Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@2muchquan some info on CWRU housing

FWIW, my D15 is on scholarship at a small LAC. It has a huge reputation as a party school. She goes to some of the parties but is not a drinker. She says that the floors are disgusting and she needed “party shoes” (cheap shoes) so she didn’t wreck her good shoes. She has found her group of friends in a very small school, so I think you can find your people despite a schools reputation. She has to maintain a 3.3 to keep her scholarship. She has been able to maintain a 3.8, but she is an overachiever. I think 3.5 is a high bar to achieve for many kids when they first start college. For S17 we are looking at schools that hold them to a 3.3 or less to keep any scholarship he may receive.

My DD at Bama got about a 3.3 first semester and that was taking Chem Honors and Bio at the same time and carrying 18 credit hours. That will actually go up. She had a one credit music course (music minor and scholarship on top of her Presidential) that the ensemble hasn’t completed through no fault of their own. Once that is finished her GPA will go up substantially. It shows as an incomplete right now. This semester is looking even better. She has shocked herself with how well she is doing in Psych and Sociology, both she is taking for pre-Med

@2muchquan – is it worth checking CWR’s website to see if they have virtual tours of the dorms? My older son never saw a dorm at his school until move-in day. We had been up to the campus three times before he applied ED, but we never got around to looking at the dorms. I offered to take him up during the April accepted student days and he wasn’t interested. Granted, HUGE variation in dorms at his schools so seeing the inside of one dorm wouldn’t reveal much.

@MotherOfDragons – I assume that your D has looked at course requirements for CS major in Engineering vs A&S. My son has, and has determined that he wants to go the A&S route b/c he also wants to study math and b/c he actually likes the Humanities. I will see what he thinks of that decision when satisfying the FL requirements!

Good luck to everyone taking ACT Saturday!

I hope you parents of 2017 don’t mind me jumping in. Mom of a D16 here who has committed to U of Kentucky with the Patterson Scholarship that requires a 3.3 GPA. I’d definitely feel more comfortable if it was a 3.0, but we’re going for it anyways.

I did ask about the GPA requirement at the UK forum and parents of current students were kind enough to respond on the forum and in PM. It was reassuring.

On the topic of road shows, we went to a UK preview night in Chicago and were impressed with the “show” and all the student ambassadors there from various departments so friendly & willing to answer our questions. We decided we’d make the effort to get down and visit the campus in Lexington before winter.

We also went to a UA (Bama) preview night in Chicago, expecting a presentation similar to UK. It was such a disappointment! The parent and student speakers were not great. There were no departmental booths set up staffed with student ambassadors. It was very different from UK’s road show. It probably didn’t help that we had suffered some serious Chicago traffic in order to get to the venue.

I looked at D and realized there was probably no way I’d ever convince her to visit Tuscaloosa. Even though I’d read, time and time again, that setting foot on UA’s campus combined with the Honors tour, often sealed the deal, even with reluctant students. Nope. Not happening. It was a reminder that “the littlest thing” (speaker, presentation, traffic, poor weather, campus tour guide) can sink a school or make it.

Good luck to you all!

Thanks for the info @Midwest67 I’m still hoping my D comes around on the notion of looking at 'Bama. Not sure it’s gonna happen, partly because it’s “too far” south, and partly because of the available majors. Hope I haven’t missed their Chicago road show this year

My daughter was just frantically texting me just now to ask what schools to sent the ACT scores too, since they are ‘bubbling’ today (and yesterday). I guess they fill out some of the non-test related bubbles ahead of time at their school. They are taking the ACT in her HS later this month, so she’s not taking it this Saturday.

Good luck to everybody who IS taking the ACT this Saturday!

S’s school dist took the ACT in March. Only the second year for the dist, and last year was a test case. They are using the test as part of the state proficiency testing. It was a first ACT test for our family as D15 only took the SAT.

My oldest had a merit scholarship that required a 3.25 to keep, and she lost it at the end of her sophmore year. To make it worse she thought it required a 3.20 to keep, and was excited because she thought she had just squeaked by with a 3.23, only to find out the gpa was too low a few days later. She had been seriously considering transferring, and losing the scholarship decided it for her, and she transferred to a local school and lived at home to finish. My husband and I thought transferring was the right choice, so we weren’t that upset since it pushed her to go through with the transfer. Her issues were time management and the decision to stop taking her ADD meds.

At CWR D was awarded $25k per year plus $10k for an arts scholarship. You could probably get a sense of the range of their awards by checking out the accepted students threads from previous years. It is true that if tuition increases the merit award stays the same, but the alumni association has scholarships specifically to address that gap (DH visited the alumni house when he was there and found this out just by chatting with someone). There was a minimum GPA requirement to maintain the merit award, but honestly I can’t remember what it was!

@jmek15 I never could tell from the CWR website, but is the $10K arts scholarship an annual amount? Or is it one time? As I recall, you don’t have to be a Fine Arts major of any sort?

@2muchquan, it is an annual amount. They have separate scholarships for students who intend to major in the arts (see Performing Arts Scholarships) and for those who don’t (see Arts Achievement Scholarships) The excerpts below are from

Performing Arts Scholarships
A small number of full-tuition scholarships are available to students who exhibit excellence in the performing arts and will major in either music, theater or dance. Scholarships are awarded based on an audition. Students interested in music awards should submit a video audition as part of the Arts Supplement through the Applicant Status Portal. Students interested in theater or dance should contact individual departments to make arrangements for an audition.

Arts Achievement Scholarships
A small number of $10,000 scholarships are available to students who exhibit excellence in either music or studio art, but who may not major in those subject areas. Scholarships are awarded based on an audition or portfolio review. Students interested in music awards should submit a video audition as part of the Arts Supplement through the Applicant Status Portal. Students interested in theater, dance or art studio should contact individual departments to make arrangements for an audition.

DD got selected for Lehigh Univ. Summer Engineering Institute, 4 weeks free program. Have you heard of it? Is that competitive and worth of going? There is no much information on that on CC.

@jmek15 Thanks! I’ve read that, but made note that it did not indicate that these were annual amounts. Thanks! That’s a pretty big deal that your D won one of those. Congratulations! It almost pays for one of those lousy freshman dorms/food! :wink:

@sincerelove, Lehigh is an excellent school. I would encourage her to go if she is interested in engineering and to see if it’s indeed a career path for her.

I would imagine 4 week free engineering programs are not plentiful

@SincererLove Free summer programs are generally supposed to be more highly regarded than paid ones.

@MotherOfDragons Odd, it was cool and windy when we were at Stanford. Just average temp at Berkeley. Bay Area microclimates, I guess. I grew up in the Bay Area, and SF is almost never hot. Even down here in S. Barbara, most homes don’t have air conditioning. (I’m a heat wimp, so we do.) Hope you had a fun vacation; more time for fun without college tours!

Good luck to the ACT takers. DS was scheduled to take it, but we postponed until June. He has a good enough score, so doesn’t want to get something lower, since many of his schools require all scores. He would like to raise the essay score and the science score if he could however. He admitted that he hadn’t put any time into practice.

@Ynotgo - esp with writing scores all over the place for ACT, better to be safe. My S has 35C with 33 in English and 31 in essay. He thought for a moment of trying again to improve English score, but we figured it is not worth the risk. Couple of kids who got 36 ended up getting lower writing score. Not sure how much ACT writing score mean anymore.

@SincererLove – I don’t know anything about that specific program but I think Lehigh is worth a look. Solid school, solid endowment. And agree that free programs are MUCH more impressive than the $6000 summer Ivy ones, although all have offer the value of allowing students to learn about college and a major before they are actually in college.

Bottom line: I think that is fantastic and kudos to her! And she should think about lining up an interview while there for the summer as Lehigh likes the students to interview. Summer interviews tend to be conducted by college students so it can feel as though you are just checking a box, but might as well check the box while she is on campus.

One more random Lehigh fact: I believe they offer a free 5th year to students who maintain a certain GPA, maybe 3.7. I recall that our Business major tour guide was staying on for a free Masters in Accounting.

I think with the ACT Writing score, the rubric changed as I recall, so scores are all over the board. I’m not worrying about it (my D got a 29 I think?) at all. I’ve seen much, much worse. Again, I think our kids will get the benefit of the doubt due to the changes and inconsistent scoring. Just have them do well in their essays and supplements.

Congrats on the 35C, @srk2017. That’s awesome.

@SincererLove Congrats to your D! I have not heard of that one, but as my D is no longer interested in majoring in STEM, I stopped gathering summer program information in those areas. There seem to be more and more free STEM programs, but there still aren’t very many of them, so kudos to her. My D did one last summer and was able to rule out all engineering programs, computer science, and actuarial science (even though she did really well), and got to experience college life for 6 weeks. It was a great overall experience and I saw a lot of personal growth by the end of the program. So I would encourage your daughter to attend. D is doing a few more free programs this summer to explore business majors. I encourage folks to stay away from the overpriced summer programs.