Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

CU-Boulder has a fixed tuition plan, but the initial rate is higher than the regular plan. Also, I don’t know if it is IS only. I haven’t looked at it carefully.

No middle school courses in high school transcripts.

DH is home and good as new. He has been pretty healthy, normal weight/cholesterol/blood pressure. The only risk factor apparently was being a man. It scared us (me and DSs) more than him.
We have no wills, no medical POAs, (I just typed POW :wink: ) no nothing, and we are young (I mean, not yet 50 but close.)
Plenty of reading to do on this area, once we are empty nesters with nothing else to do!

@payn4ward So glad DH is home and feeling better!! Good to hear. We just got all that paperwork done this year.

@STEM2017 Definitely not the same as a tuition lock but BU sent an email a few weeks ago about a new program at BU called the BU Grant Assurance program. It’s for need-based scholarships, not merit.

“The BU Grant Assurance eliminates the uncertainty of potential changes in scholarship aid and makes planning for BU–from freshman year through graduation–easier to manage. Our commitment to you is that if you are admitted to BU and awarded a BU need-based scholarship, your scholarship will be guaranteed for future years.”

No snail mail or emails today for Son17 related to college stuff. Might be the first in the last year and a half.

Lucky you @rightcoaster. Fordham strikes again today. Of course if a student who missed the original deadline didn’t get their app in yet they must need a reminder that today is the extended deadline. Couldn’t possibly be because the students have no interest.

Other than Fordham, there have been no other emails today so maybe tomorrow will be our first day of no emails.

Better @RightCoaster?

QOTD from 1/7 I think: DC did not take HS classes in MS, however, they have both taken DE classes in HS, which is included in their HS GPA. Interestingly enough, our older D’s college accepted the DE credits (primarily as electives) but ALSO figured it into her college GPA! We were very surprised at that – colleges usually take transfer credits but the GPA doesn’t transfer unless one ends up at that university. D13’s school (Belmont University) transferred the GPA as well.

@Fishlines29 – lol, as mentioned above, our D13 is graduating from Belmont. Very excited to have her finishing just before D17 begins college!

@carachel2 – thanks for the (re)welcome. Our D17 is very happy she was admitted into direct admit nursing programs.

@payn4ward – so glad your DH is doing well. It’s crazy how we realize what we don’t have in place (wills, medical POAs, etc.) when an emergency happens.

@payn4ward - I can’t stress strongly enough how important it is to have Power of Attorney over any and all financial and real estate investments. My brother was in a terrible bicycle accident three years ago and has since been incapacitated. My sister-in-law has had to set up a conservatorship and has little control over financial decisions for joint property (everything has to go through the courts) and virtually has no control over anything that was in my brother’s name only. Her hands have been tied in making financial decisions and – at the end of the day – the lawyers are the ones benefiting.

I hope everyone had a great Holiday/Winter Break. We just got back Saturday evening and spent yesterday preparing for back-to-school and work :frowning: That was fun getting through 600+ posts. I’ve forgotten anything I would comment on for the past couple of weeks.

We had the mail stopped so I wonder if there will be any excitement when we get home. Doesn’t sound like it based on others experiences. D has 1/15 deadlines for all those WashU scholarships and then she can start on the ones that opened on 1/1/17. So no rest for the weary.

@MackMcMAC I just searched some avatars for Mack and unfortunately it just showed me a bunch images of pimps, so that probably wouldn’t be a good look on CC. I guess your logo will have to suffice.

@payn4ward glad H is OK and at home.

@Dolemite welcome back, buckle up

This made me think of a few on here:

The look on this kid’s face is priceless @Dolemite

I was wondering the purpose behind the No-Pants Ride. What is it protesting against? What cause they are raising awareness for? Then I read at the bottom of the article “it’s just for fun!”. Oh, ok.

^^ @HiToWaMom, it’s Philadelphia. Having lived there, that’s enough explanation for me.

There are a lot of schools that consider transferred credit grades (which, for many of them, includes DE classes) in overall GPA (and a few more that don’t factor them into institutional GPA but do for things like Latin honors at graduation). Basically, anyone who has issues with high school GPAs being utterly incomparable because of different weighting schemes and such gets no relief in college.

Welcome back @Dolemite !! been wondering how the trip went, I want details!!!

Our UC started winter quarter today, so we got DS signed up for his CS class (assembly).

The only unexpected thing was that he needed an immunization record to show Hepatitis B, which he hadn’t needed to show before. (I don’t know whether that was because he’s 18 now or they forgot to ask for it before.) Anyway, this time I thought to scan in his immunization record and share it with him on Google Docs so that he’ll have access to it if he needs it. I’ll send a printed copy with him to college, but one he can print out himself seems useful.

@Ynotgo – our guys might not end up at the same place but wow - so similar. My son LOVED learning Assembler – only did it at summer camp a few years ago - obviously much less that a college course. If your son really likes it let me know - just thinking they are separated twins in some respects!

@CA1543 He’s used assembly some for hacking, so he’s pretty sure he’ll like the class. He liked the professor when he went in to test out of the prerequisite. They do seem related… Maybe we will have an excuse to visit your neck of the woods sometime!

Assembler was one of my favorite classes ever.

Good idea to put immunization record on google docs @Ynotgo. I have other stuff on there, but not that.

@Fishnlines29 We had a blast. D17 and I were able to see Harry Potter and the Curse Child. We were lucky and got 2 tickets through the Friday 40 the morning before we left. S23 and DW saw The Play that Goes Wrong and loved it. Did the WB Studio Tour for Harry Potter, went to Stonehenge/Bath, and various other standard London sightseeing.

Mail didn’t get delivered yet. Hopefully today.