Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@STEM2017, I think you accidentally signed up for some sort of charity that helps needy schools lower their AR’s.

@BigMACLovin, Wait… you changed your name to… BigMACLovin? What kind of a stupid name is that? What, are you trying to be some kind of smart@ss comedian? *

  • [size = 1]Yeah, I had to look up the original quote on IMDB.[/size]

FSU Gap Year Fellow…

@CT1417 @CA1543 One due tomorrow, one on 1/15, and another on 1/31. So, they are spaced out, but AP Gov’t teacher seems to have realized he hasn’t had them do much all semester and is trying to rectify that. AP Lit project next week also. Feeling the same about his weekend ECs. And, I’d love for us to all be able to see a movie and play a game sometime. Someday…probably about the time he’s leaving home it seems.

Fingers also crossed for happy news and the ability to legitimately wear those t-shirts for everyone.

Fee waiver from Richmond are in D’s inbox today.

DD has an interview on Saturday. For the first time, the interviewer asked her to fill out a questionnaire. I commented that it must be because they can’t accept a copy of her resume. She gave me a weird look and I commented didn’t I email you that one of the colleges you applied to states in their instructions not to take a resume. Of course, I never emailed her and I can’t remember which school it was. Has anyone’s kid gone on an interview were the specific instruction said not to take a resume?

Thanks NerdMom88 and MotherOfDragons
DC seems to be attracted to places like that … sigh…

@Testingearly I know that the Stanford interview instructions online state not to bring a resume or test scores. Interviewers are instructed to set them aside if a student brings them and hand them back at the end.

@Testingearly — one or two, I believe. Can hardly remember where he applied let alone interviewed at this point, but I definitely recall that restriction.

@Testingearly If she doesn’t know for this college, there’s no problem with bringing one in a folder so she’ll have it in case. DS has brought one to every interview, including with professors to get permission to take their class, and has never needed it. But, it’s a bit of a confidence builder just to have it with him.

@Testingearly I believe Swarthmore requested no resume be brought on the interview. They provided a questionnaire they request the applicant to complete and submit to the the interviewer in advance of the interview.

Thank you @picklesarenice @CT1417 @Ynotgo and @paveyourpath for your responses. This process is not easy, but CC, especially this thread, is super helpful in finding information out.

Welcome de lurkers @TearsnJoy @lbf. Oh and @BigMACLovin love your avatar

Congrats @vandyeyes and @CA1543 great news!

My D is super superstitious. We couldn’t buy anything from anywhere. Luckily she got into her ED and Amazon had next day shipping so her apparel was here in no time.

Now that my D has been accepted and the deposit has been submitted, I am quite stumped as to how to fill my time! So I’ll continue with all of your journeys and root for all of your wonderful kids. Less than 3 months till everyone will have an answer. I remember the feeling from last year so I know what you’re going through.

@greeny8 – you can start culling your photos that you need to scan for the graduation slideshow! If I had started early enough with last child, I would have taken the time to pull photos for this child, but of course, I did not. At least the Christmas card photos have all been scanned. Now to find the birth announcement and every birthday party invite.

I am not a scrapbook person so this is all in plastic boxes in the basement. But I will probably wait until June again!

Lots of last minute extension emails here. Pretty sure no one has looked to see if any include a fee waivers although oddly enough he brought up one of the schools tonight.

Given that the topic was grades and how he doesn’t care what the number says (but very much cares about learning) and then brought up Hamphire because you know, they recognize it’s about the learning, not a number.

Which I found funny as he looked at that school at my suggestion and discarded it long ago as too alternative . Not that it was affordable if memory serves.

S17 has been wearing MSU gear since birth and that was his 1st acceptance. When we visited MSU (well before he applied) he got another sweatshirt, which is now his favorite. So, when we visited Albany and Buffalo, he got shirts as well, and they’re in his normal wardrobe rotation. He has said that once he goes to whichever school, the other schools’ clothes will stay home as he thinks it’s not cool to wear other colors on your own campus. The funny thing is that he says the only thing he doesn’t like about MSU is the color green. =))

And S has extensions at Wooster and maybe Nazareth, where he has absolutely no interest…

Last two schools did not ask for a resume, but both interviewers accepted one and referred to it during the interview. I would bring one in a folder and let them know you have it if they desire. Easy peasy. What @Ynotgo said.

@greeny8 You can follow me over to Parent Cafe’s best book I’ve read in 6 months thread and read books. Of course, I’m still checking into CC2017 to see how all of the apps and acceptances are coming along.

Your DCs are all doing so well with apps, awards, and scholarship offers! So excited for this class of great kids.

** QOTD /b Students update Naviance themselves but aren’t asked to do it until May. I don’t remember the details but if the student don’t do it there is some consequence, like a senior party they can’t attend, or can’t pick up their cap and gown. I don’t remember the details because I didn’t really have to worry about it.

@CT1417 @CA1543 My son still has two more apps. One due 1/15 and the other due 2/1. But for some reason he thinks they are both due 1/15 and I’m not going to dissuade him. Both apps have been ‘almost done’ for over 6 weeks and driving me nuts. I’m going to be so glad when they are done.

The 1/15 is the only school that needs a counselor letter so he is finally having his meeting with her tomorrow. He spent his entire winter break on Physics homework, and an online heath class he has to finish.

Most unusual essay prompt? One of the three required essays for the Buffalo Presidential Award is essentially “what would you do if you could be invisible for 24 hours?” Hard to come up with something not illegal, immoral, or downright creepy!