Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I think colleges are aware that NHS isn’t a big deal at most schools.

@socalmom007 congrats!!! Love acceptances and nice merit offers.

One acceptance here today, merit hopefully in the mail, from Goucher College.

Congrats to you too @eandesmom , super exciting! I’m sure we have some declines in our future, but having a few acceptances, with merit that make them affordable, is an amazing feeling. My daughter is a 4.0-4.1 with mediocre test scores, some of her close friends are in the 4.5/high test score camp, and I think she was afraid she wouldn’t get in anywhere.

@eandesmom Congratulations on Goucher College acceptance!! They require students to spend a year or a semester abroad, right? That sounds really attractive. Is your S interested in studying abroad?
I hope he will get a good merit package!

@eandesmom, congrats on the Goucher acceptance! Oldest D and I really liked it when we visited.

@socalmom007 --congrats on the acceptances and scholarships! Are either of those a top choice?

@carachel2 no, none of the 5 acceptances so far are top choices. But, the three with hefty scholarships are looking way more attractive, I’ll admit. I think it’s just a relief to see that she is going to get into some good schools and get some merit money.

@socalmom007 Dd has a friend who is a junior at Duquesne and absolutely loves it.

Congratulations on Goucher, @eandesmom !!

@jmek15 that’s awesome to hear! That’s one we weren’t able to visit, so it’s good to hear students love it there.

@carachel2 “I legit know someone whose plan is to have the wife quit her job in order to lower their income…”

You know my neighbors?? I thought it was odd BOTH parents decided to “retire” at the same time as their freshman was entering her second semester and their high school senior was entering completing his senior year. Hmmm… reduces the parental income doesn’t it.

@stencils Yes, my avatar is indeed a sleeping cthulhu >:)

D has one last paragraph to write for the honors program at SUNY Stony Brook, then she is done, done, done! I, on the other hand, keep having these nagging worries that she should throw in one more app just to be sure. Sure of what, I have no idea, lol, as she’s got 3 apps in to state schools. I guess this process has gone on so long I’m having trouble accepting that there’s nothing to do at this point except wait!

Time to wake up @thermom

^:)^ ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn ^:)^

I’ve also been fighting that urge to apply to one more school…I think it’s all of those “it’s not too late” e-mails we keep getting…

NHS: We ended up leaving it off most of the apps. Several limited how many EC’s, etc., we could list, and this one always failed to make the cut. I don’t think it matters from a college admissions standpoint, but we did enjoy watching both kids get inducted.

@payn4ward and @jmek15 I’ve had that cold since Christmas day and D18 had to be on antibiotics for it. For me it was an annoying sinus cold that has gradually migrated down into my chest and I cough every now and then, but it’s not slowing me down. D just couldn’t shake hers out of her sinuses at all.

Speaking of D18, she got her braces off (finally!) and promptly was referred to an oral surgeon because she too has wisdom teeth coming in all catty wompus. So it looks like both girls will be getting their wisdom teeth out this summer.

D17 and her dad went to the blount scholars day yesterday and came back very happy. It was H’s first visit to UA, so he’s now seen all of the schools she’s applied to, and he liked it-his opinion was that it was a school where they cared about your kid (or at least appeared to-we are both a little cynical, but in this case he said it was very well run and the people and kids all were very engaged).

The Olin alum never emailed D17 back, so I think if the bad Sat 2 hadn’t blown her chances (and the worst part was it was an optional send!) then no interview probably did. This is the downside of letting her do a lot of the stuff by herself, but I think it is probably ok in the grand scheme of things.

Hey, remember D18’s (now ex) BF who I bullied into taking the PSAT? He scored a 1490! I don’t know what his selection index is, but that may be high enough for him to get NMSF for our state. D18 reports that he still doesn’t want to go to college, which just boggles her mind. I hope he comes around.

Yeah, that was me on New Year’s Eve. I did make D17 apply to G Tech, but she has no intention of going. Since she and her bf are now on shaky ground (she said “I’d like a good night text”, he said “I can’t text you all the time, I have a life” to which D18 and I went “uh oh” when she read the text to us, and it’s been a slow crash and burn ever since), even less of a reason.

Hey, I might not have to buy her a prom dress this year? Hah not likely…

To share this week’s good news (it was otherwise a very slow week for college news): D has been named a Bernard Ramsey Honors Scholar (#2 scholarship) and is a finalist for the Foundation Fellowship (#1 scholarship and full ride) at UGA. We are very excited! The Fellowship benefits are AMAZING! (3 fully funded spring break study abroad, 1 fully funded summer at Oxford, 2 all-fellows retreats each year, special events with faculty and special guests, another $10k+ in study abroad and research money, and more). This would be very hard to turn down given her interests and strength of UGA programs in her areas of focus. Scholarship competition is the end of February. Fingers crossed!

@itsgettingreal17 Wow! That sounds amazing! Good luck to her!

@MotherOfDragons --so what did H think of the UA hype before and now what does he think after he has visited? I really want H to visit UA. He’s seen Pitt and A&M now…would love to send him to UA to see what he thinks.

@itsgettingreal17 --man those are some SWEET perks. Can’t wait to see how it all goes!

@MotherOfDragons no need to be cynical. That concern for their students is real. D’s really and truly loves Bama.

Wow! @itsgettingreal17 Congratulations and good luck! <:-P =D>

Congratulations @eandesmom @socalmom007 @jmek15! <:-P <:-P <:-P

DS17 is feeling better but yes, it is all in his sinus.

Stay happy and healthy all!

Anyone planning on March in a week? With all the sickness didn’t get to order the shirt.

@carachel2 he didn’t really pay attention to anything I’d said about UA until the Presidential scholarship came in, followed by the engineering one. Then he got really interested, lol. A lot of his coworkers were saying that Auburn was much better for engineering and CS, but those were also people who graduated from Auburn. To be fair, he was really judging all the universities along the lines of would she enjoy her experience there and was the place attractive and well-run. Yes to all of those.

Although, to be fair, all of the places I’ve sent them so far have been “yesses” in those categories anyway, because they’re important to me as her mom. Except maybe UMD-the guides did not have their stuff together very well and D & H had to do a lot of hunting for things on their own, earning it the “fall through the cracks” nickname. Luckily it had other enticements to make up for the lack of attention.

Almost all of the schools ended up with funny nicknames from my H after they visited. Some of which I probably shouldn’t repeat lest they get back to the wrong ears. ^#(^

@payn4ward I may be going to the local one. My grad school graduating class is organzing a huge trip to attend, but the details of it all, particularly permitting, came together too late for me. I don’t like uncertainty.