Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

@veehee While I agree that there will be a glut of coders in the next decade based on the craze we are seeing today, I also believe that there will be a shortage of accountants who can code, or English or science teachers who can code, or medical technicians who can code. Learning code to be a “coder” is probably short sighted. Learning code to enhance your primary vocation would probably be a better route…IMHO.

Congratulations @RightCoaster and all others for whom congratulations are in order. @RightCoaster I have enjoyed following your journey and have always found your posts to be very positive and upbeat!

@STEM2017 It can’t hurt to learn about code as it helps with logical thinking and problem solving, why would accountants or teachers really need to know how to code? I’m not sure where you’re going with that?

@RightCoaster Congratulations to your ds!! So glad he has a happy choice and decision.

On another note, anyone else’s kid who has made a decision go from being stressed about all the college app process to just feeling overwhelmed and stressed and not sure why? I am pretty sure the reason is that now that decision is final, it is final and the reality of it is just hanging over her head and she isn’t really aware that it is there.

Congratulations @RightCoaster on being done! Keep us updated on his journey thru college.

@STEM2017 perhaps but my concern is what is being taken away from a student’s education to add coding class? Since we can’t fit it all into the day, something gets taken away. I’d prefer to learn logic and problem solving in other ways.

@veehee I agree with you 100%. Coding should never supplant the core subjects. My point was that many professionals could be more valuable and/or more marketable with some basic coding knowledge. I am finding this to be true in my current profession in institutional trading. I chose to mention accounting because it was the first thing I could think of, but any number of professions would benefit.

Still paralyzed with indecision. Nothing to see here. Move along.

@RightCoaster CONGRATS! So cool you are done, deposited and bought the t-shirt!

We need to start a thread: “Class of 2017–where we thought they wanted to go, where WE wanted them to go and where they are actually going!”

@STEM2017 I wish the higher ups would see it that way but alas they enjoy jumping on the latest bandwagon that passes through. (:

Class of 2017–where we thought they wanted to go (Alabama), where WE wanted them to go (Alabama) and where they are actually going! (not Alabama)

Given my previous posts this is probably a non-announcement, but now that grandparents and aunts and uncles have been told, I can officially announce it here that D17 will be attending Muhlenberg College this fall. (Mailed out the commitment card and deposit and signed academic integrity agreement—nice touch that they require that early on, to be honest—over the weekend.)

To follow @carachel2’s rubric: Where we thought they wanted to go (Earlham), where we wanted them to go (Mount Holyoke or, if the money wasn’t coming from there, Alabama), and where they are actually going (Muhlenberg).

I am, though, quite happy with the result.

Congratulations @dfbdfb! Wonderful college! So happy for you all!

@VickiSoCal - we are in the boat with you…you are not alone :-S

My son has also been admitted to Berkeley and Carnegie Mellon. Thankfully he has several great options!

CONGRATS @RightCoaster and @dfbdfb Our army of 'still on hold" just lost two valuable members:) Thrilled for everyone who successfully made it to the camp “decided, committed, dorm room shopping, parent weekend hotel booking etc”!!!

@carachel2 Class of 2017 Where we thought they’d go, where’d they end up?

Thought son17 would wind up Babson College and that’s what we had sort of wanted, but ended up 10 minutes down the road at NEU, after his stint in London! Son17 always said that there were so many good schools in the Boston area he didn’t see a reason to leave. He was tempted to leave, had some interesting choices to make, but living in Boston was always the #1 factor.

Thanks for all the nice words everyone!! We are all happy in our house today.

I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of the big decisions from you all soon!!

I am really worried about the housing and roommate options, the longer we wait…

@educationfan I will go from " still on hold" to " How in the heck am I supposed to get all of this stuff over to London" soon. I think my son ships out 8/16, coming quick!

@dfbdfb congrats to you and your daughter, she will do great there.