Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congratulations to @RightCoaster , @mtrosemom and @dfbdfb!!!

@dfbdfb - I just got into a whole discussion with a friend (another ex-New Yorker) about Deborah Tannenā€™s work in sociolinguistics. She had just started teaching at Georgetown when I was there as an undergraduate (Donna Jo Napoli, whoā€™s now at Swarthmore, also taught there). But no, I wouldnā€™t imagine that too many LACs would provide a great deal of depth and breadth in linguistics.

What language(s)/regions do you do your research on/in?

@dfbdfb My knowledge in linguistics is limited to knowing that due to growing up and living most of my adult life in upstate NY, Iā€™m a poster child for the Northern Cities Vowel Shift. I can tell an upstate NYer immediately from the way they say words like ā€œappleā€ and ā€œpants.ā€

Making some progress here, which feels nice. I had DS trapped in a car yesterday for a couple of hours, so managed to pry at least some of what heā€™s thinking out of his teenage boy brain. Still waiting on two Ivies, but of the schools heā€™s accepted to so far, he concedes that his top two choices would be Georgetown or Middlebury. Iā€™d be happy to see him at either of those schools, so that was a relief. Heā€™s not willing to say yet that heā€™s totally sure Johns Hopkins, Grinnell, and Carleton are off his list, but I think heā€™ll get there. I donā€™t think Hopkins is as good a fit for him as Gā€™town, and I canā€™t see why heā€™d go to Grinnell or Carleton over Middlebury (both great schools, but heā€™s a New Englander at heart). So now itā€™s just down to waiting on the Ivies, one of which heā€™d almost for sure go to if he got in, less sure about the other.

Linguistics: I was born and raised on Long Island, or as we say itā€¦Lawngg Eye-lin. I Henry Higginsā€™d myself on the first day of college at NYU. Speaking with me now, you would never know what part of the country I am from.

Sadly, all that linguistic self-training goes out the window after a glass of wineā€¦or two. Fuggetaboutit

@STEM2017 :))

@soxmom I am a Midd grad [from wayy back when of course] so I doubt I can answer much for you, but feel free to pm me if you think I might be able to help with anything. I LOVED it there. :slight_smile:

Thanks @kt1969. Iā€™d love to see him go there, I think itā€™s probably the best fit for him of the options he has (or is likely to have). It was a very late addition to his list of schools, so we didnā€™t go visit it but I think Iā€™ve got him pretty convinced that if he loved Williams (which he did), then heā€™d love Middlebury too. If he gets into Princeton, Iā€™m not sure heā€™d be able to turn down the lure of that, but weā€™ll see.

@RightCoaster; @mtrosemom and @dfbdfb Congrats on the decisions! Such a good feeling, isnā€™t it?

Where we hoped heā€™d go - one of our in state options - would have loved to have him at UMass Amherst with his sister.

Where he hoped he would go - WPI

Where he is going - Colorado School of Mines - this was only a distant and passing thought in any of our minds.

@RightCoaster - Congrats on Northeastern U. So happy you hung in there 'till the end for you and DS to learn all options. I went to school in Boston and absolutely loved it. Sounds like an awesome opportunity. Yay! <:-P

@stencils - I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever loose my nasal ā€œAā€, nor would I want to. :smiley:

Where did I hope he would attend? Top school on DS list - Statistically #1 wasnā€™t strong so pushed for #2ā€¦ hopefully DS is ok my wisdom (or not) with time. Iā€™m pretty sure he already isā€¦ :-?

Where did I think he would end up? Cornell :wink:

Where did he want to go? MIT

In many ways we are STILL waiting. Cornell waits for RD to be sent out, and then sends out welcome packets to the entire school at the same time. No housing or info in general yet!!! :(( :-w :-w

Congratulations to those of you with good news and decisions for final destinations. Regrets to those with disappointments and still waiting.

@soxmom, you just gave me the best idea - trap the kid in the car for a couple of hours!
I might need to take D for a long weekend trip just to get her thinking and talking about the inevitable decision that is due in about a month.

@LoveTheBard dfbdfb ALASKA!!

@STEM2017 Perfect response! Did I know you went to NYU?!

@soxmom @AngelaD Love getting them trapped in the car, works every time!

@Fishnlines29 I donā€™t mention my past very often. Too many skeletons.

HAHA, well, D is going so I might have to pick your brain 8-}

I didnā€™t go to NYU (was admitted but didnā€™t attend), but now am considered an NYU alum through their mergers and acquisitions :frowning:

When I have to spend several hours in the car with family, Iā€™m the one that feels trappedā€¦ ~X(
Dad, old man, Daddy, dude, dad, dad, dad, dadā€¦DAD! %-(

@Motiv8tedmom23 how did your son end up in CO?? I have a son19 looking into engineering schools and Iā€™m interested in your journey.

Hey @STEM2017 I donā€™t know which accent is worse, the Long Guy Lin accent or the accent that many people from Row Dye Lin have. I am grateful for my parents that although I grew up in RI, I avoided any bad accent.

@RightCoaster Congrats! Feels great to have that decision I bet!

@Collegecue yes! Except for my bank account- RIP. Thanks :smiley:

@RightCoaster I am right there with you on that front! $-)