Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

QOTD - DD has no clear favorite. She is relieved to have a couple of options but is waiting on about 9 more responses. She is currently doing a couple of interviews a week. Today she was asked not only what other schools she was applying to but where the school she was being interviewed for fell on her list. I think she handled it well by replying that the school offers everything she was looking for so it is high on her list.

D has a clear choice from current acceptances, but could be swayed by 2 RD schools. She loves all 3 equally, so no stress given acceptance at one of the three. Acceptances to all 3 would be stressful due to travel and missing school to revisit them all to help with the final decision.

How will your kids decide between all the affordable options if there is no clear first choice? Will you visit/revisit them all?

Trying to catch up! Was at my DDā€™s cheer comp all afternoon until 10 pm with no cell service. She goes to states next weekend which is being held at my D16 college so Iā€™m a happy mommy I will have my family together, even if just for a day.

QOTD (Y) ED acceptance so Iā€™m just following everyoneā€™s journey and rooting for your kids.

@nw2this we will attempt to visit if there is no clear choice, however, it may or may not work out with timing/distance etc. So, weā€™ll see.

QOTD. Yeah we are one of the ED families. Must admit it feels kind of strange! So she is taking on the angst of friends as they waitā€¦

@MotherOfDragons I have so much sympathy for your dd. This waiting is brutally stressful. I can see dd visibly relaxing. Her stress has dropped significantly with good options. Here is hoping your dd gets the news she wants soon!

(((hugs))) to all those stressed out kids (and parents!!!)

@CA1543 I put down the deposit on day one for UA because I didnā€™t want to risk D17 ending up in the tower oā€™ women, but thatā€™s the only one. Ironically, she has a shot of getting into the Blount Scholars program, which has housing, so if she goes with UA and if she gets into/picks Blount, my day 1 attentiveness will have been for naught. Itā€™s ok, it was worth my peace of mind.

I havenā€™t looked at the NEU housing deposit, I think it was a lottery thing, but Iā€™m not sure. If she gets the outside scholarship sheā€™s shooting for (to make it affordable, but itā€™s super unlikely), Iā€™ll cross that bridge then.

I donā€™t know about UMDā€™s housing policy-Iā€™ll look into it after/if she gets accepted.

@our2girls what made you hate one big 8 school and love another big 8 school? (plus, what is big 8-oh wait, itā€™s sports, der. I should know this, I worked in a sports info office that was in the big east conference.)

@Testingearly Iā€™m so impressed by your kidā€™s skill at handling that question.

@New2this She will revisit NEU and UMD unless she gets no scholarships. Sheā€™s been to UA 2x and feels pretty solid about her feelings there.

I think if she gets whatā€™s sheā€™s hoping for from UMD we might stay in DC and take the metro over to UMD, just to give her an idea of how feasible it is to do that, and how often other UMD kids do it. Yesterday I had a filling replaced and the dental assistant and I were talking about colleges, and it turns out her daughter is at UMD and loves it. She was able to get in-state tuition for her (moved to Atlanta right after kid went to college), and the daughter is currently a junior there. So, always good to hear other parents whose kids are having a good experience. She did say itā€™s the UGA of Maryland, which I wonā€™t mention to D17, since the overwhelming majority of locals was one of the reasons she didnā€™t apply to UGA.

@whataboutcollege Great news! Sounds like an interesting program and canā€™t beat full-ride!

QOTD (yesterday)- My DS has been deferred ED and accepted to 3 EA schools one of which he would consider attending. He is waiting for about 10 RD school 2 of which are reaches and his first and second choice. Iā€™m trying to get him excited about the one he is already into because Iā€™m not sure the others will happen. His friends have all been accepted REA or ED to Ivies so he is feeling anxious that everyone knows where they are going and he doesnā€™t yet. I told him he shouldnā€™t have such smart friends lol :)) By the way he isnā€™t applying to any Iviesā€¦I feel like we havenā€™t put any pressure on him as far as school and where he goes. My H and I both went to CA state schools and just want him to go to a good fit school and donā€™t care what it is. Any advice on how to ease his angst? This waiting is killing us!!

Well said

QOTD My DS is decided and weā€™ve paid the deposit at UT Austin. He is going to double major in Radio, Television and Film (RTF) and Plan II Honors. Now, we just have to wait to hear about housing.

I love following everyoneā€™s journey and am rooting for all of the kids!

@ibf Tell him he is in a great position because he has 3 acceptances. Nothing better than to have options. Many kids have no acceptances in hand yet either because they were deferred at all ED and EA or because they only applied RD. Itā€™s stressful but I am guessing it is much more stressful for those who have not received any decisions yet. Remind him that he will be successful where ever he goes as itā€™s what these kids make of their college experience, not all about where they attend.

QOTD - Maybe I answered too hastily. My daughter and other students were interviewed about the Inauguration (feh!) and the Womenā€™s March. Among other things, I read "ā€¦[DDā€™s name]ā€¦The Yale-bound senior said she doesnā€™t support Trumpā€™s proposed policies ā€” ā€œnot by a long shot!ā€

Literal and figurative news to me!

NEW QOTD: Ok, with everyone still waiting on decisions and comparing colleges - has anyone factored in a possible ā€œ5thā€ year into cost calcs? Although Iā€™ve communicated to D, Iā€™m only paying for 4 years, is that realistic? Most kids it seems, do not finish in 4 and if the kid is undecided, well then, the likelihood is more time may be needed. I would love to hear your thoughts and ā€œstancesā€ on this issue!

@Fishnlines29 --D will have a 5th year due to co-ops. Weā€™ve told her we will pay but only if the 5th year is due to co-ops. We expect her to be able to do at least one co-op close to home to save on $$.

QOTD: it dependes on what school my daughter ends up at, if she goes to Cal Poly SLO or a UC it will probably be 5 years, I have told my husband while the price tag is nice, 4 years is unlikely. If she goes to a private Iā€™m expecting her to finish in 4 years. She has 6 college classes completed as well as APā€™s, so Iā€™m hoping that translates to less time in undergrad.

QOTD - D may do a 5th year (study abroad) as a part of her foreign language study. There is available funding if she does it as a part of a flagship program, and Iā€™ve identified some options for funding if she attends a non-flagship. Sheā€™s also planning on grad school, so weā€™ll assess her language skills at the beginning of senior year and decide. I am willing to pay for the 5th year, but she has to try to secure scholarships, and if none, the money will come out of her college graduation gift. Otherwise, sheā€™s required to complete her undergrad degree(s) in 4 years. I donā€™t see that being an issue at any school she is considering. Sheā€™s completed most gen eds through APs and has a number of required courses for her major completed.

QOTD. We hope to employ, if needed, the same strategy for S17 and S19 that worked for the older 2. Which is classes at the CC over the summer to keep the overall timeline at 4 years and the overall cost down. Each ended up taking 4 or so classes to do this. Outside of that to be honest, year 5 is on them. Merit is only for 8 semesters and ā€œtrueā€ full pay is not really an option.

Thank you so very much ā€“ I forget which one of you all, but one of you pointed out so nicely a pretty decently nice private college with a later application due date of Feb. 1st. ā€“ And, since my S17 has improved his essay considerably, since the time of those applic.s submitted with due date of Jan. 1st, well I was really happy to hear of and read up on Dickinson. Also, we (my son and I) are leaning private now, whereas earlier on in this application season, we were leaning public (UCā€™s especially); well there are/were privates in the batch, but most were reaches, and we needed to round out our selection to include some that have better chances of partial merit aid (etc.).

Anyhow, I am posting because I wanted to ask you all if you know please of any OTHER/ADDITIONAL nice private schools (schools like Dickinson) that ALSO have a later aplic. DUE DAT of Feb. 1st?? If so, THANKS in advance !!!

Okay - just Googled it (my question) and found a list: (But, Iā€™m still very open/interested in any of your comments ā€“ as I know nothing of the quality of this just-found online list; but I apologize also for asking, before searching it up!)

@Momofsenior2017 There are many good schools on that list. I suggest starting a separate thread in the college search forum, give some details about your kiddo, and budget, and youā€™ll get lots of recommendations.