Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@greeny8 How is your d16 doing now? Any regrets on her part? Or doing fine?

I was trying to talk to son a bit about not getting into a top choice and going to another school. Trying to convince him it’s not “settling”. I’m trying to go with the strategy of getting him interested and excited at the options the other schools provide, and that we may even save $$ which can be beneficial to our family. He’s just lilke " yeah, those aren’t that hard to get into, yada yada" and stuff like that. I keep telling him it’s not how hard or difficult it is to get in, but rather what the school can offer him once he enrolls and all of the opportunities that come from it. He’s having a hard time dealing with that. I then remind him that every school on his list have some positive aspects to them, or he wouldn’t have applied to begin with. Also. our neighbor mentioned to my son that she got denied at one of the state schools he got into, so he now feels its’s at least a little challenging to get it. He assumes everyone gets in. That was a good eye opener for him, the kid was pretty depressed about not getting in ( feel sorry for kid).

QOTD- waiting on 2 honors college decisions and one last decision. D’s decision is made, but it is nice to have the bragging rights from the other schools.

What’s Left?: Awaiting ED decision this week (according to the admissions Twitter account, letters went out today). Definitely on pins and needles.

If ED school is a no, then we have 2 more RD apps to get in, awaiting RD decisions for 5 RD schools all together.

We’ve probably frontloaded on the good news here–the 5 EAs we’ve heard from (all yesses) were mostly safeties–the remaining schools are more matches/reaches. No moon shots, but I’m guessing there’s some bad news buried in there somewhere.

Congrats on all the good news with acceptances and scholarships–and hugs for the deferrals/rejections!

@jeepgirl Bragging rights, LOL! Meow!


Application wise nothing left.
We were done after 7 apps submitted before November 1st. S17 wrote twitter-type sentences for scholarship app on December 1st but nothing more since then. We are not really chasing Big MAC nor selective schools at this point.
The List originally had close to 20 schools. His Naviance Colleges-I’m-Applying-To still has 13 schools, but he won’t touch the rest. I-)

Someone said they started applying from the Top and had heartaches. I guess we started from Bottom and stopped in the middle Target schools. No heartaches but lots of what-ifs and second guessing only on my part. :-/ :-/ S17 seems to be fine. ^#(^ Typical CASPer moment. [-(
Out of 7 apps submitted, we heard back from 6. 5 acceptances and one deferral. S17 is not interested in the one remaining RD school. 4 admissions are in-state rate.
So we could decide even now, put the deposit down and call it done. :-B :-?

Still left:
To graduate: 60 hours of service which S17 is procrastinating to do or locate the records. ~X( One term required elective Tech class which he might have to do on-line class or a project due to scheduling conflict. :!!
3 AP exams in Physics C, Eng Lit, Psychology in May. :-B
AND Driver’s Licence and whole lot of life skills he does not have - never cooked (boyscout camping doesn’t count!) never did laundry, etc etc. 8-| X_X

Yeah, some of the schools we’re applying to are definitely just for bragging rights… :expressionless: It’s an easy way to possibly stroke my ego. Yes, my ego. It’s strictly a selfish act, as DD couldn’t care less. Actually, check that - she really wants to get in to WashU, so she can turn them down. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that her ex-BF goes there?? >:) :smiley:

QOTD: Waiting on just one more… University of Texas engineering admissions decision and waiting/hoping/crossing fingers and toes/doing pagan sacrificial dances and chanting phrases for Chancellors interview invite…PLEASE.

For once, I am the one with the “to do” list. I need to do the FAFSA and the CSS.

QOTD: What’s left?
Still one app to finish and a couple of scholarship applications. No decisions yet and don’t expect any until the end of January at the earliest. We expect the majority of decisions in March. Definitely in a different place than most of the people on this thread seem to be. Still have the CSS to do and then an updated FAFSA.

@RightCoaster D16 is a bag of mixed emotions right now. While she was very happy for her sister, I believe she is sad it didn’t work out the same for herself. She said if she applied ED she would’ve gotten in as well. But we will never know. She was shouting for the tippy top and she knew it was so selective but she would’ve regretted if she didn’t try. She got into UVA and that was the only other choice she entertained going to. But with a full ride to UF, she felt it was the smarter decision to attend for free and use the money we have in a 529 for grad school. If she knew the outcome in advance, she would’ve applied ED to Penn, Duke, Vandy or Wash U.

What’s left?

Not much. We paid DS’s deposit, ordered the free t-shirt from the online store, and are not expecting the welcome packet until early April! No early advantage to housing picks for ED’ers here.

DS withdrew all other applications, and shared news/thanked interviewer.

Mid year grades is on the school’s checklist, but sounds like that is for admission evaluation purposes. So really nothing until the end of year “final report”.

Starting to think about the AP testing results. I know there is a cost involved and a timing issue… perhaps the school needs results prior to class registration in July? There might also be an opportunity to test to determine placement in some classes. So maybe sort out pros/cons of that.

@rightcoaster I think that ED works really well when the school is a match/slight reach. There are a lot of students with similar qualification, so it is a great way to stand out. But it’s only good if family & DC are completely committed to decision. This can be tricky as I find DC continuing to educate themselves and form opinions well into their senior year. Great for some though, for sure.

QOTD: S is waiting on one RD in mid January, but I think he’s lost interest in that school. We have a visit planned for UA and he will do the Blount interview while there. Then I think it’s just making the final decision on where to go. He’s been accepted at 2 other schools he hasn’t seen, but feels good about the ones he has visited + UA, so it’s doubtful we’ll talk him into more visits. That also cuts out a few honors and scholarship apps not due until later this spring.

Just when I think he’s leaning toward a decision, UOk sent him an invite to apply for an international scholars program that piqued his interest and renewed his overall good feeling about that school. Sneaky.

** Sneaky: ** Happy Holidays emails from every single college in America that S did not apply to, telling him there’s still time.

@MACncheez, you’d think since the kid has 10 essays to do, maybe he’d prioritize doing the ones that are due Jan. 1. But no, when I asked him the other day which essays he’d started on, he said he was working on the Carleton College application. I pointed out (again) that wasn’t due until January 15, so he could do that after break was over. He said, “I know, but it’s easiest to just go in order on my list” (meaning alphabetically). Sigh. Sometimes I wish he weren’t quite so methodical.

QOTD - What’s left:

2 RD Apps left - due early Jan. (1 has 3-4 supps)
May 1-2 interviews - not sure yet.
Waiting for EA decisions coming in Jan-Feb & several RD ones in Mar-April.
Not pursuing any competitive scholarships at this point.
Anyone putting tuition or housing deposits down on an EA school if you have not decided yet about attending?

Mid-terms in January.-Semester not over till near the end.

We are getting mail and emails from Olin, Duke & a few other schools.

@rightcoaster, the ED approach does give you better odds of acceptance at more selective schools, but you have to be absolutely sure really early in the game. You give all the power to the ED school, and you will never know if DC would have been accepted to a really good second choice with lots of merit. But you’ll wonder. It’s hard to look at these things in hindsight! I’ve seen threads cropping up where kids/parents who were accepted to their ED school are now second guessing and stressing. I think your original strategy of being able to assess all the options on the table before making a decision was sound (lol because that’s what we are doing), and you seemed pretty comfortable with that approach. Keep the faith - just because he was deferred doesn’t mean he won’t be accepted in RD.

Now I’ll go back to obsessively updating his Villanova portal to confirm the expected deferral/denial… :-SS

@HappyGoLucky2017 – sorry, but I don’t know about a class of 2021 group, but never went looking for one. There was a FB group for the accepted students, but it was for students only.

Re: AP credit. When your son registers for AP exams, he will list Cornell and the score reports will be sent to the university automatically, so no need to pay to have them sent. Here is a link that outlines where Cornell may offer credit. It might be worth calling Engineering if in question.

QOTD: I think son has ten RD apps remaining? Most have multiple prompts in addition to the 'Why xyz" 500 word essay. Suggesting he triage to determine some sort of ranking as I cannot see him finishing all of them, and almost all are due Jan 1st with one on the 2nd and one on the 3rd perhaps. I don’t know that I can even names all the schools, but I know I ordered ten more sets of score reports in late November.

He usually takes time during Christmas break to clean out the massively heavy backpack and organize binders and notes for Jan midterms. That won’t be happening this year, so I foresee a very busy January. While I hate snow, I am now hoping for his sake that we have a snow day during the first two weeks of Jan just so that he has time to catch up before midterms.

@youcee - that’s because most of the people on this thread are lunatics… :slight_smile:

Yup, deferred decision at Villanova. Record number of EA applicants, yada yada yada. Hopefully others got good news!!

D is in at Villanova. Now to get her to finish that scholarship app. $700 enrollment deposit?!!!

D17 is in at WPI! :slight_smile:

No mention of scholarships, though the letter says that merit money will be decided on a rolling basis starting in mid dec. It’ll come off her list if it can’t match NEU cost-wise, but it is VERY nice to have 3 admits now!