Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Wow, I wasn’t even away for a day and missed out on all the new admissions, including the Case EAs!! A huge round of congrats to all that got the admits and hugs to the deferrals!

QOTD - Done with all applications with 2 of 7 decisions out

QOTD - What’s Left?

S has three honors college apps and one RD app to go. Then he has a local scholarship app. Getting essays out of him is very painful. He was supoosed to be done with most (except the RD app that was added after a Thanksgiving visit) by Dec. 15. I should have known better!

QOTD: What’s left?

S17 has 4 decisions still out. Merit for 3 of his 6 accepts. Honor college decisions for 2 of his accepts. Honor college applications for 2 of his accepts. He has some work over break applying for scholarships (SDSU) and honor college.

Good luck to all of the decisions that are coming out this week!

What’s left: The to-dos are three applications (all due in about three weeks), with short essays required for each of them; one honors program application, including a likely-painful essay; one corporate scholarship application due by the end of the year, with a short but difficult essay required; one pro-forma application to the state flagship; and one big decision by the first of May. The still-waitings, aside from what’ll result from the above, are one EA decision (which is hopefully in the mail as I type); three RD decisions; a number of decisions on whether she’s a finalist for super-secret honors-within-honors programs; and a couple decisions on whether she’s a finalist for competitive merit awards.

QOTD, what’s left: Finish scholarship essays for Wash U, one notification in early February and four in March. Should I encourage D to apply to more schools so we all have more to fret about?

We are very excited about the big MAC from Case. For those of you who have toured the campus and the surrounding area, would you be willing to share your impressions? It is one of the few schools we were unable to visit. I know the basics - little Italy, Art and Music Institutes, etc. And I’ve read the main threads on CWRU here on CC. In particular, if your kids had the opportunity to sit in on any classes or had impressions about student vibe, that would be helpful. If you’d rather PM, that works too. Thanks!

QOTD: What’s left? She still has 5 RD apps to submit, most are due 1/1. All the recs and transcripts already in common app so just supplemental essays left to be done I assume (I have not helped with any aspects of apps except payment lol). I have done all the financial stuff though: FAFSA, CSS Profile, NCP Waivers. I’ve also sent all scores (ACT, SAT subject test scores). Waiting on scholarship info from Howard and Tulane. Then we just wait for decisions/financial packages. Will be glad when it’s all over.

QOTD - One or Two RD Apps; Decision from one EA and two RD; Merit info from two accepts; Honors App for one accept; Outside Scholarship Apps


1 Honors application
1 special application (same U as above)

1 decision outstanding
2 Big MAC scholarship notifications outstanding (interviews required)
? other scholarship notifications outstanding

What’s left: Not much. One RD to submit after final essay review. Waiting on 3 admit decisions. Waiting on 3-4 scholarship-related items. Going to send one withdrawal early. Will continue to keep in touch as appropriate with AOs and Regional Reps.

QOTD2: How do you respond to personal email from a Regional Rep (D already admitted) telling you to stay warm and have a good holiday? Do you leave it at that, or respond with an email saying essentially: “Thanks! Same to you!”. It was definitely personal, since it had D17’s name spelled correctly, the way she signs her emails (her dba name). Don’t want to unnecessarily pound her with emails…but she started it!

Congratulations to all of the acceptances. I am reading the thread, but I can’t keep up with typing out all of the congrats. Super exciting news for our 17ers!

QOTD: Dd went ahead and signed up of UOk’s Scholars to Sooners day and has signed up for housing and a meal plan. I want her to have something to excited about if nothing else works out.

She is waiting on honors college, scholarship acceptances plus 3 school acceptances/rejections. She has 3 essays to write for one fellowship application.

QoTD: D is applying to 7 lottery schools and 1 more match that is more financially generous than BC is known to be and that she would likely choose to attend over NEU should BC’s aid not work for us. We can’t get an accurate NPC due to our business. Thanks for mentioning sending out test scores, @MSHopeful, I need to get right on that!

QOTD: What’s left

Send in continued interest letter to deferred school.
Sit and Wait.
4 more decisions due. One slight reach, 3 matches. Of the 3 matches he has met with all 3 coaches and sat with admissions at 2. Non-scholarship schools, so they didn’t force him to apply ED. Hopefully they show him some love with an admittance and some merit money. Academically he has better stats than most kids, so I am hoping it works out for him.

He is still a bit bummed by one of his deferrals, he thought he had a really good shot at getting in. He’s not particularly excited about his 3 state school admissions, he thinks they’re fine but it’s not where he envisions himself. Some of his friends that applied ED got into BU, Johns Hopkins, Kenyon, and Northeastern and Berkeley School of Music. All of his friends that did not ED, got deferred at decent schools everywhere it seems. Kind of crazy. They are definitely feeling the pressure now. In hindsight, I should have had him ED to his top choice. but for a bunch of reasons we didn’t do it. I’m thinking with kid #2 that an ED strategy will be in effect. I know some of you on here went with an ED strategy and it didn’t work, and with others it has gone as hoped. Interesting.

Good luck to kids waiting on decisions coming out and great news on all of the scholarships your kids are receiving. Amazing!

@MACncheez I’d email back with a thanks, because it seems like a nice letter. I’d rather err on the side of “look at this derp responding to mass emails thinking I cared” rather than “got crickets from that parent, not cool”.

Just did my first yoga class in months (the one on the cruise ship did not count-I didn’t break a sweat), and I’m really sad that there aren’t more classes that work with my school schedule. I have a core of pudding, ugh. I’m going to try and go 3x a week until school starts up again, just to get my elasticity back.

I won’t lie, I’m angsty about the WPI announcement. Must distract myself by looking at puppies on the internet…

@RightCoaster said

First kid D16 just did EA and RD and it didn’t work out as she hoped. For D17 we did ED because of our experience with first kid. Luckily it did work out for her. (However D16 was all about HYP and they only have SCEA so not sure how we would change things)

QOTD: What’s left? Hah, pretty much everything for us! He’s got 13 schools on his list at the moment, though I think 2 may fall off. 1 application is done and submitted (ED deferral), and 1 is totally ready to go (1st choice reach school). That leaves 10 essays to write, plus a whole bunch of short answer questions (150 words or less). Most due on Jan. 1.

@mamaedefamilia We visited Case and the campus was nice in late May though there was a lack of students. Nice neighborhood. The Maker space seemed cool if you are into that. Got to see a dorm that looked like a dorm. Hospital nearby if that’s useful for your field of study. My D decided she liked Pitt better so once accepted there she didn’t bother to apply.

Let to Do: 4 RD apps though only 2 supplemental essays left to write. The WashU scholarship apps. And some other various scholarship apps.

@soxmom That’s not an insignificant task ahead for your S. I wish him lots of luck! And you!

QOTD: What’s left- All apps are done and submitted. Waiting on 4 decisions in winter/spring.

What’s next?

2 RD apps and multiple apps for small outside scholarships with the goal of covering the student contribution. Then any earnings from a job can just be spending money.