Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Hey @BigPapiofthree congrats to your son, I’m glad to see has a few nice acceptances after his deferral earlier.

Sympathy shout out to @cleoforshort 's daughter. It’s depressing to see kids like yours getting the run around. I hope it works out for her.

@BigPapiofthree Congrats on UMich and good luck with Ross! Any tricks to getting instate tuition?

@SincererLove and @snoozn - so sorry about the deferrals.

@BigPapiofthree and @Testingearly Congrats on the acceptances!

My S17 is one of the most laid back kids I know through this process. He is fortunate to have heard back from 5 of the first 8 applications he sent out - all positives. He has no idea where his close friends are in the process - one is applying to all RD and he knows what the other wants to study - but they don’t really talk about the whole process. The past week or so though he has talked about the other kids at school that are struggling with rejection from their “dream schools” which he never had. He’s only mentioned 3 or 4 that he knows received acceptances - one from his MakerSpace to WPI; one (the girlfriend of one of his close friends) - I believe to one of the State Schools, one to one of the Ivies; and he saw his GC for a transcript request yesterday - who mentioned there is one other student from the HS that was accepted to Colorado School of Mines. The GC did not know the other students name as they have a different Counselor. It’s such a tough process. This is my first of three actually going the EA route.

wow it is tough, it must be the common app issue. We originally planned on applying to 2 safeties and ended up applying to 3 because we heard stories about kids not getting in because their stats were 'too good". D was accepted to all 3 so I guess that wasn’t necessary, however, I am worried about the RD schools and her top 3 choices as they are all high match/low reach schools.

Choice #2 seems to be sending incessant emails, “do you want to apply ED2? It will make you stand out,” etc etc. It seems like it might make a difference at that school; but it’s not her #1. I don’t think her #1 could care at all which is unfortunate because she plans to apply ED2 to her #1. So I could see her being denied from #1 cause they don’t care and then also denied to #2 because she didn’t flip her app to ED2, crazy.

Makes me wonder on strategy. Maybe they should go back to eliminating common app.

I think its a lot like weather forecasts. They say there is a 10% chance of rain. If it rains, did they get the forecast right or wrong? How do you know?

If your kid gets into the school(s) he/she wants, the application strategy employed was the correct one, right? Not necessarily. You may have taken the approach that wasn’t chance maximizing (impossible to know what that actually is though) but gotten in anyway. And if your kid does not get into those “dream” schools, the approach you took may well have been the best one available but just didn’t produce the desired outcome. Correlation doesn’t necessarily equal causation.

To me, you do the best with what info you have available (acknowledging the college app process is more art than science), evaluate options and make the “best” pick from those options and move forward. Canvas of 18-22 year old’s life is still essentially blank. Most important, meaningful and lasting additions to it are down the road.

Now the “college you attend defines the very essence of your being and worth to society” folks should ignore everything I just said. I got nothing in the way of guidance for you. :wink:

@itsgettingreal17 I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure Michigan has the whole in-state tuition loophole pretty well covered. At least it’s not happening for a while…I’m sure if you jump through enough of the right hoops anything can happen, but it will make UT look easy.

@itsgettingreal17 @MACncheez I hear if your child is good at impressions you can show up and do that Michigan accent and they’ll give you In-state tuition.

@itsgettingreal17, I have not exhaustively looked at Michigan’s rules. I remember thinking it is very difficult. If you want to save money, move there. Housing and instate tuition will save you a fortune. Don’t you wish it were that easy.

Two issues with respect to in-state tuition. 1) How easy is it to qualify for it as an out-of-state resident. At one point it was pretty easy to qualify as a resident (get a driver’s license, register to vote, get a job and pay some taxes to the given state) in many states. But many states have now made that much more difficult (approaching impossible). Its my understanding that its never been easy to become a resident for tuition purposes in Michigan. So that route isn’t really an option for TSUN (or UofM to the non-privileged amongst you).

  1. State schools will also offer in-state tuition as a type of scholarship. In the state of Michigan, Michigan State does that in many cases. Its my understanding that TSUN/UofM does not do that often (if at all). Merit scholarships are not easy to come by there which would bring tuition to in-state levels.

Amused by this email from Dartmouth. Amused only b/c son has never expressed any interest in Dartmouth. This email would be welcome from any of the ten schools he has submitted score reports to and is attempting to file apps with by their deadlines. Here’s hoping some more extensions arrive soon…although that would just drag out the torture and impact midterm exam studies.

"Our office will be closed between December 23, 2016 and January 2, 2017. The office will re-open on January 3, 2017.

We understand that many candidates will be completing and submitting their applications during this period. If you have trouble submitting your application, or if you just need a few extra days to allow ample time for your holiday endeavors as well as your college applications, please feel free to submit your materials at any point on or before January 5."

On Why X essays

Looks like missed some admissions and deferrals. Wishes and hugs.

We were at dinner yesterday when DD got a call from a University that shall go unnamed that asked her if she was going to apply to them. She tried to tell them she wasn’t, but after 5 minutes of them not giving up, she said ‘At this point, I’m not considering applying to any more Universities, but I will definitely have <> on the list if I should reconsider’. Anyone else experience this?


Any holiday gifts planned for DC17?

DS specifically requested a car charger for his laptop. <:-P I’m guessing he is thinking of the long commutes to and from college. The DC is practical! Dorm stuff could be fun, but not planning on gathering items until summer, so hoping there won’t be a run on x-long twin sheets.

We will try after Christmas sale for some electronics at BestBuy, newegg, etc.
S19 has lots of Wants. S17 does not want anything.
I think S17 will eventually need a smartphone, a laptop, and a desktop. He has none of these and is no rush to get them. I guess over the course of the year, he will get around to pick them.
S19 has all of the three and wants upgrades. Two extremely different kids from same producers. Ha!

I ordered couple college Tshirts and pair of shorts. If the clothing arrive on time it will be S17’s present. S17 never wears shorts even during summer but eventually he will need to wear them in college. DH never wore short sleeves nor short pants in college either and he looked like a weirdo. :)) I’ll just put a tiny thing under tree for S19 as he will spend $$ after Christmas.

@Mom22DDs This has happened several times to D. Very awkward!

Mom22DDs, Yes, we have had two schools call. One she showed no interest in called a while back. Recently the first school she got accepted EA had a professor for her intended major call to answer any questions she had. They did text her that the call was coming. She didn’t take the call. She is not comfortable on the phone with strangers, probably because she’s so polite she would have been stuck on the phone like your daughter. She did good on the SAT is why I think she garnered the interest.

When I went to CMU I pronounced it “cah-neh-GEE Mellin”. But I grew up in mass, so I lost all my r’s somewhere along the way.

@Mom22DDs yeah, we’ve gotten a few calls. The best one was Temple, where we said D wouldn’t be applying because they screwed up the merit aid by 22m dollars in the hole. That was a solid burn, and well deserved because they (up to that point) had been filling our voicemail up with messages.

I think we finally got swat to stop by putting them on the common app list, then pulling them off of it. Mysteriously, all the emails stopped to both me and D after that!

Making chocolate chip cookies today for D17 and her friends, who are coming over. I’ve exercised the past three days in a row, but I feel like I’m losing the battle one cookie at a time, lol. It’s gorgeous out, as well, so I’m going to go do yardwork (burn more calories) and set up the votive jars for tonight. The entire neighborhood does it, and it’s quite a sight when it gets dark. I do feel bad for the people with the corner lots-that’s a LOT of votive jars.

The neighborhood sold the votive jars (and led candles) as a fundraiser for a new pavilion a few years ago (vs a special assessment via the hoa), and it’s really cool to see how many people participate. I think if I’d been told to do it, I would have been ornery and said no, don’t tell me how to decorate, but do a fundraiser to help make something good and I’m all over it, lol. Neatly and tidily psychologically managed, yep. 8->

LOL @MotherOfDragons - my parents were born and raised in Cambridge and Everett MA and they both Pahked the Cah in Havahd Yahd. I was born in MA but moved to CT at the age of 2 and PA at the age of 8. Ended up back in MA after graduating High School. DH was born and raised in the town where we still live in MA. Neither he nor I sound like we are from MA.

@CT1417 We got that same email. Really? I thought and hit delete.