Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@NerdMom88 and @lbf and @STEM2017 and @itsgettingreal17 Congrats on the UMD acceptances!!!

Another UMD Honors acceptance here (Gov & Politics, interested in Arabic Flagship)

Only feasible with Big MAC though so weā€™ll see. It will either fall off the list or move into second place.

Anyone else here apply to Whitman? D17 just got a lumpy package in the mail from them todayā€¦ She is off competing at the state speech and debate tournament and wonā€™t be home until Sunday night. Sigh. Maybe I will see if I can get her permission to open it for her :slight_smile:

@picklesarenice lumpy sounds intriguing! Ask for permission :slight_smile:

@picklesarenice - FaceTime would be perfect for this. Good luck!

Congrats to those accepted to colleges today - UMD, UNC - others too? @picklesarenice ā€“ thought your D was accepted and planning to attend Stanford - am I misremembering? Is Whitman of interest to her - if so, it might be nice to let her open the lumpy package - but just my view.


@CA1543 Yes, sheā€™s been accepted to Stanford and that is currently our top choice. (Sheā€™s also in at our state flagships, Miami of Ohio and WWU.) But we arenā€™t committing until we see other offers. We did visit Whitman and loved it, and there are potential merit opportunities. Iā€™m wondering if the mailing is an invitation to compete for one of their scholarships. We shall seeā€¦eventually. I wonā€™t open it without her permission. (I donā€™t think.) (Two days is a long time.)

@HiToWaMom Ha! Yes, exactly. Resistance may be futileā€¦

Wow, congrats all on the UMD acceptances!

@STEM2017 - Congrats for UMD. My best friendā€™s son joined last year and happy. He is CS and wants to specialize in security.

DS got into UNC-CH as OOS. so 2 down and 19 more to go :))

Ok, that was a bit of a letdown. With her permission, I opened to findā€¦a drawstring bag! And a thank you letter for applying! And a promise to have decisions ready in March. Sigh.

Good and bad news for D17!

Bad news: She didnā€™t make it as a finalist for University Fellows at Alabama. She was disappointed, since of the three ā€œbonusā€ programs thereā€”University Fellows, the Horribly-Named Computer-Based Honors Program, and the Blount Initiativeā€”it was the one that most intrigued her. Iā€™m hoping one of the others comes through, since Alabama is, as of right now, our best financial choice, but sheā€™s going to need something to really sell her on the place. (Sheā€™s still waiting to hear on the HNCBHP, and her Skype interview for Blount is tomorrow.)

Good news: She doesnā€™t know this yetā€”and I only know it because of randomly looking something up from the Facebook group!ā€”but sheā€™s a candidate for the US Presidential Scholars Program, which is fun. Iā€™m going to hold that bit of news in reserve until either the letter comes in the mail, or she really needs a boost, whichever comes first.

Fun stuff: George Mason (which, unfortunately, almost certainly wonā€™t prove Big MAC enough to make the cut) and Kansas both sent her swag-filled envelopes (stickers, pencils, little stuff like that) that came today. Neither of them has really done much of a push to try to convince her that she wants to go there (as opposed to Alabama and St Thomas andā€”even though she hasnā€™t actually been admitted there yet!ā€”Muhlenberg, whoā€™ve been regularly sending ā€œHey, weā€™re great and would be even better if you choose us!ā€ stuff), so it was interesting. I wonder if theyā€™ve found that this time of year is about when applicants get serious about actually picking a school or somesuch?

^^ So I just learned that you canā€™t click Like and Helpful on a post. Too bad because thatā€™s what I wanted to do on the above post.

Adding to the good news, S accepted to UMD CP for MechE/Scholars today and to Clarkson yesterday. <:-P

Congrats on the UMD news @NerdMom88 , @lbf , @STEM2017 , @WhereIsMyKindle ,@itsgettingreal17 and @Collegecue ! Congrats on the Presidential nomination @dfbdfb !

QOTD: Did anyone else save every piece of snail mail received from every school over the last couple of years?

I did, just because I was curious to see how big the pile would become. I now have two office copier paper sized boxes full of postcards, letters, popup-cards, and glossy marketing magazines in my home office. RPI takes the cake in the magazine category ā€“ sending a nearly 60 page booklet.

Itā€™s amazing to me in this age of incredibly targeted marketing how many schools still just appear to carpet bomb. For example, DD received a postcard today from Liberty University. I definitely donā€™t want to start a political debate (my Facebook feed it too full of that already), but for our family thatā€™s not just barking up the wrong tree ā€“ itā€™s in the wrong forest.

I just canā€™t imagine why some enrollment management software decided ā€œHereā€™s a good target! Letā€™s send a last minute postcard!ā€ Unless, of course, it really is just carpet bombing.

D17 got accepted to UNC but will need big MAC to make it feasible as OOS. She showing more emotion about USCal than sheā€™s exhibited so far in this whole process. Sheā€™s currently showing DW all the housing options.

She also was nominated as Presidential Scholar.

Congrats to all the UMD and UNC acceptances and hugs to the deferred or rejected.

My head is ready to explode! On my 2015 tax documents, I took a net loss of -$2000. When I add up the lines on the supplement form, the numbers donā€™t add up. There arenā€™t lines asking for car and truck expenses, office expenses, licenses, or travel.

There are only lines for interest expense. Iā€™m off by $5000 if I canā€™t account for the above expenses. I want to scream.

Congrats to everyone with all the great news, woot woot!!
My son was accepted to Clarkson Business School yesterday, he was happy to get some good news after an EA deferral. Back on track!

Hooe the good news keeps pouring in for everyone!