Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

QOTD: Yes, DS has joined the accepted students Facebook group. Not sure how active he is per se, aside from a few comments here and there, but he seems to be enjoying it. Not sure about the groupme. Apparently, the folks on the fb group have created a spotify mixtape playlist with everyone proposing one song each – kinda fun.

Congrats to all on continuing good news on acceptances and scholarships!

I have a question about 529 plans. We’ve set up one for DD, and so has my father. My question is - how will the actual paying of bills from my father’s 529 plan work? Do I have to give him info and have him send money to the school? Or I guess he could tell me the account and password and I could do it? Assuming you’ve had older kids with 529 plans - how have you done it?

@thshadow What’s a 529 plan? =))


D has joined one of the Pitt Class of 21 Facebook groups and then it splintered into a GroupMe chat. She says she rarely contributes.

Apparently the kids are playing it cool and proposing lots of things that my kid is not interested in. She said last night “I’m trying to remember I can find my people when I get there, but these are NOT my people for the most part.”

I am doing my best to remind her there is going to be a party hard crowd at She has talked with “her people” at Pitt and she knows she will find her group. But joining the group chat has definitely turned her off a little.

Today, we have one more addition to FB group, a popular member of this group. Membership is free for active members of this group only. I may start charging fees after January 1st, JKD =))

QOTD: No. That woud require son17 to actually have some form of social media account. The only way son17 interacts with anyone is via the text machine in his hand. I would say there is about 0.0 % chance that he decides to join some sort of group prior to showing up, he just doesn’t roll like that.


D has been sick this week and I’m finally off from work today, but I think I caught the cold :frowning: I planned to do my shopping today. Maybe later.

@RightCoaster we are a little bit in the same boat. (catching up on the EA/ED strategy conversation). D was accepted into our state safety but at my insistence applying - so she’s not thrilled about it. She was also accepted at her top choice safety said she’d be happy there, but quite frankly, I’m not sure they are strong enough in the dept she wants; so even though I convinced her throughout the process it’s not settling to attend there, it just might be settling (for her dept.). Also most of her other schools she applied to are high match/low reach, nothing in between those and the safety - I wish there was a solid match! I agree with @jmek15 ED schools have all the power. I’m glad it sounds like he’s on to Plan B! That’s positive!

@CT1417 Wow you have a long way to go! Good luck to you and your son.

QOTD from yesterday: D still has not applied to ED2 school!!! It’s driving me crazy. After that, she has one Honor’s college app to complete, and she was debating on applying to one other school RD that is very strong in her area of
interest. I hope she does apply there. Also, we need to buckle down on outside scholarship applications.

QOTD Purdue has an accepted students Facebook page, but DS only uses Snapchat. Well, except for the fake kid twitter account I set up for him so I can follow admissions on his behalf. He won’t join FB at this point, and I haven’t seen any info on a message group.

Purdue also has a FB page for parents of accepted students. I joined and have to say that they are really smart about using it to answer questions and provide information in a very helpful way. They know that some kids are already on board to be Boilermakers but others haven’t made a final decision. It’s great for us because we haven’t visited yet.

Congrats on all the acceptances/honors/scholarships! Wow what a day it was <:-P :-bd
@itsgettingreal17 @MotherOfDragons @Mom22DDs @Motiv8tedmom23 @vandyeyes

Some hugs for those with deferrals/denials.

QOTD: No, d has not joined accepted students social media. She doesn’t even have a fb account. I know she communicates mostly through snapchat. And clearly I’m not with the times but what the heck is ‘groupme’?!

Agree with @thshadow - I think after the decision is made is a better time to join those.

Yesterday QOTD: Well, D still has to apply to about 5 schools RD although I think she is already done with most of the essays. A few scholarship apps are still left, but she has some extra time to work on those. I still have to do the business supplement for the CSS Prifile because I’ve been lazy recently. We’re not as far along as many of you, but I feel relatively okay with where we are right now.

QOTD: D is planning to join one specific accepted student’s FB group but has held off on doing it until her other apps are in because she doesn’t want to be overly impacted by the people in the group. She says that she might just wait until RD decisions are out before joining any groups, but I think she is too excited to wait that long. I question how helpful these groups actually are for meeting people and making friends.

QOTD: S17 goes on FB may 2x/year - so no, he has not joined any accepted students on social media. I also agree with @theshadow that after the decision is made is a better time to join one.

QOTD- yes, D joined asap after she was admitted. It has been great great way for her to make new friends and find roommates! Now she thinks she knows everything about the school. I keep telling her that I know more because of you all:)

QOTD: S17’s FB profile photo is from 8th grade, so no. He doesn’t have any other account. I, on the other hand, started following Texas '21 on twitter and on instagram. :))
S17 hasn’t decided but UT is the most favorable option at this point. So I changed my profile photo to the one I took last June. I wanted to change it to the one I took at Case in September. Oh, well. Love the school that loves you. :wink:
I like the idea of Parent’s group on social media so that we don’t do fake-kidding. :smiley:

@thshadow I have no idea, but I assume the money can be directly sent to the school from the 529 account in the bank/financial institution.

I can’t live without groupme or slack. My husband and I use slack (think of it like yahoo messenger, but it gets past his work firewall), and the girls and I use groupme (in addition to texting, because sometimes they only have wifi and not sms).

I’ve just been badgered into making cookies, dang it. I think my husband is trying to distract me from last-minute online shopping…

Is the Facebook group the “dark side”? ;))

I like slack. Our Boyscout troop is using Slack to organize activities, post photos & google docs, and message, etc.
DH hates work group Slack especially the water fountain chatter.

@payn4ward - Some schools have a parents FB group - I know UMass Amherst does - it’s managed by the Universty Parents Association and has been a big help!

Define “dark”. >:) Really, we just get to mildly swear and make fun of people who like boba tea.

And see videos of people wiping out on wave rider rides :))