Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

QOTD: I also have a DS2022. He is going to really miss his sister. Hope my niece who will be attending college less than ten minutes from my house spends lots of time with us next year. I will be offering laundry services and lots of home cooked meals to her. I sure hope that a Class of 2022 thread doesn’t exist yet. I will be assisting my cousins daughter through the process next year so I have an excuse to stay on CC for another year.

@Dave_N my D20 has homework turning in issues too. I close one eye and squint when I log in to the online grade system because I’m dreading those little red missing assignments. D17 spoiled me in that regard, she is so hard working and organized.

@VickiSoCal, yep. Struggle #1, get him to go through the portals and confirm the assignments. Struggle #2, get him to do the homework. Just when you think he’s got it, you forget about struggle #3, get him to turn in the work when he has done the work.

You would think that if you’ve done the work, turning it would be simple…

So I am familiar with the [sup]*missing[/sup]

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Congrats to all the acceptances and $$$ awards I’ve missed! :smiley:

QOTD from yesterday of what’s left? D17 is mostly done - two more supplement essays to write this week before she can hit submit on her final couple of applications. Alumna interview for Smith went well yesterday, and she’s got another alumni one for Hamilton next week. Might be another interview or two if they contact her with availability, but otherwise she’s pretty much in waiting game territory now with 9 RD schools after having been turned down at her ED. She should be pretty safe at the 3 SUNYs and Fordham via Naviance, and although she’s well in the 75% range for the 5 LACs she’s put in for, all but Smith have >30% admit rates for girls, so who knows!

QOTD: after D17 I have a D23 currently in 6th grade. She’s our resident techie and musician and she has a much bolder personality than D17, so I don’t think the 500 mile radius of home restriction will be in play for her. It will definitely be interesting to see how much the landscape changes over the next 6 years…

@itsgettingreal17 Best wishes on the consulting business. I am going to write my 3rd homeschool market book. I am going to write about our non-traditional approach to high school and their college application process. I have been doing consulting for free. I have thought about doing homeschool course planning consultations. Next yr with my 10th grader as my only high schooler, I will have so much more time. It is something floating around my thoughts.

Colorado School of Mines Scholars letter arrived. S17 did not apply Honors (5 essays!) nor any other scholarship program. He got 5K/yr (with 2.5 GPA minimum requirement.) Their in-state tuition is 18K though. So in-state COA was 33K. 28K after the scholarship. Quite-high for an in-state school.

QOTD: I have a DS19 who may end up being DS20 is he gets in to a prep hockey program and repeats 10th grade. Fingers crossed. I’d like to stop driving an hour each way to the rink 5 times a week. My youngest DD21 is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met and can size anyone up in a heartbeat - all great skills to have but academically she’s a train wreck. I can only explain that she is mature in so many ways, independent, sophisticated humor, doesn’t buy in to BS; and completely immature in others, irresponsible, undisciplined, a bit lazy. DD17 has totally thrown the curve off in my family, LOL. I thought she would be the cake walk in college admissions, and her struggle kind of has my hair on fire for the others! DD14 will be going through the graduate school admissions process next year - her college grades just got a boost from some great grades in her classes this term, and they were tough classes! Suffice it to say, I will be reading college essays for a few years.


@itsgettingreal17 Congrats on honors at USCar and scholarships at KY and MSU. Your daughter seems to be 2-3 weeks ahead of mine in terms of Kentucky and Michigan State. She received honors acceptance from KY a couple of weeks ago. She applied for some additional departmental scholarships from KY but hasn’t heard anything. NMF will be big offer there. Nothing from MSU beyond scholarships that were part of acceptance letter. I am not expecting to hear anything further in terms of scholarships from MSU until after the ADS competition in Jan/Feb.

Very nice Christmas present for you. :slight_smile:

QOTD: I have a D '21 and a niece ‘19, who I will be guiding through the process beginning next year. Thanks to time here on CC, I have already begun informal college counseling for friends who don’t have good access through their kids’ schools. I doubt I’ll be quitting my day job any time soon, though. :wink:

I am DONE after this one!

I bought DS13 one of those mattress toppers. I thought for sure it was a must… He doesn’t use it. I think that for boys it may be just too much of a pain when changing sheets… I will not be buying one for DS17.

@payn4ward 5 essays is ridiculous, these kids have so much going on and at some point all these writing requirements are just a folly, and totally tied into the ego of the director of admissions. I’m just not buying that crap anymore. DD is seriously considering dropping a couple of schools off her RD list because the writing is over-the-top and for no obvious good reason. I don’t think our children are being well represented in the admissions process and I blame the common app and the admissions officers who believe their own hype.

@saillakeerie Congrats to your D re: UKy honors and NMF! D missed NMF in TX by one point, so hoping for Singletary. She had her interview in early Nov but decisions aren’t released until Feb. Such a long wait! Which ADS weekend are y’all attending? We’re currently signed up for week 1, but since she isn’t taking the test now, they’ve asked her to attend week 2, as there is a breakfast for scholarship recipients during testing time. But I already booked week one. I need to see what the change fee will be and whether it makes sense. We were looking forward to meeting some CCers in person who are attending week 1.

QOTD: S17 is my youngest. I too am trying to figure out a way to share what we’ve learned.

@MichiganGeorgia – boys change sheets? (Kidding…I hope…) I agree that the entire memory foam mattress topper, regular quilted mattress pad, and bed bug protector create quite the challenge when putting sheets on the bed. Nonetheless, my son liked the thing and asked for a full-sized one when he moved to an apt this year

@cleoforshort – Agree with you about the insanity of the essays. I think the fewest my son has had for one school is three, and I think he has had up to seven, but some of those were 100 word responses. Nonetheless, new unique material needed for each. There is no way he can complete the nine remaining applications, and my pleas to move it along are not resulting in a completed app. Exhale.

QOTD: Second of two. First son will not be attending grad school, but second son already plans to!

My DD got the full ride Presidential Scholarship at Howard! Full tuition, room and board, book voucher, and laptop. So excited.

@MSHopeful, Congrats. That is awesome.

Congrats @MSHopeful !!
I just logged on after a busy day, and looks like I have a lot of catching up to do :slight_smile:

Some of you were naughty yesterday. And right before Santa comes?!