Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Mom22DDs - I certainly wouldn’t want to discourage your D from applying if she’s got the stats and if it’s a good fit There is no hard and fast rule or quota.

I know that when it came time for my D to pick which among the lottery schools she would select for SCEA, the first thing she considered – obviously – was fit. She also made a strategic choice in that she thought that more kids were likely going to apply to one particular in-state lottery school than another on the opposite coast, and the fact that her HS has a particularly bad track record at a third lottery school (only one kid has gotten in in the past 6 years and it was a recruited athlete).

As it turns out, there were more kids than she expected applying to the same school that she applied to (and one had a major legacy/development hook which if we knew about might have dissuaded D17 from applying). As it turned out, they took 2/4 SEA kids this year and she was thankfully one of them (though it would’ve been nice had they taken all 4! and we’re hoping that the two deferrals come through as acceptances). Ironically, they didn’t take anyone to the generally more popular school in the REA/SCEA round and many few students than usual applied.

That’s part of why they call 'em lottery schools, I suppose!

@BigPapiofthree @snoozn Thank you! My son :slight_smile:
Wish I had a daughter too :(( :))
He is an OOS applicant. But my husband works in Texas so we need to figure out changing status. In application, we did not see any option to clarify status. It just asked where he lives and if he will graduate a TX high school.

Wow! Ivies, and very selective schools–so much talent in the kids around here!

Right now my guy is more a “big fish in a little pond.” He’s in a smallish, outer rural suburban school where he’s one of 2 kids in his class (of 160) going for the IB diploma. And he’s ranked ~10 in his class. The kids in his classes are all the superstars of his class (and his average class size is ~6), but his friends are B+ students, most of whom are athletes–S is a 2 sport Varsity athlete (in soccer and lacrosse, while his best sport is his club sport–hockey, in which his high school doesn’t field a team), but he’s totally a role player, not a superstar. Plus he has his more passionate mock trial group, and his newly discovered talent for Model UN… Very few kids from his school go to college OOS, so he was a bit of a celebrity getting an early acceptance to MSU, even though he really didn’t apply to any Ivies, or even really any high reaches.

So, the CC community is daunting–S really does have a good resume, but the kids around here are AMAZING! And it opens my eyes to what all these kids can and have done–wow! Congrats to these awesome kids!

And today, S got his acceptance to his favorite in-state option, Albany, with an in-state Presidential Scholarship for 2/3 tuition. And he still has some really viable local scholarships available, so it will make the decision between Albany and MSU tough. I’m excited for him. He has good options–I think that’s all we want for all of these exceptional kids… :slight_smile:

DD just got her Howard acceptance email. Now to see if she got the full ride scholarship! Official packet will be mailed in Jan.

Congrats @MSU88CHEng ! Looks like your S is all set!
@MSHopeful - congrats & good luck!!

@MSHopeful --CONGRATS!! January isn’t too far away but I know the waiting is hard!

@MOMOF2DD that is exactly what we are facing. S got into reach (Stanford) but with very little $. We won’t hear from other options until March, and then will have to make a difficult decision.

@payn4ward CONGRATS on that UT engineering acceptance! Was he pumped?

Still waiting on the UT acceptance at our house.

Congrats @carlsbadbruin !! Nice to have a difficult decision like that :slight_smile:

@carlsbadbruin Congrats on Stanford! They meet full need, right? Is what they are offering you way off from their website? They seem super generous on their website but I always wondered how that played out in the real world.


For us it was generous, matched instate coa which is what we were hoping for. CSS profile has a question that asks how much you think you can pay. It seems like they looked at the answer to that question and ignored everthing else!

Congrats!!! @@MSU88CHEng

Congrats!!! @MSHopeful Glad to hear Howard seems to have their stuff together this year. Decisions were a mess last year. Fingers crossed for the scholarship!

In today’s good news, D has been named a semi-finalist for the Park Scholarship at North Carolina State! Interview early next year, with final interviews if she advances, in February.

@itsgettingreal17 I was hoping it wouldn’t be like last year. I was reading that some EA kids heard AFTER RD kids last year. It was a mess. So glad that didn’t happen!

D17 and her boyfriend were over for dinner last night and boy is that kid stressed out :frowning: . You could feel the worry rolling off him in waves, despite his attempt at cheeriness and a stiff upper lip. I feel so bad for all of these kids that are going through the stress of this. I really wish he’d apply to a safety school (D17 says he still won’t apply to UMD), but he’s not giving himself any quarter at all.

In happier news, I made all A’s again this semester <:-P I was checking my grades yesterday and more good news, I was switched to my favorite professor/adviser for portfolio production. I originally had to pick a teacher I didn’t super dig (he’s a smoker and recently divorced, and it’s a lot of stories of how bad his ex is surrounded by a stinky cloud of nicotine) because it worked for my schedule, so I’m doing a little happy dance now that I get the awesome teacher for that class :D.

This morning D18 is going for her driver’s licence test-wish her luck! D17 is really hoping she gets it so she doesn’t have to drive anymore (she hates driving, luckily D18 loves driving).

@MotherOfDragons good luck to D18!

@itsgettingreal17 congrats on Parks! And good luck in the next rounds!

@MotherOfDragons Congrats on the As. Good luck to your D18

@carachel2 Yes, Stanford meets need. What they offered is consistent with the NPC, but is basically full pay, and we have two kids in college. We were hoping that they might offer more.

@carlsbadbruin --If I hadn’t of found CC last year I would’ve persisted in thinking the same thing. Thank goodness, it avoided a situation like yours. For years we had assumed that Boston University would be such a great school for D and then also a few others on the list. I remember browsing the forums here with my jaw dropping as I learned about EFC, etc. and how much we would be expected to pay. It’s mind boggling!

D has those stats to play in that league but we just can’t pay that. It sounds truly painful. Good luck…that’s going to be rough decision. Does she have apps in other places that are ok with her?

@MotherOfDragons --remind me again, what school is the BF waiting on? I thought I read that he was denied from his ED but it’s been a crazy few days I’m getting all the kids confused!