Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Reposting from the FB page because I am still trying to keep up with both…

It is a rollercoaster over here. I am so so happy for all the good news “our” kids are getting. And so sad for the deferrals.

We had a really rough day today. Had to euthanize our nearly 11yo dog this morning unexpectedly after she bloated in the night. I slept on the floor with her and tried to keep her comfortable until we could get her to the vet. So many tears today. It was really hard for D20 who is a true animal lover. I think this hit me harder than expected in part because of the stress of college applications, decisions, $ conversations, etc.

This thread has been helpful. I keep telling my husband “Someone from my board has kid admitted to !” He’s like “You don’t even know those people.” Then I glare.

@greeny8, Congrats on Vandy. Love that campus, institution, and city. What a special place.

@picklesarenice - So sorry about your pup. That’s sooo hard. I’m glad you were there to comfort her.

As for the news, I told my virtual CC family before I told my relatives back east. My husband doesn’t get it either.

And continued high fives for those that are celebrating and and hugs for those with whom we commiserate.

@picklesarenice I am so sorry, my sister had to euthanize her 11 year old Labradoodle on Thanksgiving day for the same reason. :frowning:

So very sorry for your loss @picklesarenice. I have a 13 year old “puppy” recently diagnosed with a serious health issue, and feel your pain in having to make such a heart wrenching decision, particularly close to the holidays and during such a stressful time. Hugs to you!

@MACncheez: Best. Acceptance-season. Story. Ever.

Dd got accepted today at Northeastern today w/$$$ and Boston College. DS ( already accepted at Colgate ed) was accepted at Fordham unfortunately w/ lots of $$$ and SD State. DS was getting quite cocky this afternoon and got deferred at Northeastern. Really doesn’t matter because he has to withdraw all his apps, but it put him in his place.

@greeny8 @Calimom3 Congrats!!!

@mamaedefamilia, S17 was deferred to Brown and MIT…he’s still working through the sting. It IS hard to see your child sad! Many classmates and friends with wonderful news making the transition to move forward a bit more salty for him.

As I’ve said and believe and seen for S14, the roadmap to the finishing point isn’t necessarily clear sometimes, but I know there’s definitely a “correct” resting stop waiting at the end of his journey…however, we just got a clearer view on the gps, and understand now, that for him at least, it will be a 5K instead of a sprint.

@greeny8 – Anchor Down!

Congrats @greeny8 @Calimom3 @LoveTheBard and anyone else I forgot on the acceptances.

@vandyeyes I’m sure your S will bounce back quickly. My D seems pretty OK - I guess she understands why she has the list and is applying to so many schools. She wore earrings to school today - she never wears earrings to school. Tomorrow she is having friends over and they are making cookies for the teachers that wrote them LORs. It’s sort of a birthday/baking party. The usual suspects involved but a couple of people I haven’t heard mentioned much before - both boys. College App anxiety being replaced with new anxiety :-S

@picklesarenice I am so sorry about your dog :frowning: One of our dogs is 13 1/2 (the other is 5) and part of that obsession over the rescue dog was fueled by worry about her. It is so hard to love something so much and have their time with us be so short. I decided that a puppy is going to be my gift to myself when I get my degree next spring.

My husband was also mystified that I had to run over to the computer and post for you guys-he’s like, who are these people, lol.

So D17 this morning is pretty stoked about Northeastern. She got the Dean’s scholarship and an additional merit scholarship on top of that, so now she’s making spreadsheets for pros and cons for UA and NEU. I’m assuming we’ll be adding to that in the coming weeks and months, but even if nobody else says yes, she’s very happy with those two.

I woke up at 2:38 in the morning and stared at the ceiling for about an hour (we have one of those clocks that projects onto the ceiling). It really did hit me last night that my older daughter is going to go away to college soon. Turns out H was doing the exact same thing and we didn’t even know we were both awake.


Add this to the list of pros and cons for UA and NEU…

Today’s temps:
Boston 7 degrees
Tuscaloosa 53 degrees

Just sayin’

There are so many good news and updates on this board, I am having a hard time keeping up! Can’t wait till holiday season to re-read the past hundreds of pages more thoroughly. Just so happy for all the DCs gettting into their dream schools. Congratuations for acceptences and scholarships!!! Hugs to those with a little disappointment, I am sure more good news are coming in…

In this house, DD was deferred from one of her lottery schools in EA round. She was a little upset last night (doubting her decision of not going with ED) but seemed to have recovered nicely. Our state flagship came in right on the heal of the deferral so that makes her recovered a bit quicker as she finally has a college to go to :smiley:

@STEM2017 you’d have to reverse the pro-con column for the temps. She LOVES cold weather, and loathes the heat. She’d be happy as a clam with a numb face and fifty layers of socks. :smiley: The weirdo (I hated boston weather growing up-I was cold for 18 years!)

Congrats to all the acceptances. My son is still waiting to hear. I can tell he is anxious. He realizes the need for money and that having a 4.0 GPA means nothing today. There are so many kids above that that qualify for the large scholarships. We are hopeful but tempering it. I can tell he will feel let down if he does not qualify for Merit Aid. His only option will be to attend a local city state school. He understands that paying $50K /year for undergrad is not really worth it when one needs a masters for entry level work.

Maybe Santa will bring him a nice present. Hahaha.

@MotherOfDragons --I’m so glad for her!!! That’s cool that Northeastern stacks! I’m assuming that is NMSF $$ on top of merit? D got enough to still make it crazy $$$. But it was fun for her to throw her hat into the ring and have an early action decision like that. I think she loses sight of the fact that she has super competitive stats!

@MotherOfDragons I understand the feeling. I grew up on an island/beach and I hate going to the beach now. Give me the mountains all day. Sometimes makes it contentious when deciding on vacation spots. My W wants to co to the Caribbean but I always nix it. We go to the beach when we visit her family in South America so that’s enough tropical beach for me.

@MotherOfDragons You know your D, but nobody actually living in the North ‘loves’ the cold. Nobody. (Well, maybe @RightCoaster). =)) All of us Northerners say that, and talk about how ‘hearty’ we are, and how it makes us strong. It’s all BS. It sucks.

Roll Tide. B-)

@MotherofDragons for the early morning angst. I know you’ve raised strong, independent daughters, but it’s still so hard. I came home to an empty house last night for the first time in a while (our own aging pup is already at the kennel in prep for this weekend’s trip, DH was still at work, S17 had a school event and D14 is still in her college town through the weekend) so I had my own little foreshadowing of what next year will be like. I admit I cried a little, and then I mentally half committed to becoming the crazy cat lady. I think four or five cats all named after flowers should help alleviate the empty nest and still allow us to travel easily. :))