Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@SincererLove Congrats to your D!!! How exciting for her and her school!

Congrats @SincererLove!

My heart breaks for the family from your parish @Mom2aphysicsgeek.

Congratulations @SincererLove! I hope the College app process is done for you and your DD.

@SincererLove Congrats! Great news <:-P

Congrats to @SincererLove !!!

Well S finally has a SUNY option. Accepted to SUNY Buffalo And their Honors College today! Decent option at a great price.

D’s officially in at the Honors College at Ole Miss. Still waiting on the competitive scholarships. It’s #2 on her list.

And her (expected) acceptance from Oklahoma arrived the other day. She’ll visit if the scholarship amount is favorable.

We’ll be waiting forever for UMD.

@RightCoaster - my guess (and it’s only a guess) is that they’re not interested in you repeating what’s in the app already. It’s more about you saying how much you want to go to that school. I would think just a few sentences like “Yes, I absolutely still want to be considered. This is my #1 school, and I will definitely go if accepted.”

@WhereIsMyKindle Congrats!!!

@STEM2017 <:-P Congrats on SUNY! I know you’ve been waiting for that one, and the Honors College, congrats!

@WhereIsMyKindle well that’s great news, #2 is big! <:-P

We’re a long way off from 1,2,3 :frowning:

Congrats @WhereIsMyKindle !!!

S is in there as well. Looks really great. I paid his $75 housing app fee today just in case.

Congrats @WhereIsMyKindle and @STEM2017 on Suny Buffalo!!

Congrats @SincererLove on U of Chicago!!

Congrats son of @STEM2017 ! Woot woot!

Also @SincererLove 's kiddo, wowza!

Congrats @SincererLove, @STEM2017, and @WhereIsMyKindle!
@collegeboundmass S17 received his offer from UML today - It’s not bad. Hope your S got his also.

Offering my congrats to – @SincererLove, @STEM2017 and @WhereIsMyKindle - great news - happy for you and your DCs!

To everyone waiting on Case Western tonight - we are – good luck!!

Case decisions are out now. DD was accepted! With a really big scholarship too ($23,500 / year). :open_mouth:

Man, her teachers must have written her some mighty fine recommendations…

@thshadow Congrats!!!

Congratulations @thshadow !!

Congratulations @theshadow !!!

Congrats @STEM2017 and @WhereIsMyKindle - Great news! Still waiting on Honors College and Scholarship from both Minnesota and Ohio State. Those are #2 & #3 provided they are cost effective! #1 is Wisconsin and there is rumor that they are delaying all EA decisions until January since the went to the Common App this year for the first time. Miami of Ohio is also any day now… I hate waiting…

D is in at Case Western too. $27K.