Parents of the HS Class of 2017 (Part 1)

Congrats @dfbdfb @RightCoaster and @mtrosemom !!! So excited for you with decisions made… a bit envious too!

Someone mentioned a glut of k-12 teachers, wow is that true! With class size reduction going out the window 1/3 of elementary teachers in California lost their jobs. Bad situation. I would steer young people wanting to enter the workforce away from elementary education, secondary too honestly. Budget cuts have been cruel.

Wish we had a decision to share! I “thought” she wanted to go to New York and she’s been accepted with merit at several excellent schools there, but being near the boyfriend has become the primary concern. They have very few options left that put them within an hour of each other, and chances are slim those will work out. Some difficult discussions to come at our house. In the meantime, I put the housing deposit down at Cal Poly slo. Dad and I think they’ll end up in CA and if not it’s refundable. We’re trying to sweeten the deal by requesting a single dorm.

@LoveTheBard ok I gotta ask-if she’s in at Yale, would you really go visit Rice? And I’m saying this as someone who really digs Rice and wish my daughter would have applied there. But those two colleges are just on a different level…

Well, Rice has a way better linguistics program than Yale, so if she’s using that as her metric for decision, as I’m completely certain so many, many kids do, then it makes total sense.

Does anyone here know about the William and Mary joint degree program w/St. Andrews? I think we just got a curve ball- my D was accepted into it- the W&M application was last minute and I really don’t know much except you get 2 degrees and go to Scotland for 2 years… ANY info would be appreciated!

@dfbdfb IIRC she said most likely comparative literature and/or art history.

@VickiSoCal — do you know anything you can pass along to @texasmissy?

Failing that, my son looks everything up on Reddit. I have never ventured there to see how it is organized.


@MotherOfDragons - There are also on a different level price-wise :wink: – Yale is nearly triple the price; Rice gave her their highest merit ($28K) plus two $4K research stipends, and its non-discounted COA is probably between 5-10K less than Yale to beging with; Yale, on the other hand, gave her bubkis.

They also have several key things in common that make them both contenders: happy, bright students, residential colleges, small, flat, campuses). Whether Yale is worth the premium over Rice or any other of her full tuition options, time will tell. So far, out of all the the places she has visited, Rice and Davidson are the only ones she can really see herself at.

That said, I’m hoping that once she visits Yale (which she’d never seen) and has checked out some of her other options, things will become more clear.

@texasmissy I don’t know much about the actual program as my daughter is a chemistry major so when we visited St. Andrews we focused on the science buildings and programs, but St. A is a great town and we loved everything about the school and culture. For IR they really have a top in the world program. And the school is about 50/50 domestic vs international students, so you couldn’t ask for a more diverse population to hang out with.

Page 2000. Wow.

Get outside people. Go for a walk.

See you back here in 20 minutes.

@MotherOfDragons - Yale is on a different level price-wise as well ;); Rice gave D their highest merit ($28K/year with a $4K/year research scholarship and mentoring program. With a list price that’s nearly $10K less than Yale, Rice will end up being somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 the price. Yale gave her bupkis. Whether it’s worth the premium, time will tell. First she has to visit.

Both schools have some fundamental things in common that make them interesting to my D: happy, bright students; residential colleges; nicely-sized (neither are huge research institutions and both are undergraduate-focused); small, flat, self-contained campuses.

And yes, she is planning on studying art history/comparative literature/interdisciplinary humanities.

@dfbdfb - you’d be pleased to know that linguistics programs were a yardstick I used when I initially came out to CA in my mid-30s to start a PhD program in linguistics. I decided that I liked SoCal way more than I liked theoretical linguistics, and decided to switch gears to something I could actually earn a living in a place where I actually wanted to live, and I didn’t think that linguistics would easily provide that. I’m glad it has worked out for you! (What’s your area of interest?) And, BTW, belated congrats on the Muhlenberg decision!

oops - I double posted (but the second one was longer). Sorry, all. (I’m on a plane with sketchy WIFI)


We are on page 2000! <:-P <:-P =))

We are also in the land of Undecided. :((

On the Procrastination front,
Finally DS2 asked to go for a driving test and he passed! :smiley:
Just have to go to DMV to get the license.
He is working on fulfilling his 125 service hours during this break. 3 days 22 hours down. More to go!

On the Summation of the process:

Where did I hope she would attend? Zero answer here bc I didn’t really care where she went as long as She was happy with her choice. (Long and short of it is that creating the list with her meant that I was ok with any of them as long as she got the scholarships to make them affordable.)

Where did I think she would end up? UOk or maybe Fordham if she go their full tuition scholarship. (I thought the odds of Fordham’s scholarship was probably more likely than USCarolina’s)

Where did she want to go? From the beginning USCarolina is where she said she felt the most at home, but we never let her dwelll too much on it bc it was not going to make the final cut without the McNair.

Where is she going? USC bc she got the McNair.

@texasmissy I haven’t heard about the program, but that sounds interesting.

@payn4ward Yea! Congrats to your son, he must be so relieved!

@LoveTheBard, I’m a sociolinguist (trained at Penn, thus a variationist, but I’ve drifted into the heresy of using those methodologies on individual variation rather than community variation), and I’m also one of the few linguists who happily self-describes as a dialectologist.

Vaguely on topic: My D17 didn’t consider linguistics programs in her sifting of colleges to apply to. But then again, she’s a liberal arts college type, and with a few exceptions (Macalester, Carleton, Swarthmore, Bryn Mawr, Smith, Williams, Haverford, there’s a handful of others), and they’re mostly painfully high-end ones, linguistics isn’t dealth with beyond the bare basics at LACs.

Off topic- funny people’s perceptions of different colleges. My husband was talking to a colleague about colleges our daughter had been accepted to. He mentioned that she was accepted to Sarah Lawrence but it was NFW, the colleague said good riddance, what would she major in there anyway, feminism and cannabis??? Lol! =))

Congratulations @RightCoaster, @mtrosemom and @dfbdfb for being signed, sealed, and delivered!! @RightCoaster my daughter’s best friend was also at the NEU accepted student event last weekend and also committed while there. She was trying to decide between spending her 1st semester in London or Rome and chose Rome.

We just got back from Spring Break and D had her Georgetown acceptance waiting. She was happy to see it but thinks she may prefer Hopkins from her options to date. We are in the land of multiple decisions are coming this week. D is not even willing to commit to an accepted student day yet.

Adding my congrats to @RightCoaster & @mtrosemom! Great news & I can confess to being a bit jealous so many of our group have made decisions!! Must feel very good. We are still trying to sort out the schools to visit over April break maybe CMU & Rice (already revisited USC & GTech). Well at least this week we’ll know all the possibilities! Good luck to everyone waiting on more news. Should be a flurry of activity in a few days.

@dfbdfb @RightCoaster & @mtrosemom - congrats on the big decision.

I think we are down to two from nine, so getting closer. And I am pretty sure I know which school will win out. But I’m not saying anything until she commits.