Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Lots of hugs and wishing for a speedy recovery, @payn4ward !

Congrats on Stoney Brook, @STEM2017 !! <:-P

@MotherOfDragons I kept 2 upper wisdom teeth that came in fine until my 40s. They were no problem to remove when they started getting a little too long in the tooth, literally. @BigMACLovin is a couple years older than me, so he must be wiser. :smiley:

@curiositycat333 - I just go back and 85 times in 15 minutes to edit my posts to avoid having to post multiple times. :wink:

Lamentably, this last comment heading into minute 16, so I couldnā€™t sneak it in :D/

@payn4ward How scary! I hope your hubby has a speedy recovery!

@STEM2017 Congrats!!!

Still have my wisdom teeth and Iā€™m pushing 50. Surprisingly one of the few body parts that Iā€™ve not had any problems with :))
My latest is Iā€™ve been told I have most likely developed an intolerance to Gluten and Dairy. Iā€™ve been feeling kind of cruddy for a while, especially when participating in athletics. Iā€™m usually feeling fit and healthy and fast, but Iā€™ve been feeling bloated, slow, tired, gasping for breath etc. I tried a gluten/milk detox since Thanksgiving and I feel like a new man again. Amazing. I had been eating healthy, just the wrong stuff and it was really messing with me.

It snowed a bit today, so a few friends and I are going to go fat biking later ( bikes with huge tires good for the snow) in the woods and in the dark. Its cool, we have these bright lights and cruise the forest in the dark, with new snow and everything looks really amazing.

@RightCoaster Glad you figured it out! I want a fat bike! They look so fun. Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s what Iā€™ll get D for college (not a high end one though; donā€™t want it stolen).

@itsgettingreal17 that would be a great gift. You can find an OK one for $500-700 that she could actually use.
Donā€™t buy the cheap crap you see at big box stores for $199 because they weigh like 60 lbs, no gears, terrible components, etc. Not worth it.
Really fun to ride, probably my favorite toy.

@itsgettingreal17 I donā€™t think a fat bike would go over well at one of the schools you are considering! =))

Are any of your kids thinking of becoming a dentist? Sounds like something I should have D20 consider!

@payn4ward, Best wishes to your Husband. Sorry your year started with a bump in the roadā€¦

@STEM2017, Congrats on acceptanceā€¦may there be many more low cost alternatives

Okay, this is yesterdayā€™s QOTD but here goes:

D applied to 9 schools. She wants to study engineering, probably Mechanical Engineering.

She applied ED to Cornell COEā€¦and was accepted! Fantasticā€”but the FA package just would not work. COA was about $50k. This is the only school officially dropped. Unfortunately, she had to ask to be released from ED. D is okay with it; I may be more heartbroken than her that the money did not work out.

Accepted EA, still in contention:

WPI ā€“ $31k in merit aid; hoping for a Foisie Scholarship, which is full-tuition (but only 10 are awarded/year)
Drexel ā€“ $37k in merit aid/grants (applying to Pennoni Honors College)
Northeastern ā€“ $20k in merit aid (havenā€™t received actual FA letter yetā€¦waiting to see full picture on NEU)
SUNY Binghamton ā€“ no FA package, but itā€™s a state school with a COA of about $25k
SUNY Potsdam ā€“ (donā€™t ask; I didnā€™t want her to apply, but she is considering it as a safety where she could do a 3/2 program with Clarkson)

I consider NEU, Drexel, and WPI the top contenders at this point. She prefers a city location, co-op program, and likes the project-based approach at WPI.

Waiting on RD:
Stevens Institute of Technology
RPI (she is a Rensselaer medalist, guaranteed $25k/year minimum MA)

D was going to apply to a 10th school, Villanova. However, she decided against it at the last minute. We hadnā€™t had a chance to visit, and the more she read online she found she had no desire to attend. (Religious Ed requirement, location, etc.) I would be supplemental essay fatigue also played a part here!

@OCNYmom --welcome and congrats on the Cornell acceptance. D didnā€™t even apply to schools like that because we were afraid of that very scenario. Was the package way different from the NPC? I keep reading about similar situations and some say it was less and some say it was more that was offered. Iā€™m interested because I do occasionally help other kids with college stuff and need to be able to pass on info for the next yearā€™s crew!

Ok I got a wisdom teeth consult scheduled for spring break, they said it should be no problem to do the surgery over the summer. Thanks for the heads up, everyone!

@OCNYmom - your D sounds like my S17. He wants Civil Engineering. He applied and was accepted ā€œfriendlyā€ ED to RIT without us really seeing the application or school info. Turns out, they offer Civil Engineering Technology - not straight Civil Engineering so he is going to have to ask for release from ED from them. He has also applied and been accepted EA to WPI no word on FA yet; UMass Lowell (Honors with a Deans Scholarship and $4000 Co-OP/Study Abroad Grant; UMass Amherst (No FA); and RD for Colorado School of Mines with a nice scholarship and offer to apply for Honors College. Heā€™s still waiting for RD decisions from Stevens; RPI and Olin. Also rolling decision from Wentworth. His first choice is WPI (close to home and he really likes their program) but itā€™s a no go if they donā€™t offer good FA. Weā€™ll be visiting Mines next week - so far - they are the top contender financially with UMass Lowell. His GC wanted him to add Carnegie Mellon, but he opted not to - he didnā€™t particularly care for the location. Good luck to your D.

I know some others here are waiting for NMF notification, although I donā€™t recall if anyone else was concerned about the SAT confirming score. If you were, it sounds as though NM has refined the ā€œno higher than 209ā€ statement. From the National Merit forum:

Thank you @IABooks. That is actually better (lower) than what they originally told me in October, which was the 209 SI equivalent.

@Motiv8tedmom23 Sorry to hear that RIT didnā€™t work out. Whatā€™s a ā€œfriendlyā€ ED? And did they get rid of their civil engineering program? Glad he has other great options.

@itsgettingreal17 - from reading their website - they have a ā€œfriendlyā€ ED in that you receive financial aid info prior to the required commit date of 2/1. I donā€™t know if they ever actually had Civil Engineering or if it was always Civil Engineering Technology. We were visiting with friends who are from NY and he actually attended RIT many years ago - but she still knows some folks involved in the school. From what they were saying itā€™s a big design school. They do offer some Engineering - like Mechanical and Industrial but tend to be heavier in the design.

I donā€™t do ED, but I thought ALL ED was friendly if thatā€™s the definition. What are you going to use to be released from the agreement @Motiv8tedmom23? I thought you could only get out for financial reasonsā€¦

@BigMACLovin - We are waiting for the full financial picture - at this point - it is not financially feasible.

@payn4ward, fast recovery for your DH!

@STEM2017, congratulations!!