Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@LoveTheBard not so fast on the UChicago over Umich assessment. You may be right, but I’ve heard UChicago is more theoretical in nature for CS. If that’s what you want, then I agree. Of course there’s a zillion other factors as well.

If UMich is UofM, what is the University of Minnesota? And did anyone here go to the latter’s engineering school or know of it?

@SincererLove too bad about cruddy deferral. That’s stupid, really.

If it were my kid and they had an acceptance like UChi in hand, I’d be writing a nasty gram to the admissions people at U MIch. Big FU type of letter.

I’ve noticed, along with some parents in my son’s friend group, that they have way more deferrals than acceptances.
It’s got to be a 4 to 1 ratio, and the 1 that the kids are getting into are safeties. Son17 said that almost everyone he knows that applied to Villanova was deferred yesterday. That’s crazy. Some of these kids are high stats, catholic volunteer types, with leadership, and strong public school. I don’t know what else they want. The parents are very frustrated. Every school says the same thing, " due to record number of applications blah blah blah we have deferred you."

I really think the Common App and being able to apply to 20 schools that you most likely have no intention on attending is ruining things. The schools are getting too many good applicants to know what to do with and have no way of knowing if the kids are seriously considering coming there. So they just take the cream of the crop in the early rounds and let the rest of them suffer all winter. And then they find out that the cream of the crop really has no intention on going there, so they’re screwed, and scramble to fill the class in RD/waitlists. Seems like a screwed up plan.
My son is a perfect example. He knew where he wanted to go, had the stats to get in. We originally planned on applying to about 3-5 schools. Thank god we didn’t. He ended applying to 9!! And of those 9, 3 were safeties, and the rest who knows now?? He might not get in. I may have him send some more apps out now just to be safe, so it’s a total scam! I’ve seen almost every kid I know that ED’d somewhere get in, and the majority of EA applicants deferred.

Anyways, rant over. Good luck to your D @SincererLove

@SincererLove Sorry about the deferral. Those are great stats. For whatever reasons too many deferrals this year. Good luck with RD and other schools.

Sorry about the deferrals. College admissions is not a science. :expressionless:

There’s going to be a lot of deferred kids getting in to schools late in the game, after having fallen in love with a new school where they’ve been accepted. That is going to cause another wave of angst over which school to attend. I can see it now.

@Building My son looked at Minnesota 2 years ago. He was interested in chemical engineering. They have a very strong ChemE program (makes sense with 3M). Their merit aid offer was very competitive. And they were very responsive in terms of answering questions. They created an admitted student session just for him when he couldn’t make it to any regular ones. Its an urban campus which some people like and others do not. Had a train that ran from the airport to campus so travel to and from campus would be easy for breaks, holidays, etc. Overall impression was favorable. Though he went a different route.

If you live in Minnesota or attend UMinn then UMinn is UofM.

@saillakeerie Thank you for the information. It sounds terrific. We’re going to visit soon.

I think it’s time to put together a new spreadsheet with the accepted-to schools, and color-coding for two UM schools.

I just started a new thread for West Coast 2017 Nursing admits - sharing to help with final decision. If it pertains to you, please visit. Thanks.

D17 got her news about her scholarship competition today - she needed the full tuition to make it work, but they just gave an additional $2k. She knew it was a lottery one, but definitely disappointed as this school was top of her list. I, however, was unsure if I liked it or not. Not a lot of diversity, seemed like 75% of students were within an hour, two tops from the school. We are 4 hours away & they were making a big deal of how far it was. :-/
Now the financial safety moves up the list. She will bloom wherever planted & I feel this one will have great opportunities, but we can provide money for additional opportunities because it’s under budget.

QOTD - I found that one of the accepted students FB page for my DD15 worked in MY favor. I wasn’t a big fan of one of her school choices. I thought it wasn’t a good fit (academically AND socially). She thought it was fun. Then, as she continued to watch posts about parties, boys, etc, she discovered she had different interests. YAY! She chose a different school.

DS17, on the other hand, will probably join a social media group, though he’s not on FB. Whatever all of these other groups are, I’m sure he’ll find them. We just have to wait until late March to know which one to join. :slight_smile:

What’s left: DS17 applied to 4 schools total. In at 3 and deferred from one (top choice). To-do: Mid-year grades, letter of continued interest, updates. Then, we wait until March for the result.

S is done with school for the semester. He did really well and ended up pulling his Calc III grade up to an A! Now he has no rationale reason to stall on the remaining app and honors college apps. I am ready for a little rest and recovery.

DD also got into UMich today. Excited to have options! @SincererLove - the deferral can simply be that they did not have time to make it through all the apps. Good luck!

Thank you for your support!! D moved on the minute she received the news!!

That brings an interesting observation that sometimes we take DCs’ affairs, wins or loses, even more seriously than them!!

@SincererLove I am sorry about the deferral, although U Chicago would have me singing from the rooftop! Big congrats to your D on that acceptance! I agree with RightCoaster though, I might be tempted to make a call to U of M and give them a piece of my mind - just for fun.

@RightCoaster Amen to everything you said. My D applied to 4 schools EA and three RD. She has now added 7 schools to her RD list and is spending the next two weeks writing supplements. Her stats are pretty strong, 4.0, all 5s on APs, accelerated courses since 8th grade, 800 on Math 2, 780 on Chemistry and all 36s on the ACT - took it cold no prep. She’s also a tri - varsity athlete. She’s currently taking 6 classes - 4 APS. I don’t know what else she can do, I may have her cure cancer over break. I have taken this all very personally because I am the one who stays up with her until 2am while she works, I see the effort. Her CC is speechless.

I buying Tequila tomorrow.

@RightCoaster agree to everything you have said. This internet world makes it very easy to apply to many schools. It seems that the schools, especially the top ones, are almost impossible to get into, especially with EA. What the schools are pushing these days are ED. They want to admit those they know will attend. The schools are getting smart this way.
The big unknown though with ED fo rmany students/parents is $$$ (at least in our case why we are still not sure about ED).
The other smart things some schools are doing are rolling admissions. Its much easier to get excited in Nov/Dec about a school, then come March/April. Alabama was letting kids know in Sept!!!.

@cleoforshort , years ago your D would have made it into any top school. I would want her in my Ivy school. Sometimes I wonder if its worth it for these kids to be killing themselves like this in high school.

Good Day all,
Been on the road, and just caught up. Congrats on Acceptances, sorry about deferrals. We know the feeling.
S got accepted to Michigan. Will not hear about Ross Business school till March. Realizing he applied to too many schools. Common app made us guilty.

D was deferred by WPI. She really liked the school and we thought she had a shot, at least more than at Case Western. Not to be. Our last EA to hear from will be Gonzaga. Hopefully they’ll accept and she can end EA season on a high note. :)>-

Only two college apps left and a few scholarship and honors apps.

Sorry about the deferral @SincererLove, they probably didn’t get a chance to review all the EA applicants thoroughly. But it doesn’t make it any easiler for a high achiving student.

Congrats to all new acceptances!!! D is accepted to uMichigan CoE yesterday as well. She is excited that she has something other than her real instate safety. More results in next a couple of months, more waiting…