Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

D17 got her merit offer at St Thomas: $27k/year, which brings it nearly to Alabama affordability levels. She’s still not totally sold on the school, but she also loves their lab facilities, so…

I also looked at her email—it’s cool, she allows it—and she just got an offer to visit Alabama to interview for the Blount Initiative next month. Of course, we can’t send her there for a one-day interview, the travel would be painful, but they also interview by Skype, so she’ll presumably be taking them up on that option.

@sdl0625 D17 went through several days of ‘wishing’ she’d applied ED after her friends were all hearing back, most positively. Since then, she is back with the program and happy with her choices. I think I told you, her #1 school for a long time was Elon. Your D will be very happy there, it’s a school with a lot going for it.

Congrats on all the acceptances and all the $$!

Good luck with Blount, @dfbdfb!

Congratulations @dfbdfb @sdl0625 @mamaedefamilia ! <:-P <:-P <:-P
It is busy tonight! =D> =D>

S17 will have to write the dreaded deferral - I’m still very interested - email to Case. >:P >:P

Congrats on all the awesome CWU news! It sounds like really good merit from there, too!

@STEM2017 congrats on UB, too! That’s the only other app S17 has out there, so I told him to watch his email, but he’s not enthused. If he stays in NY, he’s more interested in Albany. But UB’s Honors College looked good, and they do have a law school…

@payn4ward Yes, dreaded alright!!

Congrats @SincererLove, @STEM2017 @WhereIsMyKindle @thshadow @MACncheez , @mamaedefamilia and @CA1543 !

D also was accepted at CWRU. Very surprised… College Counselor told her to add it on 10/31. Never visited nor saw them when they visited campus. Absolutely no demonstrated interest. No personalized note. She did do an alumni interview. Hubby saw the merit (23.5K) and wants her to visit… D doesn’t seem interested. She is a sorority type girl who wants to do mechanical engineering or computer science.

@Calimom3 Congratulations. I see a lot of those who showed no interest at all, getting in. Makes me wonder about all that, but hey…they want who they want.

Case has some of the best looking sororities I’ve seen on YouTube! =)) I would have your daughter check them out before making any assumptions. Warning, though, there are more brunettes than blondes in a lot of cases. These are not your typical Southern/East Coast sororities. Of course, you won’t get a much better engineering school than Case. I wouldn’t worry too much about the size of the merit award, but instead see if you’re happy with the total cost. Ain’t cheap.

It’s good to have choices! Congrats again!

Congratulations to all who received good news! And hugs to those who are continuing the search.

@Mom2aphysicsgeek I’m late chiming in, but what a horrible tragedy. Thoughts to your family and your parish.

@dfbdfb I’m sending you a pm re: Blount.

@MACncheez We are full pay… My husband let our eldest go to her full pay dream school, and have told the twins, they could as well. It is his own fault! If they go to a school with merit, there is $$$$ for grad school, or $$$ towards something else… ie, car or towards a house. Her twin bro ED and we are full pay at his school. It is tight, but we can swing it without taking loans or raiding retirement. Very fortunate. I will have her look at the youtube. That might change her opinion.

Are there any more early schools that haven’t released results yet, that people are waiting for? If not - is there now a big lull until RD comes out? I guess there might be some ED2… And writing “deferral” letters.

Not sure if this is worthy of a QOTD, but: what stuff (if anything) college related are you waiting for or need to do between 1/1 and 3/15 (or whenever RD decisions come out)?

Actually, I have a stupid question, which I’m sure has been asked many times. If say Olin College’s deadline is “January 1st”, does that mean 11:59pm on 1/1? EST because Olin is on the east coast?

@theshadow Villanova hasn’t released yet and I think Michigan is releasing this week.

Congrats to all the acceptances at Case and elsewhere!

@theshadow - in some cases, they mean 11:59 in whichever time zone you are located; in other cases, it’s 11:59 in the time zone of the school. You probably don’t want to be leaving it until then in either case. :wink:

Follow-up to my previous post: D17 checked her college-junk email account right before going to bed, saw that she’d gotten something from the Blount Initiative, gave a happy gasp when she saw that she’s a finalist, then a crestfallen gasp when she saw the invitation to an on-campus interview.

I just softly said “Well, keep reading”, and then she got to the bit saying that they’ll also hold interviews using Skype, and she was happy again.

I knew she found the Blount Initiative interesting, but I hadn’t realized she was so interested in it as to experience quite that strong—stronger than my description made it sound, I think—of a thrill of victory/agony of defeat (and then thrill of victory again) reaction.

S17 was accepted to Ithaca today with a 17K scholarship. This is his only OOS school that other kids from his HS are applying to so it will be interesting to see how that works out for the group (that didn’t apply as a group per-se, just kind of happened). He is still waiting on 3 EA schools still, one of which I know is in the mail (although I don’t know the result) but the other due have notify “by” dates of 2/1 and 2/15 respectively. That said, he will have heard from 2 schools that also have 2/1 dates far in advance of then so one can hope for news sooner rather than later!

Congrats to all with great news today (acceptances, $, scholarship interview invites) and hugs for deferrals and dreaded interest letters of any sort. Bigger hugs for denials

I’m a day late by a few hours, but dropped by to say D was deferred to RD by Case. Not unexpected. She even said as we logged into the portal, that it was probably time for a rejection. Case sounds very cool and unique, but I don’t they are the best fit and in my secret Mom life I can be a little relieved they’re off the table.

Okay, tomorrow I’ll go back in time ten pages on this thread and see what’s up!

Congratulations @SincererLove @STEM2017 @WhereIsMyKindle @thshadow @MACncheez @mamaedefamilia @CA1543 @sdl0625 and @dfbdfb on all the acceptances and $$$!!! Wonderful news!!!

Great news and Congrats to everyone!

QOTD - Folks are still waiting for Michigan and American which comes by old fashion mail before the holidays, UVA and at least one other istate school announce in January. Also, scholarship news trickles in during January and February.

My niece applied ED to a school less than 10 minutes from my house. I would love to have her close by and will be offering laundry services and lots of home cooked meals. I hope it will lessen the sting of DD going away for my DS.

Back to D17 and GW. She wants to apply ED2 now . If she gets in and the money is not enough, can you decline ED? Is it up to the parent/student to be able to say “no thank you, its just out of our reach”.