Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@STEM2017 – SUNY - great news!! And apparently Cuomo wants to make it free - we’ll see if that happens but so happy he has some good, affordable options – Stony Brook is very highly regarded.

@STEM2017 – Stony Brook has an excellent STEM program! Congrats!!!

@CA1543 Yes, Cuomo is working on it. And he wants it done quickly - by this fall!

The good news is potential free tuition. The bad news is that I qualify for it.

@STEM2017 – well if you qualify for it and it doesn’t happen to turn out free - that’s the bad news - if you qualify and get it that’s pretty awesome news!! My family was very low income, I lived on scholarships and work study and thankfully had low loans - I personally think making college more affordable for families should be a top priority. Of course students should do their part and work hard on their studies but strong state schools at a low cost is really so critical for so many families. Fingers are crossed for you that Cuomo gets his way - he seems to quite often! :slight_smile: No idea how it will be paid for but guess our taxes will go up - still worth it as we need our kids to get god educations through college or strong alternative trade/professional schools!

@STEM2017 Awesome news so far, congrats! Fingers crossed for the final SUNY acceptance!

@payn4ward So scary. Hope all is really well, and continues that way.

@Stem2017 Congrats on the recent acceptance.

@payn4ward oh my goodness! I am so sorry and hope recovery goes well.

@STEM2017 that is wonderful news! Congratulations

@payn4ward Hope all is ok!

@BingeWatcher wrote: “Thank you @Midwest67.That makes KU look very good to me!”

Ahem. UK. :wink:

@carachel2 D17 wants to hold on to as many teeth as she can. She only wants the 1 out.

I’m staring out the window waiting for the first flakes of snow to start falling-it’s gonna be nuts here in the south again when it does. @-)

@payn4ward - wishing the best for your DH. I hope the recovery is as quick as possible.

Health Insurance - D15 is able to stay on our PPO because there are in network providers in her school area (which is across the country from our home). I do have to provide proof of insurance every year to get the school insurance fee waived. Truthfully, she has only used the school health clinic so far and has not needed to find a local provider. She will need to get a supplemental policy next year when she is studying abroad in Chile. I have tasked her with getting the information from the school study abroad office.

@payn4ward Hope he recovers soon, good luck.

Congrats @STEM2017 's S

Add insurance to list of things to worry about, we have HMO so will have to see

DC needs to have wisdom tooth removed as well - will need to schedule that

Busy time for kids - mid years in 10 days or so

The oral surgeons get busy during the summer months, so it might be worth scheduling the consult during spring so that you can get on the surgical schedule for summer. Both boys have had their wisdom teeth extracted, and both enjoyed easy recoveries.

@payn4ward Many hugs and best wishes!

@STEM2017 Congrats to S! Excellent that he was admitted direct into engineering. My D is still awaiting news from the SUNYs, but she got her apps in pretty close to deadline so she may have a while yet. She wound up going math/stats rather than engineering in the end. Fingers crossed for Bing! :slight_smile:

All the sudden clarinet talk made me smile. D23 is a clarinet and I’m currently stalking a couple of instruments on ebay right now as her band teacher thinks she should now switch from composite to wood. Another learning curve for me! 8-}

@payn4ward Hugs… doesn’t sounds like a good first week of the year.

@Fishnlines29 I agree the more I head about college marching bands the less I really want my son to do Marching Band in college. I’ve known a few kids who do it freshman year but drop after they figure out how much of a time commitment it is. I have a nephew who does marching band at university but their family is way into football.

But I can’t make this decision for my son. He just feels he’s put so much time & effort into in his high school, why wouldn’t he want to continue. He certainly wants to continue with music. But he can do that anywhere he has applied. My top pick for him (if he gets in) doesn’t have a marching band… so we will see. At this point if I tell him it’s a bad idea, he would probably do the oposite.

@STEAM2017 Congrats on Stony Brook. They have a great Engineering program correct? I have a soft spot for that school, since my father was working there when I was born. But moved away when I was still very young so I have no memory of it.

I’ve done it again… 3 posts in a row… I have to remember to save up all my comments.

** Health Insurance ** We are on a PPO. This qualified for insurance for my D’s college in Mass. Massachusetts requires health insurance for all college students, and I believe they set the rules. I’m assuming it will work fine for all the schools my son attends.

@payn4ward Yes, here’s hoping your H is on the mend.

@Fishnlines29 Yeah, that was the impression I got re: marching band commitments. D17 plays tuba for HS MB, but her passion is also piano. She has submitted several arts supplements of her playing several pieces on piano. Hopefully she can join an ensemble…she’s sitting here playing right now…working of a new song (still on break). If she could get free lessons at school via the supplement, that would be awesome.

Thanks everyone for the insurance info. Very very helpful.

My wisdom teeth (2 only I think) came in fine and I still have them. :smiley:

@payn4ward - Sending healing thoughts your way – how scary! So glad you were able to get him the help he needed. Hugs to you all! :x

@STEM2017 - Congrats on Stony Brook! I’d trade commuter feel for good STEM and nearby beaches any day! :wink:

@MotherOfDragons - There’s a lesson there with syllabi…and it’s one that all of our students should heed before they head of to college. As is the case with most lessons learned, D17 found out the hard way. :open_mouth:

The first college course that my DD took was a 6-week summer class. She was given a syllabus at the start of the course and went on her merry way. There were no assignments given beyond when the midterm and final were going to be held and that there was a paper due at the end of the course. There was, however, a week by week (actually day by day) listing of what the general topics were (it was an art history survey course, so the syllabus indicated which eras and cultures were going to be covered and where the class was going to meet as the course was mostly held at museums). :expressionless:

Long story short, somewhere heading into week 3 I ask her, “So, how are the readings coming along?” to which she answers “What readings? We haven’t been assigned any!” Much to her chagrin, I pointed out the the 1000+ page required textbook and supplemental readings were not on the syllabus just in case she wanted to leaf through them for fun, but that she was supposed to be reading whatever portions of the text corresponded to whatever topics they were covering. Needless to say, she had a lot to catch up on, but thankfully learned her lesson in time to catch up and knew what to do moving forward. :)]

When all was said and done, DD mentioned that she thought that every high schooler should take at least one college course during high school so that they don’t have the same type of rude awakening halfway through the class that she did and that they understand the level of personal responsibility required when material is not spoon fed to them. :smiley:

@payn4ward Hoping that your H is feeling better and on the mend, that must have been scary.

My DS17 got his wisdom teeth out last Thanksgiving, had it done Wednesday and was ready for school on Monday.
We had the doc take them all out so he would only have to do it once. Recovery was pretty easy, I guess when you are young your body heals easily or after his three knee surgeries this seemed like a breeze. Our local oral surgeon books out months in advance so I agree with CT1417 you might want to look into it earlier rather than later :slight_smile: