Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@payn4ward so sorry to hear about your H. Hugs and prayers for a full recovery

@STEM2017 congrats on Stony Brook Acceptance!!

@payn4ward Virtual hugs your way
 Wishing your DH a speedy recovery!

DS found out that the long quarterly report on an AP Lit book (which he hasn’t started reading yet because of all the college apps) now isn’t due until next Friday instead of next Tuesday. So now he is cleaning his room and his part of my office. I’m not complaining, and I think it means that this weekend he can do his ECs, we can go see “Hidden Figures” as a family, and maybe even play a family board game.

Happy weekend to all and even more hugs and good wishes to @payn4ward.

Been playing lots of Mexican Train lately. A domino game. Lots of fun for all ages.

Movie Night and Family Game Night are also returning to our home this weekend and next 
 after many months in hiatus :slight_smile:

I got DS a deluxe Illuminati game, so that’s what I want to play. We used to play it in college, and the groups on the cards are mostly still relevant today.

@DMV301 game night sounds like a fun idea, we could all use a little bit of that

Bad Moms tonight.

@CAtransplant Well, I just got daughter’s answer on invisibility, she said, “oh, I would have to mess with people” >:)

I told her your D’s answer (minus the scent comment) and she said, well the animals would sense you so, you’d have to do something about that

And then, completely off topic, she gave me a lengthy lesson on gravity and worm holes.

It’s only the smart students who realize that that’s part of why I set my classes up that way

@payn4ward Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery.

Made a good dent into our high deductible insurance - DS hurt knee skiing and ortho wanted MRI. Fortunately, just bad bone bruising.

When DD12 went abroad, her program covered local health insurance and emergency medivac if needed. Thankfully, she never needed/used the overseas insurance.

Thank you for the well wishes.
He is doing very well and is expected to fully recover. He got couple of stents in. He is moved to a regular room and is staying another night, which is good, because he was already trying to work from phone, not good. He is the healthiest patient in the hospital tonight, I think. Hoping for no more excitement this year. Yup, definitely a snowblower or a move to south. This morning the temperature hit -3 F.

Glad to hear the news @payn4ward

@payn4ward --glad to hear that!

Make SURE to inquire/request cardiac rehabilitation. He sounds otherwise very healthy and he is the type who would benefit from some guidance and monitored exercise as he moves into recovery. Insurance almost always covers it.

@payn4ward, glad to hear that it all appears (relatively) easily treatable.

Every once in a while I hear someone wax rhapsodic about how “romantic” and such it would be to live in, say, the 1700s, and sometimes I even get swept up with it, but then I look at modern medicine and it quickly brings me back to preferring the present.

@payn4ward I am glad that your husband is on the mend! So scary!

@payn4ward Glad to hear the news. Hugs to your family, and I wish him a speedy recovery!

Like some others mentioned, the house is a little more calm now that apps are done. I’m sitting on the couch watching D and S20 work on a 500 piece puzzle, and I know these are the moments I’ll miss once she’s in college.

Speaking of movies, D went and watched La La Land while the rest of the family watched Rogue One, because she is not a Star Wars fan. She loved it and is now scheduling a time for us to go see Hidden Figures since it was one of the trailers she saw before La La Land. This time of year is our family’s favorite to watch movies for some reason.

@payn4ward, thank you for letting us know the good update.

Need to ask about D’s wisdom teeth when we go to the next dental checkup.

At DS14’s college, medical insurance is automatically enrolled and charged to each student. We are then asked to decline their medical insurance and must be approved each year. Only then we get our charges waved

@payn4ward Hope your hubby has a quick recovery.

While your kids apps are winding down, my dd’s just got intense. An app for a specialized program she wants to apply to just opened up a 3 days ago and is due Feb 1. It requires 4 500 word essays and a 1000 word research essay. Jan 3 to Feb 1st doesn’t give a lot of wiggle room to really busy srs.