Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Thanks for the advice, @MACncheez! So is UofM preferable to UMICH? Seems important to get the name right. (Fun fact: it’s car NEG ie Mellon, not CAR neg ie Mellon. Thanks Alex Trebek!)

@Building Congrats on UofM too! I spent 4.5 fun years of my life in ComputerEngin there. I got zero MAC, tho.

@Building, Congrats to you and your D!

Congratulations @chillkitty @Building !! <:-P <:-P

@MACncheez I know. I’m having difficulty recognizing myself :)) I suppose red was quite diistinctive color.

When the burnt orange Tshirt arrives in a few days, I can change into that. :wink: In the meantime I’ll continute to use lots of emoji’s =))

Verbally, it should be UofM @chillkitty. On CC it’s UMich so people know what you’re talking about. No one ‘says’ UMich unless they want to show that they know nothing about the school. =)) Context is important.

@thshadow For the 529, I contact the company that manages it when the tuition bill is posted online. They send the check directly to the college. That part is very important to the IRS!

I also love the Purdue Parents’ fb page. It’s very helpful.

University of Michigan is That School Up North (TSUN). At least to those of us in Ohio. :wink:

@itsgettingreal17 I am a current Park Scholar at NC State. If you have any questions about it, please reach out to me!

@saillakeerie TSUN is not nearly mean enough. We called OSU students the hairless nuts.

OK, no we didn’t.

@chillkitty When did she apply to McGill?

@Hades321, just about 2 weeks ago. It was a fast turnaround.

Congrats on all the latest acceptances and hugs for the deferrals.

@thshadow - I must admit that I’m probably guilty of tagging the wrong shadow.

DD17 got her packet from BC, no mention of the Gabelli so it’s off the list. Oy.

Congratulations on the acceptance and scholatship offers!!

am sorry, but I am shaking my head over D’s deferral from U Michigan CS.

1550 SAT, Bio/Chem 800, math 2 760 and US history 760. 9 APs all 5s. Unweighted 4.0.On STEM, mathathelete, robotics team 4 years and state winner on app challenge.

Now she has U Chicago. She is unlikely to go to U Michigan, but I paid the fee, and we deserve a fair chance?? Maybe I am being biased toward my D?

@SincererLove Sorry about the deferral. I’m honestly shaking my head over many of the deferrals this year. I’m so glad I only have one kiddo and am done after this year. The admissions game has changed and no one quite understands the new rules.

@SincererLove Sorry for the deferral. I sense Tufts Syndrome. Write the letter. I bet she’ll get in. If she wants to wait. And, yes you are biased. What was unfair? If she’s unlikely to go then they did the right thing, from their standpoint.

Sorry for the deferrals and no money. =(( HUGS

Although state schools are unlikely to worry yield protection, perhaps they thought DD won’t choose UMich anyway so they gave another student a chance? Who knows. =(( Congratulations again on Chicago =D>

@payn4ward I bet UofM reads USNWR

@SincererLove - I’d imagine that had your D been in state for UMich and/or had she been seeking a less popular major, she probably would have been accepted.

Given that UMich is on par with UChicago $$-wise, Chicago is probably the better choice in any event.

Don’t waste your time trying to figure out the system – there’s truly no rhyme of reason in many cases. I’ve told my D numerous times that it’s like putting on a blindfold and throwing darts at a dartboard.