Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I must live by musical theater quotes, because all I can think of when I saw this is the line from School of Rock:

“we prep our students well, to get to Harvard, or at least Cornell"

Some details abt UIUC EA numbers

Huge congrats @payn4ward – happy for ya - love UT Austin!

Congrats @payn4ward and good luck for the Honors!!

@MotherOfDragons Er…maybe my “cats named after flowers” comment gave away more of my unique idiosyncrasies than I intended. :)) Glad you understand.

@Mom22DDs Welcome!

@STEM2017 Sorry about UIUC.

I know I’m missing some congratulations and sympathy hugs. I’m rooting for all these great kids.

@carachel2 Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Mass. Missouri, Mississippi that is a lot of U of M…

@payn4ward, Congrats on UT. Love Austin… My S may join your daughter…Are you in or Out of State for Texas?

@STEM2017 sorry about UIUC

@payn4ward congrats!

@Mom22DDs - I don’t think that’s true at all. It’s not like they have quotas or anything. And if they accept 1 kid, maybe it shows respect for the school, and so others are looked at favorably.

Plus, it certainly doesn’t help to think that way… :slight_smile:

@Sailinghedgehog, yes my D groaned when she read the part about the larger than usual number of highly qualified applicants. Why this year!? Kudos to your S on his essay – it must be amazing! D is also a bit unbalanced on positive vs. negative qualities that could affect acceptance. It sounds like both our kids have a good attitude and know that it’s not such a big thing in the long run.

@STEM2017, sorry to hear about UIUC. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for all on this thread applying to Case.

@payn4ward, congrats to your D on UT Austin!

@BigPapiofthree - you missed Maryland :slight_smile:

@PengsPhils But in Boston it’s a lot easier to use public transport to get around.

Have fun getting around in Venice Beach even if you have a car. Venice Beach isn’t quite all it’s cracked up to be. My D went to school is Boston/Cambridge graduating last year and while she was from S. California the cold didn’t bother her too much. She really wanted a change. Although she didn’t stay and is back home, so maybe it bothered her more than she said. :wink:

Congrats to all the new acceptances and hugs to the deferrals or denials.
S17 has been accepted UMass Amherst Engineering and found out he has earned the Dean’s award at UMass Lowell. Not a lot, but more than S12 or D16 received from our State Schools. :smiley:

Not know their an Ivy?? It boggles my mind a bit that people don’t know Cornell is an Ivy. But I understand U of Penn. I have to remind myself everyone doesn’t live in the world I grew up in. Ivy leagues were very well known in my house.

@payn4ward Awesome news! So excited for your S.

@Mom2DDs and @theshadow The one school where it does seem like it does quotas is Stanford. It’s known in our area if you look at past trends thy tend to pick 2-4 from each of the area schools. And at least one is usually an athlete. These are all schools of 600+ students, with a large number of very high stats kids and about 70 apply every year. I have heard that they are looking for geographic diversity as one of their criteria.

@STEM2017 Sorry about UIUC! Boo at them for ending hjsvawesome streak! Not a Big MAC though.

@Mom22DDs - First of all, a belated welcome. Next, in answer to your question, I doubt that there is a “quota” per se, but how many kids from a given graduating class will get into a given school will depend on a couple of factors. First, it depends on the type of relationship (if any) a given HS has with a given college. Some schools tend to be “feeder schools” for certain colleges, in that the Adcoms know the schools and the GCs and regularly accept a decent number of kids from that HS. My niece went to a private Catholic school has a good relationship with GTown, ND, BC, etc.; Second, it depends on the selectivity of the school, and how many “hooked” applicants there are. Rarely will an ivy accept more than a handful of kids from the same school, unless it’s a huge graduating class, and even then…This is even more the case for highly selective LACs.

A friend of mine was at a Columbia University info session and the Adcom said something to the effect that "well, we’re not going to take XX number of Stuyvesant HS grads (I forgot the xx - maybe 100??) and there was a collective groan/grumbling from the audience. From my D’s graduating class of 115, at most each the ivies will take 2 or 3 (sometimes none, usually one or two), but the UCs and USCali will take quite a bit more – much more than their normal stats.

Thank you @LoveTheBard @curiositycat333 @thshadow !! So, if a lottery school accepted 1 kid from D’s class of 20 (yes, it’s a very small class and a small school), then I guess she might be right after all. i dont think her school is a feeder to any of these top schools. We never thought about it that way, but I can see the school’s view too.

@Motiv8tedmom23 - huge congrats!!