Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@stencils - We were so exicted to receive a fees waiver letter from Case couple of months back and then folks in this group killed my excitement =))

Thanks for the Case feedback!

Next question - FAFSA! I already submitted the FAFSA a month ago to the schools to which I thought DD was applying. Now I need to resubmit for Case. Do I need to delete all of the previous schools before resubmitting so they don’t get a duplicate submission?

This should be easier / more clear than it is.

@stencils , if i recall correctly, you click on make a correction on FAFSA to add a school. Case is a solid school. Best of luck.

@stencils you only have to delete if you already have 10 schools on there. If not, you can just add one.

Frustration of the day . D17 never heard from CofC when everyone else seemed to, and when she checked online at her application it said that it was 100%, aka everything was submitted. Never got any emails asking for anything from them. Finally called today and they said that they did not have an official transcript. If it was missing, why wasnt she notified. i believe she submitted through, where something must have gone wrong? They asked that the GC send the official transcript to them.

now how did other schools accept her, similar to CofC which were not on common app. I guess she needs to go into the High school and meet with her GC. (she takes all classes at local college so never at HS)

Thanks @SincererLove and @Fishnlines29 – it just seemed odd to resubmit to all of the previous schools like I’m doing a correction, when all I’m doing is sending the same data to another school.

@stencils you don’t have to leave them on there

@stencils When I submitted to additional schools, I took off the ones I already sent the FAFSA to just so I knew they didn’t get a second report - my own peace of mind.

@CA1543, @LoveTheBard, @mtrosemom, @TheGFG, @“what??!!” thanks for the input! D is definitely more natural as a research paper writer than as a college essay writer. At least that should pay off in the long run. Luckily it’s not a super-important essay. It’s for a smaller college where she’s not certain she’d want to be in the honors program (maybe too intense), but she’d like to try because it does sound pretty cool and comes with a bit of merit. If her essay shows she’s not what they’re looking for, that’s understandable. She’s going to put a little list of reference links at the bottom because she’d rather err on the side of including refs where they aren’t needed.

Of course totally unbiased me thinks it’s good! She specifically went for the plastic shopping bag because the harm caused is so huge compared to how easy the solution is. Interesting fact I learned: Some sea creatures lay their eggs on floating seaweed or algae which degrades pretty rapidly, leaving the hatchlings in their native territory. But if the eggs are laid on plastic bags they can be blown far from home to areas where they pose an invasive threat. Don’t forget your reusable bag! ~:>
(There weren’t any “sea creature” emojis but she also discussed birds, so have a chicken!)

@MSHopeful and @dfbdfb, congrats on being done! My D will be done one way or the other by 11:59pm Jan 15

@Dolemite, very exciting news – good luck to your D!

@stencils, D actually interviewed via Skype with a Case AO. I was a bad parent and snooped on about the last half ( :blush: ) and did not think the interview went great. D is not at all a natural interviewer, so I generally prefer that she interview with AO’s over alums. But this AO did not come across as friendly and the questions seemed very mechanical. Nothing in the way of a conversation ever got going. I know that doesn’t answer your question, but just a possible point of interest. I would absolutely do an interview with Case one way or another since it’s a big consideration for them.

@STEM2017, they seem to be around 35 or 36% now – wouldn’t that be an awfully steep decrease in a year?! I tried to get D to take them off the list as “too reachy” but they’re one of the two she wouldn’t let go of. Perhaps the AR goal explains the AO’s robotic interviewing sensibility – he knew she was a “throw 'em in the meat grinder” app. (Queue up that scene from Another Brick in the Wall Pt 2

@snoozn I guess I jumped to my cynical conclusion with Case. It was pointed out that the app has been free for years. So maybe they are not so sinister after all.

@snoozn thanks for the interview feedback, she’ll probably try to do the Case alum interview. DD17 is a good interviewer, so that helps her.

Unrelated, I thought your comment on the “Thank you for choosing 5 best reputation colleges !” was outstanding. Until DD17 started looking at schools, my understanding/knowledge of colleges was similar to yours (pretty superficial at best) and often completely wrong. I was going to give you kudos on that thread, but it was locked.

For those of you that want to play along, snoozn put their prior knowledge some of high profile colleges in a list. See here:

@stencils When I needed to add a couple of schools, I just deleted 3 and put the 3 new ones on. However, I did notice that it changed the submitted date for FAFSA on some schools my D had already applied to and had FAFSA sent previously. I’m not sure if this will work against her in any way or not
guessing it happens all the time
but I now wish I had deleted all the schools when I was adding more.

S’s application for ASUs Barrett Honors College is finally complete! He’s getting there. Were still waiting for decisions for two more colleges so he can apply to their honors program. It is a slow but steady road.

I just sat in on the financial aid webinar for BU online. Very straightforward. I didn’t learn anything new, thanks of course, to learning it all here on CC!!

Cynical conclusions: Is Kenyon College sinister about trying to up their applicant numbers? Free app, no supplemental essays except for a resume (seems odd for a college with such a strong creative writing program), and relatively late deadline. Of course, I don’t know if any of that changed recently.

@Dolemite - My D17 attended Rice’s SOAR program in the fall and loved it! She went alone as well. Hopefully your D will be invited to compete for the Mork/Trustee, etc. from USCal and will see the campus then.

It looks like our D’s have many of the same schools on their list (my D17 is trying to crank out the Wash.U. stuff by this weekend. lol)

What does your D want to study? Mine is into the humanities.

@Ynotgo - I too was surprised about that for Kenyon. D applied back in November and it was the same.

@LoveTheBard My D intends to study Neuroscience.

I’m not sure how USCal will handle my D as she qualifies for Tuition Exchange and is NMSF. The NMF scholarship and TE stack at USCal and would be more than Mork/Trustee with the TE funds coming from HR and not their Finaid budget.

Kenyon switched to no supplement and no fee 2-3 years ago. That and the “John Green effect” have been cited as reasons for the surge in applications and corresponding increase in selectivity.

D requested an alumni interview from Case. They never got back to her. She got accepted in the EA round with merit and we’re hoping to visit later in the spring.

@Dolemite - USC allows you to stack with the NMF? I know that their named scholarships can’t be stacked (Dean’s and Trustee’s, for example), but I have no idea how they handle TE with any of the named scholarships.

How lucky for you that your D has the TE card to play. Lamentably, the UCs don’t participate in any sort of TE (nor do they have any discounts for children of profs), so we’re SOL as far as that goes