Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I think choosing the plastic bag might not demonstrate enough out-of-the-box thinking, depending on which college this is for.

For those interested in MORE GPA input:

I thin plastic bags is a great one. I think writing an essay about something that seems so mundane but has had such a negative effect could be very powerful.

plastic bags are one of the most visible and solvable forms of litter/pollution there is. in Asia they are scattered all over cities, vast vistas and ocean shores. In the past decades as people hacve shifted from bringing their own grocery/ shopping bags to receiving cheap plastic bags the physical litter/pollution levels in non urban areas such as beautiful little villages and forests has skyrocketed. I was recently walking through a forested area that I know well from my youth and the view was so disgusting with different colors plastic bags peeking out of everywhere that I didnā€™t have the heart to revisit the pathways of my youth again.

MODERATORā€™S NOTE: I deleted several posts by a person who reregistered after being banned. Please let me know if you see more posts from this person.

@MaineLonghorn --Oh thank you SO much!!! Canā€™t believe that happens! We will be vigilant in looking for those posts and will report them right away! Is there anything special we should look for or any special searches we should run?

D got invited to Rice Vision over Presidentā€™s Day. Sheā€™s already accepted the invite and weā€™ve booked her ticket. Sheā€™ll be flying by herself for the first time. The only school she hasnā€™t visited that sheā€™s applied is USCal. Weā€™ll see how that goes in a couple of weeks.

Congrats @Dolemite! Love Rice, but S doesnā€™t have the stats.

The Ring of Gyges prompt (invisibility cloak) prompt allows the student to show their knowledge of Platoā€™s Republic and the Ring of Gyges. Yes, the ā€œwhat would you do with the ringā€ is a huge part of the question but it goes beyond that. And I donā€™t think the only thing to do with such a ring has to be evil or unethical.

@carachel2, inside jokes are a good tip - ā€œWelcome, so and so. Havenā€™t seen you around lately!ā€ That kind of thing.

Why, oh why donā€™t colleges clean up their distribution lists? Itā€™s been a couple weeks now that D17 has not just applied to Earlham, but has been accepted EA, and yet yesterday she gets an email from them reminding her that thereā€™s still time to apply, what with their RD and ED2 deadlines coming up on 15 January.

It wouldnā€™t be quite so annoying if it had come to, say, a different name and email address combination than was in her application, but all theyā€™d need to have done is run their accepted studentsā€™ emails through their distribution lists. I mean, Iā€™m no mad-skillz-hax0r programmer, but I could write a script to do it, and if I could do it, I know there are people in the collegeā€™s IT office who could.

@dfbdfb ā€“ another opportunity to mention that my college Jr still receives mail suggesting he attend the summer program for HS students run by his university.

Same summer mail from another college he applied to, but I would have thought that the one he attends would have stopped these mailings by now. I am guessing they go off of CB mailing lists, so hopefully they will stop eventually, assuming anyone cleans up the database to figure out that he wasnā€™t taking standardized tests in middle school.

Cleaning up email lists takes time and money. Defeats the primary benefit of email lists which is they are cheap. You may annoy some people but how many will make a different decision based on that annoyance and it is worth the cost of removing them from the list.

I would expect large scale management. Like deleting batches of people after a certain amount of time. If the names are still on the list, there is a perceived benefit for that. May not be for you personally. But overall to the group. Again, on a cost/benefit analysis.

Brass Bands are just brass and percussion. (married to a hs band director)

@dfbdfb wrote:

DS14 applied to Rice 3 years ago but decided to attend elsewhere. Last month, he received an email from Rice Student Housing instructing him to turn off all the lights, etcā€¦ before leaving for winter break.

DS goes on an Unsubscribe fest every few months.

As a music teacher, I hate that someone didnā€™t encourage you to keep music as a lifelong endeavor. Itā€™s never too late to bring it back.

Welcome @Tinijocaro! Seems like you are responding to past posts. It would be helpful if you put your response in some context. You should quote the post to which you are responding or tag the person to whom you are responding.

DD decided to apply to Case RD. Sheā€™s been considering it for weeks, but decided to go for it last night. When she submitted her app last night, the common app website said there was no fee for applying to Case. Does Case not charge an app fee?

I apologize if this has been discussed before, but has anyone else requested a local alumni interview through the Case website and how did it go? I know Case is on the list for several 2017ers here. It looks like you can still request interviews through the end of January.

Reminder to self: Log back into FAFSA and Profile sites and send info to Caseā€¦ thought I was done with those.

@stencils Cynical me thinks Case is pushing to get their acceptance rate below 30%. So they have probably dropped the application fee. S gets twice daily reminders about the looming deadline, which will surely be extended.

@stencils, yes, Case does not charge for app fees. Itā€™s been their practice (or tactic) for a few years.