on a paper scavenger hunt through our office to do it. ;).

Virtual friends: way back 18 years ago when we were going through IVF treatments I felt very alone. H is great but not overly talkative and certainly not borderline obsessive about some things like me. He was very relieved I found an online group so I did not continually probe him. He was like “we’re doing IVF. Let’s do it.” I was all “what’s the success rate? How bad are the shots? Are ya’ll freaking out too?” The online world provided that for me PLUS–don’t have to remember birthdays and have awkward moments with “wait
I didn’t get you a gift” type situations. I’ve been an online support person ever since then and have even moderated a forum for women with the same post-partum cardiac condition I had. Definitely helps one feel they are not alone.

On NE weather,

About now or around 7/4th is the time to invest in an ultra warmth down comforter. They don’t weigh on you like a lead. :smiley:
I wait for at least a 30-40% discount.

Case pushed back EA/ED decisions until Monday.

Like @snoozn I don’t have many friends that are parents of seniors so I love this group.

I normally catch up at night on my iPad and my DH always asks what I’m reading. I say “CC” and he totally doesn’t get it. But, if he did join, he would get obsessed and post all the time so I haven’t encouraged him to join.

I am so excited for all of the acceptances and so sorry to hear about the deferrals/rejections. I found myself thinking yesterday morning about all of the kids and what would happen as if they were kids my son went to school with. The funny thing is, I don’t even know what my son’s friends are doing or where they are applying. I feel like it is rude to ask in real life so I don’t know anything unless someone volunteers information. My son certainly wouldn’t tell me. He and his friends would rather talk about movies and comics.

@jedwards70 Same here, except it’s music, current events for my D and her friends. She particularly dislikes talking about school. But I’m really curious. I’m going snooping this weekend on the internet. :))

I’m new to the thread, but what a supportive group! My D was accepted BC Honors and this am got her deferral for Georgetown. For months, its been all about Georgetown, but getting an acceptance first sure helps with the sting. She’s taking it in stride, which is good considering she has a final today :wink:

@texasmissy Welcome, congratulations, and I’m sorry about the deferral. Yes, it stings but BC Honors is a wonderful acceptance! She should be very proud!!

A bummer

It’s not that bad outside, just went and checked the mail box in jeans and flannel shirt. Sun’s out, makes the cold days tolerable.
Cold days = fast snow. You can really fly. Have to dial it back sometimes.

I’m doing some interior paining of the house today to stay off the internet, and make my wife happy. She’s been waiting patiently

Any thoughts on whether our children should reach out to their interviewers and let them know–good or bad–what happened with EA or ED applications? Maybe some schools let the interviewers know, but it still might be good manners to let them know and thank them for their help.

@chillkitty I suggest letting the interviewers for schools where accepted know the decision and say thank you.

QOTD: If one has early acceptance to a lottery school or top school (but not much $$$ aid), should they consider strong schools (like Bama) that have given strong aid instead? Or is it norm that once some gets into a lottery school, they pretty much choose that over everything else?

@Mom22DDs If someone gets into a lottery school via ED, then yes, they choose that, per agreement, over everything else. If it’s not binding, then decisions are very personal, and finances typically drive every decision. I would stick to an original budget, which hopefully was discussed, and go from there. If no budget, then sit and discuss what you can afford ASAP.

@MACncheez, speaking as a transplanted Alaskan, I loathe the cold, but love the snow. If we could have snow and 60-degree weather, that’d be perfection.

Of course, I’ve acclimated enough that low 70s is about all I can handle as far as summertime highs—and speaking as someone who lived in Florida for several years (and who grew up in an Upper Southern swamp), no Southerner really loves the heat, either. I think it’s simply in everybody’s natures to complain.

(And as for D17, the whole idea that it could be in the 80s or—gasp and horror!—90s at any point during the school year is one of the things that’s keeping her from embracing the idea of going to Alabama.)