Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@Fishnlines29 – remembering racing home to the mailbox on April 15th, hoping to find acceptance letters delivered? Then having to commit to a school by April 30th!

I am wondering about your COA figure though for 1989. Tuition, room & board at my school was $11K when I started in 1982. I can find a source listing it as just over $20K in 1990, so $30K seems really high for 1989 anywhere. But agree that they are all $65K+ now.

QOTD: DD could honestly happily attend any of the schools (15) she applied to with little exception. She was denied at Caltech so that’s out, and she wasn’t chosen to compete for the Gabelli at BC, so that’s out too. My gut instinct changes day to day, which is annoying and has caused a serious shortage of chocolate in our house. This process is not friendly to emotional eaters, snort.

@cleoforshort – an amazing amount of chocolate consumed. This-has-to-stop!

QOTD-Where?. S has applied to 5 schools and still has 2 honors college apps to go. He’s been accepted to 3 and is waiting to hear from 2 schools. He will likely be a NMF, and he is leaning towards two schools that give full tuition or full tuition plus. He is visiting one of those school and the honors college today. But he won’t decide until he hears from the other two schools and sees what merit aid they may offer. He would be happy to attend any of these schools, and we can afford all but one unless he gets a really great merit scholarship, so we are happy.

Where did @Tgirlfriend disappear to?

Maybe her son got into Stanford REA and she has moved on? Based on the QOTD, I seem to be the only “already know where kid is going” parent left here. Can’t stay away – just too excited to see what wonderful things happen for all your kids!

@itsgettingreal --I think she is still around, just not as much. Her son was deferred from Stanford. He has a lot of opportunities in front of him with NMF so maybe they are busy with those schools?

Quick Question — Anyone putting down deposits for schools to get housing apps in early even though you are not sure your DC will end up attending there?

QOTD (last night): How many of you know where your child is going with great certainty? (I guess at least the ED accepted people.) How many have a clear choice among current acceptances, but might be swayed by future decisions? And how many just don’t know?

We will be swayed by future decisions. Out of 3 safety school acceptances up to this point, there is a clear choice that she’d be happy with. We are waiting on an ED decision in a month. If accepted, we will be thrilled and finished. If not, we will wait until April 1st. for decisions on 6 other schools, only 3 of which I think she would consider over the safety she’s been talking herself into!! It certainly is an emotional roller coaster ride.

@whataboutcollege Congrats on the Presidential Scholarship! <:-P D was accepted to NB both CAS and Engineering - We are waiting to hear about Honors College/Scholarships but still crickets!

@Mom2aphysicsgeek that’s a good tip about saving everything. We did that. D wrote all her essays in google docs too, but then I insisted we save everything in a folder by school on our home computer. Also, Common App, prompts you to create a PDF to save the entire app. We were also able to PDF her state school application.

@MotherOfDragons Sorry to hear your daughter is struggling with the stress of this process. I can relate. My daughter is on edge, maybe because of college, maybe her bad grade in science, or maybe issues with her b/f or not b/f. I think you gave your daughter some good suggestions on how to deal with the anxiety! I’m going to remind my D her therapist gave her a meditation app and will also suggest that we BOTH hop on the elliptical machine this weekend.

@mamaedefamilia I’m going to show my daughter your post about being a Rutgers alum… she’s all about being in the city, but I can’t convince her a train ride is easy! She wants to be IN the city.

@CT1417 yes, I do remember the race to the mail! I agree, that number does seem too high - as soon as I posted it I started thinking more about it, but I’ll have to have a conversation with my parents - I’m thinking it must have been 20, I just haven’t thought about it in awhile. It is 65 today, as D applied there! Even worse than I thought then, triple…

@cleoforshort and CT1417 I’m with you both on the chocolate consumption - I’ve moved to about 90% cocoa though, so I consider it a healthier choice and it goes great with my coffee! ~O)

I know where my DD is going. She got into her ED school. I’m like @DMV301 . I want to follow everyone’s journey till the end of the process!!

Yeah, I guess the people remaining here are a very biased sample towards parents that don’t have it all figured out yet…

I personally took a break once all her apps were in. But I’m finding it hard to stay away… :slight_smile:

I took a break for a while too. At some point I’d like to be one of those people that can say "Woohoo, he got accepted to "

QOTD one day ago: I applied/was accepted/attended a Big 8 school, my instate flagship, and hated it. Transferred to another Big 8 school and loved it. Unfortunately I didn’t have any help during the application process, which would have been nice. I received Pell Grants and took out NDSL and GSL loans, and did work study all during college…finished paying off my loans a couple of months before our D13 started Kindergarten in our parish school.

QOTD today? Pretty sure our D will attend a Jesuit school with blue and white as its schools colors!

QOTD- DS ed’d, DD got into several good school EA. She ed2 a school and has a few reaches she will hearing in late march.

@Calimom3 – love your shorthand above. Can you imagine the uninitiated trying to decipher that!

@CA1543, I put down a deposit on D’s safety so that she can get one of her preferred dorm types, with her first choice being listed as “limited availability.” If she goes there to save money I’d like her to have the dorm she wants.

Good tip on the google docs. S was tweaking and reusing and overriding versions of things (that he couldn’t get back) early on in the process. We did pdf everything as we went after that which I have saved to folders (he is NOT that organized lol) and moved to a new doc system for each prompt even if reusing some of the material from earlier/other school essays.

No deposit here. Yet. None of the schools seem to really show an advantage for a housing deposit now however one does have orientation registration starting 3/4. there are only 3 dates offered (in June) and only one of those works for us. We may need to pay the acceptance so he can register that date…but it appears refundable so that is good!

DS will attend ED school. I’m still checking in on the posts as much as possible. Fascinated by all the accomplishments and opportunities for all the DC. Looking forward to hearing about more and more outcomes including scholarships and final destinations. :slight_smile:

QOTD D applied to 5 - 2 dropped just because, 1 because she didn’t get the lottery scholarship. Now down to 2 - one is affordable but she’s now making noises of not liking it, but I’m hoping the scholarship competition tomorrow will give her good feelings about the school. The other is only a possibility if she gets the lottery scholarship, but that’s not til the end of February.

No selections yet. D has two acceptances: one to state flagship (Honors College) with a NMSF award (4-years) $54,000. and going up to $72,000.(4-years) if she makes NMF status (likely). The second is another very large state school (Honors College) with a similar award for 4-years. These are her safeties and she doesn’t have strong preference for either school.
Like many others we are waiting to hear from two large OOS public universities and six LACs. D really likes 2 of the LACs, but we have to wait and see. She was WL from Yale.
At this point, without a strong major in mind, we think she might do very well at one of the instate unis.