Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats @vandyeyes! That is super cool!

I agree with @stem2017 that the extensions are try to get more students to apply to have a low acceptance rate. They hope to get kids at a weak moment (crunch time) who are under stress and maybe having self-doubt. They hope to get that one last app. If a student has never even put the school on common app, they have not researched that school and aren’t interested. S17 has received extensions from schools he has never even considered. They are coming in for two days now. Only one included a waiver. S17 is done with apps and he’s told me he is no longer checking the college email and I should let him know if any emails come in that he needs to address. I decided to wait until after dinner to tell him about the UNC-CH email that came today asking him to fill out a survey. Kind of annoying since the app deadline was 10/15, decisions expected mid to late January and they send a survey now. Guess I need to go read the entire email to see what it is all about.

Most colleges are run as what they are: big businesses. Our inbox was flooded with a large number of “today is the last day to get x% off at [retailer]” emails pretty much all of December. Only to get an email a day or two later that remarkably, the sale had been extended (but only to a “select group” of customers who they really value – so fortunate to be included). Sale was repeated extended for some retailers (I think the Black Monday sale at Lenovo was extended for something like 3 weeks).

Same is true with college application deadlines. Emails almost every day warning of deadline today or “very near.” Only to have it extended. For some schools multiple times. So today is the last day I can apply until you tell me I can apply tomorrow? Not all schools did that (and some only extended once). Presumably those were all based on business models/marketing efforts.

You can get same day decisions on a mortgage/car loan so why not college entrance? Again, not available at all colleges but those that believe it provides a marketing/recruiting edge will make it happen.

ok - Finally the LAST APP has been submitted! Imagine most of you have been done for awhile or only have a little to go. Now I have DS18 to focus on while we wait for some decisions!

@BigMACLovin I just LOL’d on the subway.


@CA1543 Congrats to your S17!!

welcome @BigMACLovin. Glad you finally chose to callin :wink: Hopefully you will have enough posts to be eligible for FB group soon.

@CA1543 – congrats! One more to go tomorrow…and then perhaps a return to normalcy. It’s been a long slog this fall. Junior year was completely manageable; this was unpleasant.

@BigMACLovin, and the CONFI award for best new name goes to BigMAClovin. please keep your acceptance speech to two sentences or less

I’d like to thank all the little people. You know who you are.

@CT417 - I recall there were a lot to deal with and am so happy for you and DC to be nearly done!! After tomorrow – take a break and breathe!! Junior year was more demanding for us but must confess the supps required and other things in connection with college process have taken a lot of thought and time.

My fingers are crossed for everyone to get some good news and at some point we’ll being sharing the t-shirts and mascots of the schools they are going to. We’ve been joking about some of the school mascots - so you might be a “??”.

FSU just offered son an incentive to take a Gap Year. They offered him no financial aid so instead he’ll be taking a Gap Life.

@CA1543 – much calmer here today! Return to school brought a return to normalcy.

Jr year was steady, constant, but manageable. Testing was completed early, so that helped. I just feel like he has not been able to participate in his usual weekend ECs due to college-related activities, so I am happy that it is behind him.

And, yes, wishing everyone wonderful outcomes during the next three months! Haven’t thought much about the mascots or colors; that would be getting ahead of myself, which I do anyway.

@STEM2017 – First app extension email! UNC-CH, another school he has never expressed interest in. Was hoping that one of the three he didn’t apply to this weekend would write, but no luck!


So what does that look like…“incentive to take a gap year?”

D was accepted to American over the break, but no merit (contrary to the NPC). Calls to Admissions and Office of Financial Aid were to no avail. D is disappointed, but she’s taking it in stride. She’s got some decent EA admits and we’ll see what RD brings. To quote @Dave_N, onward and upward!

@carachel2 He was offered an opportunity to apply for a $5,000 stipend if he agreed to take a gap year. Looks like a mass mailing. Maybe FSU is oversubscribed this year.

@klinska --congrats on the acceptance but that’s a bummer about the American NPC! The American University NPC is kind of weird–groups everyone over 99K into one category from what I can see.

I would think once the actual math is done there is a big difference between institutional need based aid for a family with an income of $100,000 vs. one with $150,000. But their NPC doesn’t allow for that.

Also–they have a very poor choice in wording I think. Their NPC doesn’t ask for stats so there is no way one can deduce there would be actual “merit” awarded from them by the NPC. But yet they vaguely hint at "after grants, loans and “scholarships.” Hmmm…

I would think American is a school where one would be completely responsible for their full EFC and then some. Heavy loan school.

@STEM2017 WOW…that sounds kind of crazy!! Has FSU done that before?

@carachel2 It’s called the FSU Gap Year Fellow.

Maybe I should take a closer look.

@STEM2017 Wait, it’s not “an opportunity to receive” but “an opportunity to apply for”? So it’s not a guarantee? Hmmm.