Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@rerunagain --eh, why would you feel bad? I’m sure they have hundreds to fill that spot and plenty to do! I’m betting they haven’t given it a second thought.

@carachel2 The alumni interviewers–I interview for my alma mater and spend a lot of time with interviews and on written reports. If I had been convinced she’d get into her ED school I might have encouraged her to try to schedule other interviews for after December 15.

@Sailinghedgehog Good luck with Case. I just wanted to say those aren’t terrible test scores - CC doesn’t represent the real world. Students with ACT scores lower than that have gotten into Penn from my D’s high school.

@rerunagain --ah, gotcha. That makes sense.

@carachel2 she missed NMSF by one point so didn’t get the Honors scholarship at NEU (ouch!). I’m making an assumption that the two $10k scholarships are two, not one mentioned in two different spots using two different tabs (one scholarship, one financial aid), and using different language as to how the aid is structured. I could be totally wrong there, but if I am, I’m not going to say anything to D17 and burst her happy bubble until we get all the acceptances in, which’ll be feb.

@IABooks I’m right there with you on naming imaginary animals.

@Mom22DDs wrote

I think that’s a question that would be hard for me (and D) to answer unless we’d actually experienced it.

@mamaedefamilia wrote

I’m in for the no-pants cruise. I think I spent the entire week on the last cruise in a swim suit and a cover up.

@dfbdfb wrote

Maybe Penn doesn’t think Kenyon is hot enough.

bTW Quick question: What is a lottery school?

@Sailinghedgehog A school where the acceptance rate is super low and you can’t predict your chances of getting accepted.

QOTD: This is something our family has been trying to agree on. DD is generally against Ivies because they do not offer merit. She has accidentally applied to a couple of Ivies and I (just me, not her) am hopeful that she will get admitted to one. She is comfortable with the schools and merit offers she now has but waiting on a couple more. Now that the other kids in her small class are getting admitted or deferred from Ivies and other top schools, I sense some regret in D. I am hoping we will have this dilemma to deal with and am wondering what others think they would do if they had this dilemma.
(Lottery schools = schools that are so competitive that getting into them is like winning a lottery - maybe a bit of exaggeration there)

@Mom22DDs --ok, but I have to know…how does one “accidentally apply to a couple of Ivies?”

Did she not realize they were Ivy schools or did she accidentally send her CA to those schools? How does that work?

@carachel2 , LOL, I had the same question!

@carachel2 - She probably didn’t realize that they are Ivies, like Cornell :slight_smile:

S denied at UIUC. :frowning:

It was an unlikely destination anyway due to Small MAC, so it doesn’t sting as much. He only entered a first choice major (aerospace engineering) and essay. He left the optional second choice major and essay blank so I’m pretty sure this omission knocked him out early.

@srk2017 --oh that makes sense! It is confusing sometimes.

@Mom22DDs --I hope it all works out!! I’m so glad you joined us and we can wait with you. I think a lot of us have kids who did not apply to the schools you described and are kind of wistfully wondering now if they could’ve made it. It’s hard to look around at classmates acceptances. Hang in there!

@carachel2 My DD thought Univerisity of Pennsylvania was a public school. Also University of Chicago. For that matter, any “University of XXXX”

@srk2017 is right. She applied to UPenn and Cornell not realizing they are Ivies - lol. It looks like she added UPenn instead of Penn State to her Naviance, so her counselor sent them her docs and she decided to complete applying on Common App rather than tell him she had added the wrong school. Cornell was a genuine - ‘what?? Oh, it’a an Ivy’ moment.

DD’s class is very small and the one kid with better stats than her got into Penn State and her decision is still pending. She is quite heartbroken, worried that there wouldn’t be two kids selected for the same school from such a small class (~20). Is that true that the colleges will not admit too many kids from the same school? (and is 2 too many for a school with 20 seniors?)? If so, then wherever the top students from a school apply, the rest stand a tough chance??

@HiToWaMom --after I posted that I realized there were indeed some schools that are hard to know about. I’ve met a few kids who think U of M is “another state school” that would be easy to get into. NOT!

@STEM2017 - hugs about the UIUC outcome. It has severe winters, if that helps.

<:-P <:-P DS17 is accepted at UT Austin, College of Natural Sciences.
CNS Honors still being reviewed.

@carachel2 - I’ve realized from my kids and her friends that they live in their own small world, and their college choice is not always ruled by logic. They shortlist somewhat logically, and then it is - I just like the sound of that college. DD has an obsession with Duke and keeps saying she should apply there … but doesn’t. I’m glad their counselor is dealing with most of this, not me :slight_smile:

@payn4ward - Congratulations!
I am very behind as always, so congrats to all the others updating with good news! :slight_smile: