Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

I’m with @soxmom and @jmek15 the waiting stinks!!! I have no idea where we’ll be visiting over spring break and it’s driving me crazy! More time to decide would be awesome.

@lstirl I’m so sorry it’s been rough! Tough year for lots of impressive kids I know. Cal Poly is an amazing school and a difficult admit for engineering, I’m sure your daughter would love it there. Hoping my D17 decides on Poly too.

D17 waitlisted at Lehigh today. Not that I’m surprised, she’s pretty happy with the waitlist and trying to figure out how to better her chances of admission. Trying to find waitlist statistics for them…

@NoVADad99 --wait, what?? Waitlisted at NEU? When did he apply and what is his unweighted Gpa?

His NEU application was before the RD deadline. He is a procrastinator. His GPA is about a 4.0 (He attends TJHSST and their GPAs are max at 4.5. I think NEU puts a lot of weight on student interest. He didn’t really express big interest in NEU so that probably played into it.

@socalmom007 —Lehigh WL movement. 66 last year but zero the year before, of 2000+/- on the WL.

I just saw that the Smith decisions come out today! Cross my fingers for your girls. As an alum, I will say it was the best experience. Years ago (more than i want to count) I applied Early Decision and never looked back! Never regretted it (except a few weeks before finals Jr. year LOL) , and being a Smithie has been a game changer for my life. The results are still changing and making a difference in my life now… So that is my 2 cents for your young ladies that have the opportunity to share the Smith experience. You wont regret it.

I’ve been looking at Lehigh’s stats, it seems like they will offer some waitlist students spring admission rather than fall… interesting… Doesn’t show in waitlist acceptances or fall acceptances.

All decisions are in here. Out of 13 apps, 10 acceptances and 3 waitlists. Out of the 10 acceptances, 6 were within budget. Makes me feel good about our selection process.

@socalmom007 —that is becoming much more common. A certain # of freshmen will not return after first semester, opening up beds in freshman housing. Some schools allow students to apply as Feb admits, even via ED. Middlebury takes perhaps 100 Feb admits in addition to the 600 Fall freshmen. Feb admits even have their own Jan grad where they ski downhill in cap & gown.

Cornell now offers spots to 125 as second year semester freshmen.

Many schools offer a spot abroad for the first semester, again knowing that the school will have empty beds as of second semester. Those students will graduate ‘on time’ even though they did not start school on campus.

I do not know if the last group appear on the CDS. I would think so since they are students of their university even if abroad, but the first group would not, as CDS includes sixth week enrollment figures.

I wonder if your D can contact Lehigh and inquire about the second semester enrollment?

I helped her write a letter of continued interest and sent current transcripts, we shall see. Fall grades were stellar, transcript shows a lot of rigor and an upward trend. I think spring admits let them admit students without counting their stats in the freshman class. I’m not sure if she’d do it, we shall see if that’s even offered to her, but it seems at Lehigh their waitlist admits are artificially low because they offer them spring instead of fall.

We have two schools on our list that are NFW, Sarah Lawrence and University of San Francisco. The rest of her acceptances are in budget, so feeling thankful for the way things have played out. D17 and the bf are still not accepted to any schools together, other than two back ups they are unlikely to attend. They are sad, but holding out hope for next week. Both waitlisted at Lehigh today. We shall see what happens, some tough conversations to come.

I think there is a BIG difference between admissions for STEM subjects and other majors. At least for comp sci and engineering. My D got into just about every UC (still waiting on Cal) with a major in sociology, but I keep on hearing from parents of her classmates how they got shut out almost across the board in CS or engineering. D has extremely good grades and test scores but her ECs are frankly pretty lame. I’m surprised she did as well as she did, but I think it’s because she didn’t apply for an impacted major.

My D’s bf got shut out by all but one UC, 4.3 GPA, top 5% of his huge class, 34 act, great EC’s plus leadership, computer science major.


@socalmom007 - Sorry to hear that. I guess demographics!

Latest results for D – she got her first rejection: Yale-NUS…Not too disappointed, SIngapore’s a bit far.

In other news, yesterday brought an acceptance into Scripps with $27K/year and to Bryn Mawr, whose website is so wonky we weren’t able to figure out if there was any merit. Both are nonstarters at this point.

And last, but certainly not least, Rice came through today with a very nice package - $28,100/year with an additional $4K research stipend in her first two years.

Still waiting on Berkeley and then the final three: H, P, and S.

@socalmom007 yep. My D has nearly identical stats but skimpy ECs and she’s in for sociology at UCSC, UCSB, UCSD, UCD, and UCLA. Several friends of hers applied for CS and are very upset at not getting in anywhere.

It’s heartbreaking for these kids, and moreover, California can’t afford to diss its tech students like this. Where are future Silicon Valley employees going to come from?

And so many companies are saying there aren’t enough qualified tech people. If we had more CS departments, we would have more qualified people to fill those positions.

@socalmom007 Even if the numbers are a bit low because of spring admits, they probably aren’t that far off. Lehigh is known to waitlist thousands of kids and admit virtually none. Weren’t D and b/f still waiting on some NY schools too? What a bummer nothing has come through for them ‘together’.

@LoveTheBard too bad about Yale, but what amazing opportunities she has so far! Congrats on Rice and the others and crossing my fingers for the last few admits!

DD’s decisions all in! (such a relief, really)
3/5 – In at Hamilton, St Lawrence and University of Rochester. WL at Middlebury. One rejection (a whim app - no attachment there)

Thinking she’s going to let Midd go. Hamilton & St Lawrence have been her top 2 all along, and cost is similar, while Rochester is about 8K more/yr (need-aid not as good; sort of surprised with that one. Their formula seems to be very different than all the other schools?!).

SLU may have a somewhat stronger track program, while Hamilton has the higher academic ‘stats’. Coaches are all interested in having her. She refused to be officially ‘recruited’ which I think may have frustrated some coaches along the way! But the coaching staff at these two schools have given her the space she wanted (occasional friendly emails to inquire about how her season was going, but not a lot of pressure) and stuck with her! I think it shows that she chose her schools well, right from the beginning.

Both schools have friendly student bodies, caring faculty and admin, and seem to work hard to offer opportunities to their students. She’ll be revisiting both. She’s a decisive kid…but this could be a tough decision (or maybe not…what do I know!!!). So happy for her that it’s one she gets to make!

(and then there’s DS…twin has some great acceptances, from which I am guessing might be his eventual choice - I know I have my favorite!! - but still waiting on a couple of decisions. He is not nearly as decisive as his twin - they are truly the yin & yang of action/decision-making, he being the procrastinator, so it’s going to be a month of "yah, but"s, and "I don’t know"s, right up until that May 1 deadline…)

Happies (I can make that a word if I want to) and hugs to all. Continue to be your supportive, loving selves when it comes to your kids, and they will be fine…wherever they end up.

@WhataProcess Glad to hear the thought process is moving along!

@snoozn You rocked the process for sure. :)>-

@dustypig wrote

D17 (CS major) has NO desire to work in silicon valley. She says it chews people up and spits them out (and the articles and personal experiences we’ve seen support that).

Her dream cities are Boston, DC, and Singapore, and she had to make peace with not getting to be at those places for undergrad, but she’s definitely focusing on them for graduate and post-grad plans. I told her no city is fun if you have no money to go out and play in it :slight_smile: (remembering our poor grad student days at U Miami, which might be one of THE most fun cities on the planet).

@WhataProcess wrote

That’s awesome; I’m stealin’ it. :slight_smile: