Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

QOTD: We have a D19 too, but she’s not as…academically inclined, shall we say, as her top-scoring older sister. She’s pretty cute and friendly, though, so she’s got that going for her, which is nice.

@MSHopeful That is awesome! Congrats!!! Is that your D’s top choice?

@itsgettingreal17 It’s not the top choice but definitely a strong contender. Since we’re applying for NCP waivers and don’t know if she’ll get aid at some of the schools if it’s not granted, it is nice to have this amazing option. Plus she wants to go to law school so graduating debt free for undergrad is very appealing to her (and me)! She also likes the idea of maintaining her lifestyle and not being on a strict college budget. LoL.

We have a D19 and D21. I am so thankful for CC and this thread. I have learned so much and am guessing it will make helping the next 2 that much easier.
D got into Clemson yesterday with merit of $7,500 a year. I thought she would have gotten more, but it really wasn’t high on her list to begin with!
Happy Holidays to everyone and keep the good news coming:)

@suzy100 you are super nice; I got a few patronizing pm’s about D18 not going to college at all, so…yah. Like @Dave_N , I should probably go stalk the 2017 3.0-3.4 thread for her. This semester the Parent Portal To Hell let me know that D18 had 19 missing assignments. Yeah, not a typo. This upcoming semester I told her for every missing assignment email I get, she loses her phone for a week. Those emails are going to give me an ulcer.

Speaking of D18, we went to the DMV and walked right in yesterday! It was nearly empty! I should have renewed my license, too. She drove over to the starbucks by herself, picked up hot chocolates for herself and her bff, and drove over to bff’s house and hung out. She’s thrilled to finally have her license :).

I really need to ask D17 to check the wpi site just to see if any money came through.

I tried the Walmart grocery pickup because they gave me a $10/off the first time, I’ve got ALL the food needed for tomorrow waiting for me (hopefully). I say hopefully because the last thing I want to do is try and brave Walmart on Christmas eve morning! H is going to go work out, and we’ve still got some wrapping to do.

If I don’t have time to get back on this thread before Monday-Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it and stay safe in all the weekend craziness! And may Santa bring you something awesome :slight_smile:

D20 and S23 here. D20 is crazy self-motivated driven like D17. Both are chronically sleep-deprived.

S23 is more laid-back, but sometimes a bit too much… we’ve been giving him incentives (bribery is such a nasty-sounding word) to write down all of his homework and future tests in his school-provided planner each day. Is there a happy medium?

@MSHopeful What can I say that hasn’t been said? Amazing! Congratulations!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Holidays to all!!!

@MSHopeful congrats on the big MAC! And congrats to everyone else for acceptances and merit announcements.

D submitted 3 Apps last night with just 1 more to go. Then she has a 1/3 scholarship deadline and the 1/15 WUSTL deadlines.

I have a S23 and hopefully I’ll make it to help him with the college process. D17 has always been easy while S23 has made up for her in spades.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

@jeepgirl --Congrats on acceptance to Clemson and the offer! Have you guys visited at all? We were never able to make it over there. D is interested but it’s not a high high interest.

@MSHopeful congrats on Howard! Being debt free as you head into law school is a huge huge deal. Also–fun college lifestyle with no budget restrictions!

@itsgettingreal17 --Congrats on Michigan State. She’s going to have some solid options.

@IABooks --I reached out to the IB coordinator at Ds school and she has been VERY receptive in letting me come in and do the “college and $$/strategy” talk. Send me a message if you would like a link to my slides. I kind of like it and it has been fun. I’m trying to figure out how to nose my way into the “drop in counseling center” at Ds school. It is currently staffed by a local college (regional branch of State U) students and wow…the misinformation they spread is making me crazy. D went down there just to give them a chance and see what it was like. They were asking if D had her funding lined up and D told them she was “looking for merit aid.” The college student said “what is meritaid” (she pronounced it like Meritade!). Even when D explained it, hoping it was just a verbal misunderstanding ("you know…merit scholarships!?) they still looked at her with a puzzle face.

@MSHopeful Congratulations!!! <:-P <:-P <:-P

May more and more full rides arrive this board fast and furious!!!

@carachel2 we have been twice. She likes it, but doesn’t love it and the location. I love the college town and it is D19’s #1!

@jeepgirl --sigh. It was always my dream for D to go to school in SC or NC. H and I could move into the general area and we could retire in the mountains or the beach.

Is the campus kind of isolated?

Even with the scholarship they offered it is still over our budget. UGH.

It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve been on and fortunately for me posts have slowed down considerably so I am making my way through but still only at page 1616.

Congratulations on the many acceptances and fabulous scholarships!! Way to go!
For the kids who were deferred / denied, I say “Way to go!” to them as well just for putting themselves out there and giving it a shot.

QOTD: What’s left? / Dream school: 1 RD app left. S17 didn’t have a dream school. He has a dream city and now an acceptance to BC puts him in that city.

@nocturne21 S17 was accepted EA at BC and deferred from Georgetown as well. S17 was also in the 75%+ percentile. With more apps and the EA acceptance rating dropping from 16% to 11%, that has an impact so I’d say likely more a reflection of the numbers than your child’s supplemental essay. I think it’s also tougher when kids have to apply to a specific college because some colleges get higher number of apps and the 11% overall, I am sure is now single digits for some of the individual colleges.

@mother of dragons Why SWAT? S17 applied to SWAT because they sent him an app waiver fee and really funny emails every day. It’s the only school he has not visited. The Why SWAT essay (~200 words?) was one that was a bit of a challenge for him as he needs to visit to connect. He jokingly told me he would write he was applying because they were asking him to every day and their emails made his mom laugh so why not? He got through the essay and they scheduled his SWAT alumni interview. The interviewer was great. An older version of S17 and they really hit it off. S17 was in love; I could see it in his eyes after the interview. Wrong city though. :slight_smile:

@CA1543 and @motherofdragons: We have not put down a deposit and won’t until the spring. S17 is not joining message groups. I did convince him to attend the admitted students reception in our area. It’s mid-January.

@carachel2 it is isolated and there really is much around at all except the small downtown. We are planning on moving south as well and hoping the other 2 girls pick southern schools. Clemson is over our budget too.

Congrats @saillakeerie and @MSHopeful - wonderful news!

And happy holidays to all!

@paveyourpath tell your S17 that he’d miss all the ‘fire jawns’ if he doesn’t go to Swat.

I might be busy in 3 or so years helping D again. She mentioned Medical School for the first time ever yesterday. It was in the context of MD/PhD programs. I’m sure that’s a joy to navigate.

Hey, happy first day of Hanukkah to everyone who observes it :slight_smile: Chag Sameach!

Just a quick Merry Christmas to everyone before my kids and grandkids come flooding in. I love my family!! I love when everyone is under one roof for such joyous occassions!! One of my favorite times of year!! Joy and peace of Christ to everyone! And happy holidays to those who are celebrating other holidays!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and/or Happy Hannakah. I hope everyone has a great time.